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Obama's Townhall Deficit Performance: Video

CBS lives in the non-embeddable Stone Age, so click the poignant image of Obama to watch on Youtube.  Bloomberg has the details.

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Judge Blasts Government Opposition To Medical Marijuana

This is outstanding.  50 seconds of Peter Tosh truth.

Judge Andrew Napolitano - April 18, 2011

"What is baffling beyond belief is the amount of ardent opposition to Medical Marijuana use. It is a Godsend for those suffering from horrible diseases like Glaucoma and yet there are self righteous ignorant control freaks in the government who want to keep these people in perpetual pain."

Two must reads if you've not seen them:


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Matt Taibbi "Justice Department Has No Appetite To Take ANY Cases Against Wall Street Executives" (Spitzer, Cooper)

Video - Anderson Cooper, Eliot Spitzer, Matt Taibbi - April 14, 2011

Discussion of Goldman Sachs and Wall Street crime.  Taibbi begins at 3:00.  On Attorney General Eric Holder bringing charges against Goldman Sachs:

Cooper:  "Do you think the Justice Department will prosecute?"

Spitzer:  "If they don't, the Attorney General should resign."

Say what you will about Spitzer, I'm glad this is finally being said on national television.  The blogosphere knows Holder is useless, but it's about time the rest of America starts finding out.  Bravo.

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ATTENTION CONGRESS: CLOSE THE LOOPHOLE: Hedge Fund Manager John Paulson Earned $5 Billion In 2010, Paid Only 15% Tax


Video: Trichet Defends ECB Rate Hike, Fears Inflation

Video - April 18, 2011 - European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet on the Divine inspiration for the ECB's recent rate increase and how they are responding to inflation in the Euro Zone, including "second-round" effects.

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Matt Taibbi: Tax Cuts for the Rich on the Backs of the Middle Class; or, Paul Ryan Has Balls


Bill Moyers Essay: The Health Care Lobby

Truth and transparency of the highest order.

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CHART: Medicare Spending From 1980 Thru 2018

Whether or not Paul Ryan has discovered the correct solution, discussed inside, we think everyone can agree that something must be done.

A good place to start would be revisiting Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit.  As a result of this legislation, Medicare is unable to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies.  David Walker called it the single most fiscally irresponsible bill in the last 50 years of Congress.  And Walker is not prone to hyperbole..  You can thank Billy Tauzin for that particular gift to bankrupt future generations.

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So Bernanke, Who Got The Money?


The IRS: Way Worse Than You Think

Video - The Onerous Compliance Cost of the Internal Revenue Code

This is not an attack on the IRS, as much as a rebuke of Congress for the creation of such a Byzantine and complicated tax code.

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Greeenspan On Meet The Press: We're Cancelling Entitlement Programs That Never Existed

Quotes transcribed inside.

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C-Span Caller: "I'm not filing taxes, I want nothing to do with this criminal government, they can jump in a lake"


Full Text Of S&P U.S. Downgrade

The following is the text of Standard & Poor’s release of its decision to downgrade the ratings outlook on U.S. debt to 'negative'.

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James Grant Lectures Bernanke & Greenspan, Says "QE Is Nothing But Blatant Money Printing!"

Very first question from Tom Keene:

  • "Is Alan Greenspan a good guy or a bad guy in your economic pantheon?"

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