Welcome To Hell: Alberta Passes Carbon Tax, Who's Next?
John's latest update on corruption, greed and fraud in the clean energy sector.
Welcome To Hell: Carbon, Clintons and Corruption
GOP Fights To Block Carbon Tax
The nonbinding resolution, sponsored by Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), lists numerous problems with a carbon tax, declaring, “It is the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to American families and businesses, and is not in the best interest of the United States.” Numerous think tanks, including the R Street Institute and the Niskanen Center, have been pressuring GOP lawmakers to endorse a carbon tax. The American Enterprise Institute held closed-door meetings in 2012 to get additional groups on board with little success.
Carbon tax legislation, which the opposition estimates will increase household bills by $1000/year, has just been passed by the Alberta Legislature. The new legislation will raise the price of heating bills and gasoline as an incentive to turn to green energy sources. The carbon levy is to take effect Jan. 1. Gasoline at the pumps will rise by 4.49 cents a litre and diesel will go up 5.35 cents a litre
Alberta Farm Greenhouses Casualty Of New Carbon Tax
We know that purple fuel used by farmers will be exempt from the carbon tax but what about greenhouse producers who use natural gas to heat their greenhouses earlier in the season or late into the fall? This is Alberta. We have a short growing season and the best way for greenhouse producers to offset that unfortunate fact is the use of clean burning natural gas. Cooper’s amendment sought to level the playing field between different types of agricultural producers in Alberta.
The NDP shot Cooper’s amendment down like every other common sense measure that was brought forward to get in between these NDP destroyers and our money.
NDP MLA Thomas Dang offered the latest NDP excuse. He said natural gas is currently cheap so it’s ok to hike this huge operating expense for Alberta greenhouses.
What a remarkably stupid statement. Just because natural gas is cheap today doesn’t mean that it will always remain low nor does it mean that it’s a good idea to raise the cost of it by 50 to 75%.
Australia To Fine People For Using Sandbags To Prevent Erosion
There is a lot we could say, but for the moment, marvel at the government brain that bans unauthorized sandbags, but taxes people to stop the storms.
The Big-gov solution — fine residents a quarter of a million dollars if they use sandbags.
[The Australian] Families whose multi-million-dollar Sydney homes were last night beginning to break away in another king tide could have faced fines of up to $250,000 if they even used sand bags to try to protect their properties.
Houses at Collaroy have been under threat since at least 1974 but the council has failed to build a sea wall or pump sand on to the beach because of environmental concerns and a belief that it was spending public money for the benefit of private landholders.
Denmark Cancels All Offshore Wind
“Since 2012 when we reached the political agreement, the cost of our renewable policy has increased dramatically,” said Climate Minister Lars Christian Lilleholt, a Liberal Party politician representing the country’s minority government, according to Reuters.
The government would have had to pay $10.63 billion to buy electricity from the five wind farms — a price deemed too expensive for consumers who already face the highest electricity prices in Europe. Danes have paid billions in taxes and fees to support wind turbines, which has caused electricity prices to skyrocket even as the price of actual electricity has decreased. Now, green taxes make up 66 percent of Danish electricity bills. Only 15 percent of electricity bills went to energy generation.
Electricity prices have gotten so high, the government has decided to slash green taxes on consumer energy bills.
Massachusetts House Passes Bill Ordering Offshore Wind Contracts
STATE HOUSE — House lawmakers voted near unanimously on Wednesday to diversify the state’s state energy mix by requiring utilities to solicit and enter into long-term contracts for large-scale hydroelectric and offshore wind power as part of a strategy to reduce the state’s reliance on natural gas and meet its carbon emission reduction mandates.
The bill would require utilities to solicit contract proposals spanning 15 to 20 years for roughly 1,200 megawatts of hydropower and 1,200 megawatts of offshore wind energy, subject to state approval.
Gov. Charlie Baker has pushed the importation of large-scale hydropower from Canada as a reliable and cost-effective way to respond to the impending retirement of more than 10,000 megawatts of fossil fuel and nuclear power generation in the region.
Dong Energy, a Denmark-based developer with a federal offshore lease for wind development in the waters off Martha’s Vineyard, celebrated the bill’s passage: “This promising initial step will help create a viable offshore wind industry here in the Commonwealth, which will bring reliable, cost-effective clean energy to Massachusetts’ households and businesses.”
Associated Industries of Massachusetts, lamenting the strain that high energy prices already put on Bay State employers, wrote to lawmakers Wednesday urging them to “avoid passing an energy bill that will increase the burden that runaway electricity costs place on companies struggling to create economic opportunity in the commonwealth.”
AIM raised the prospect, based on its interpretation of a recent Supreme Judicial Court ruling on state emission reduction requirements, that the hydro and offshore wind power promised under the bill would not count toward reduction mandates because the power would likely come from Canada
Deepwater Wind is also free riding on Rhode Island’s ratepayers, who will end up paying vastly more than market rate for their wind power. Grybowski’s real accomplishment here is not the building of the wind farm, but rather that he got Rhode Islanders to pay so much for its output. Under the company’s 20-year agreement with Rhode Island’s regulated utility, National Grid , Deepwater Wind will receive 24.4 cents per kwh for all the power those turbines can generate. That’s more than twice the wholesale price that National Grid pays for electricity now. And a lot even for New Englanders used to paying 17 cents per kwh. The average American pays 10 cents.
Worse, the contract has a built-in price escalator of 3.5% per year. That means by the end of the 20 years National Grid will be paying Deepwater 50 cents for each windy kwh. While Deepwater would not comment on financial projections, FORBES calculates that if G.E. can keep those turbines in working order, the wind farm could generate $900 million for Deepwater Wind and its majority shareholder, D.E. Shaw & Co. Add in about $100 million in federal renewable energy investment tax credits and Deepwater Wind is looking at a juicy, unleveraged pretax return on the order of 7.5%. It is a legally guaranteed, risk-free money machine.
French Defense Company To Do Offshore Wind Work In Gulf of Maine
A French defense company that has been expanding in marine energy technology has become a partner in Maine Aqua Ventus, the University of Maine-led consortium working to develop a floating offshore wind farm.
DCNS Group has announced that it will help develop the project, which in May became one of three offshore wind proposals eligible for nearly $40 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy.
Maine Aqua Ventus wants to build a pilot, 12-megawatt floating offshore wind farm off Monhegan Island. The project is seen as a critical step toward creating large-scale wind farms in the Gulf of Maine that could bring a vast, new clean-energy resource to the Northeast.
UK Wind Energy Chief: Wind Not Strong Enough In UK
Hugh McNeal, chief executive of the wind industry’s trade body Renew-ableUK, no less, says onshore turbines in England do not add up because there is insufficient wind to keep them turning.
‘We are almost certainly not talking about the possibility of new plants in England,’ he says. McNeal twists his language like a turbine blade, but his punchline is plain enough: ‘The wind speeds don’t allow for it.’
His admission comes after a quarter-century of subsidy lavished on wind power. Remember David Cameron saying almost six years ago, soon after he became prime minister, that Britain could become the world leader in turbine construction.
Judge Approves Billion Dollar Loan To Bankrupt SunEdison
A St. Louis-based renewable-energy company has been approved for a loan that will help it operate through the bankruptcy process. A judge has cleared the way for SunEdison to access $1.3 billion. Bloomberg reports some of the money will fund a probe by creditors into the company's financial activities.
More SunEdison/Terraform Power News
Boston Mayor Goes to China For Climate Conference
The goal of the summit is to put cities at the forefront of the battle against climate change by working together to reduce greenhouse gases. The hope is that civic leaders can share strategies to limit carbon emissions, whether that be through a new fleet of electric buses in China or energy-efficient buildings in Boston.
“Cities can lead the way,” Walsh said at Beijing Capital International Airport after a nearly 14-hour flight that offered vistas of ice floating in Arctic Ocean. “Mayors and local municipal leaders don’t need to wait for Congress or legislators to act. We can do a lot without them.”
Boston To Host China In 2017 Climate Conference
I must admit I had never heard of either conference before reading the article above. The 2 day U.S. summit which just finished didn’t make it to the UNFCCC Calendar.
Perhaps there are so many climate conferences for our jetset climate heroes to attend, that only the major conferences make it to the UN list. Or perhaps the US/China conferences are on a different list.
Whatever the explanation, I’m sure the people of Boston appreciate Mayor Walsh’s altruistic dedication to attending and hosting international climate conferences, to help Boston map a path to a low carbon future. Mayor Walsh’s determination to maintain his climate principles, regardless of the cost, is also noteworthy.
For years energy experts have warned that New England would pay a price for wanting to use more and more natural gas for heating buildings and to replace dirty coal-fired power plants for producing electricity, while not making any investments in expanding gas pipelines.
Tuesday came shocking word of just how much that situation will cost in a matter of weeks, as National Grid, Massachusetts’s biggest utility, said it needs to seek a 37 percent rate hike for the six months beginning November 1.
Marty Walsh drawn into fed probe
Brissett arrest puts Marty on the defensive
Marty Walsh On Obama Speed Dial
Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s campaign isn’t sweating the optics of fundraising on union turf — despite his association with a federal probe of union strong-arm tactics — and he’s forging ahead with a breakfast Sunday May 22 at the IBEW Local 103 hall in Dorchester that’s expected to draw 1,000 people.
Judges Says Clinton Tied Solar Company Owes $3.1 Million To Fraud Victims
Sophisticated solar-power scammers with ties to former President Bill Clinton’s administration were ordered by a judge to pay $3.1 million for fraud last month. Instead of paying up, they brought on high powered lawyers and filed an appeal.
Matinee Energy was ordered to pay after a complex four-year long legal battle over milking investors and pocketing the proceeds. In reality, Matinee had no major financial backing, no land, no construction permits, no way to transport its power to the grid and no customers for any power it generated.
The solar company is even using the money it owes victims to file the appeal, according to an investigation published Monday by the Phoenix New Times.
The most prominent figure in the Matinee scam was Korean attorney Tong Soo Chung, who served as a”political appointee in the Clinton administration” from 1994 to 2001, according to his profile in Bloomberg Business. Chung was the head of three U.S. Department of Commerce trade programs in the International Trade Administration, including deputy assistant secretary for Service Industries and Finance, director of the Advocacy Center, and the director of the Office of Trade Promotion Coordination.
He served as a political appointee in the Clinton Administration, working as a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Service Industries and Finance (2000-2001), Director of the Advocacy Center (1995-2000) and the Director of the Office of Trade Promotion Coordination (1994-1995), all in the International Trade Administration of the United Sates Department of Commerce. He assisted U.S. companies seeking to export their products and services and to win orders and projects overseas.
Hillary Clintons Brother Raised Chinese Cash For McAuliff Green Car Venture
Blanco told POLITICO that while Rodham was listed as president and CEO, he appeared to have little day-to-day involvement in the firm. His principal role was recruiting investors for Gulf Coast’s main client, GreenTech Automotive, a start-up automotive company linked to Terry McAuliffe, now Virginia’s governor. Both Gulf Coast and GreenTech are owned by Virginia businessman Xiaolin Charles Wang, who brought on partners with deep Democratic Party political connections as he tried to get the business going.
120 Clinton Foundation Donors Fund McAuliffe Campaign
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who is reportedly at the center of a Justice Department investigation for campaign finance violations he received from a Clinton Foundation donor, received more than $13 million from 120 other donors who also gave to the Clinton charity.Clinton Green Corruption Connections (Must Read and packed with tons of info.).
These 3,200 commitments ("stuff") include tons of climate change (green energy) projects on the docket, of which, in just looking at the beginning of the alphabet (see list below), are hardly charity. They are more like activism, with numerous [entities] that are either spearheaded by Clinton-Obama green cronies or they are part of the deals.
- $100 Million Investment in Latin America's Renewable Energy
- 'COyou2 - Reduce and Gain' Program
- 'Feed-Out' Funding Program For Sustainable Energy
- 'Fossil Free by 33' campaign
- 1 Billion Lives Impacted by Sustainable Banking by 2020
- 1,000 Congregations for Climate
- 20mtCO2 reduced by 2020
- 40 Million Gallon Per Year Biodiesel Plant
- A Billion Acts of Green - Renewable Energy for All
- A Carbon Neutral CGI through Win-Win Forest Projects
- A New Green Economy: Investing in Urban Opportunities
- ABN AMRO Renewable Energy Fund
- Accelerating Clean Energy Technology Development
- Achieving Necessary Federal Climate Policy
- Action to Accelerate Recycling
- Activating a Diverse Alliance of Youth Climate Leaders
- Activating High School Students to Stop Climate Change
- Addressing Deforestation in the Developing World
- Advancing Clean Energy and Businesses in the South
- Advancing Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
- Advancing Women as Environmental Leaders in Nicaragua
- Advocating for 'Greener' Food
- Affordable and Green Homes for Developing Nations
- Afforestation Environmental Project (10 Million Saplings)
- Alternative Energy and Climate Change Projects
- AmeriCorps Sustainable Environment Local Food Project
- Anam New City: An African Model For Sustainable Development
- Athletes for the Earth
- Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future
- Awareness of Global Warming's Impact on Agriculture
Hillary Clinton's Climate Plan: Cronyism Gone Wild
Head Of Police Union Charged in Corruption Probe
Norman Seabrook, the longtime president of the Correction Officers' Benevolent Association, and businessman Murray Huberfeld were charged with fraud and conspiracy, according to a criminal complaint unsealed on Wednesday.
The charges stem from an investment of $20 million of union money that Seabrook made in 2014 in New York-based Platinum Partners in exchange for bribe payments from Huberfeld, who had worked at the firm.
In April, Reuters reported Seabrook had invested union funds in Platinum, a mid-sized firm with a history of buying into controversial businesses, including two energy companies that are facing criminal charges.

Man Sentenced To 1 Year For Swindling $9 Million From Government Stimulus Solar Program
A former Connecticut man who pleaded guilty to fraudulently obtaining more than $9 million from a federal economic stimulus program intended for alternate energy projects has been sentenced to more than a year in prison.
Electricity Market News:
Dynegy Bill Would Integrate All of Illinois into PJM (MISO-PJM)
Give Illinois, Not Excelon A Rescue Plan
Texas Pays More In Deregulated Market (ERCOT)
Feds Approve CASIO Tariff Changes For DER Aggregation
ISO-NE Were Competative In The Wholesale And Retail Markets In 2016
Last week:
EPA Gave Convicted Climate Expert Salary Awards AFTER He Defrauded Agency
Reader Comments (13)
Yesterday Rachel Notley introduced a new massive carbon tax in Alberta, that will take effect on January 1st. I’ll walk you through some of it. It’s over a hundred pages.
They don’t even pretend that it’s about global warming. Yes, the law is called the “Climate Leadership Implementation Act”. But we submitted an access to information request, asking for any environmental studies showing the effect this tax will have on the world’s climate.
They have no such studies.
Oh, and why does this law talk about hiring “undercover officers”? Who can, it says, come into any building, office, store, garage, farm, whatever. Inspect anything, look for anything, take any document, use your computer. No search warrant.
I've inserted the entire bill below, so you can read it yourself.
The word "levy" appears 260 times. "Tax" appears another 55 times. "Warrant," as in a search warrant — 15 times. "Search", eight times. "Seize", three times.
"Prison" or "imprisonment" is in there 15 times. "Fine" is in there 19 times.
"Jobs" — yeah. Zero times.
U.S. Senators Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) have introduced legislation that would spur the growth of offshore wind energy in America.
The Offshore Wind Incentives for New Development (WIND) Act would extend the 30% Investment Tax Credit for offshore wind through 2025.
Last year’s omnibus bill extended the Production Tax Credit (PTC) and Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for wind until 2019, but because offshore energy development requires longer planning and permitting times, the Department of Energy has found that no offshore wind projects are projected to be able to qualify for these tax credits before they expire.
Other Senators co-sponsoring the legislation are: Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), and Kristen Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).
In April, Senators Markey and Whitehouse led a group of Democratic Senators in calling on Senate leadership to extend tax programs to help spur the development of offshore wind energy.
A copy of the Offshore WIND Act can be found here.
In connection with the above, The banks needs more bailouts and thus, the current tax will be part and parcel part of the next bailout, which will literally wipe out whats left of the good folks in Alberta. Why not put up more Flaming Wind Turbines to burn down the rest of the Province.
There is a dirty little secret in the green industry, Most of the big investors are or have ties to oil concerns and high ranking politicians/banks.
You may have heard about a company named SunEdison (who purchased First Wind) and their Yieldco's. TERP and GLBL.
Here is a bit of info:
Please note the names of the recent insider activity (at TERP) of the 13d group and note their names.
Then look up Wildhorse Resources and Memorial Resources.
Lot's of stalking horses out there leveraging Oil/Gas/Mineral/water rights under the auspices of wind energy, especially in the offshore wind sector (and solar in certain areas along with broadband too).
ENRON 2.0.
Philip Hempleman decreased its stake in Abengoa Yield Plc (NASDAQ:ABY) by 30.18% based on its latest 2016Q1 regulatory filing with the SEC. Ardsley Advisory Partners sold 408,900 shares as the company’s stock declined 4.51% while stock markets rallied. The hedge fund run by Philip Hempleman held 946,100 shares of the central company at the end of 2016Q1, valued at $16.82 million, down from 1.36 million at the end of the previous reported quarter. Ardsley Advisory Partners who had been investing in Abengoa Yield Plc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $1.70B market cap company. The stock decreased 4.15% or $0.74 on June 10, hitting $17.1. About 359,271 shares traded hands. Atlantica Yield PLC (NASDAQ:ABY) has declined 17.03% since November 4, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 17.30% the S&P500.
Spain - 27% decline in Abengoa's biofuel sales
Trouble-hit conglomerate Abengoa reported lower revenues from its biofuels business, comprising production facilities in Europe, the US and Brazil (mainly ethanol).
You may have noticed I am including a lot of material from our friends in the north and the reason is two-fold. We do have transmission interconnection points with Canada (and Mexico) with new ones in the works. These have regulatory, financial and reliability impacts on both sides of the border. There are already pretty serious issues with NAFTA and the Canadians are none to happy about it. I feel that it is necessary to keep readers up to date on what is happening in the energy sector on both sides.
I also like to bring up items happening in the EU, Australia, Africa etc.. We all have been bullshitted by TPTB and pissed away trillions of dollars to line the pockets of a criminal class. I suppose my job is to bring it to light as best I can.
As far as the bones thingy, I dare them! Think Shakespeare's headstone.
When alternative energy company SunEdison filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in April, its subsidiary TerraForm Power, which owns Sheffield Wind Farm, promptly issued a press release stating that its assets are safe and will continue to operate “uninterrupted.”
But some of those most familiar with the state’s wind-energy landscape are skeptical that TerraForm can keep it going.
“If you look up SunEdison and TerraForm Power, you can read all these stories about the intertwining of the companies and how one way or another, TerraForm’s assets are getting brought into the SunEdison Bankruptcy,” said Annette Smith, a prominent wind power critic.
Smith is not the only one with doubts.
“If debt is hastened, the company will face severe problems regarding cash,” Forbes.com reported last month. Restricted cash flow could put a damper on the company’s ability to continue operating more than 500 renewable energy projects around the world. This includes the 16-turbine, 40-megawatt project in Sheffield Vermont, which has been hampered by mechanical woes that predate the parent company’s financial hardship.
Rob Pforzheimer, a Sutton resident living near Sheffield Wind who has led community resistance against it since even before the project’s 2006 Public Service Board hearings, recalled some of First Wind’s history for Watchdog. He said that First Wind changed its name after developing a suspect reputation in Maine.
“Before they were First Wind, they were called UPC Wind Management,” said Pforheimer. “They had lots of projects in Maine, and they were really heavy-handed in getting those done.”
Watchdog contacted both SunEdison and TerraForm seeking comment for this story. SunEdison did not respond. A TerraForm spokesperson would not answer any questions, and referred Watchdog to the company’s prepared statement.
East Coast states want to tax drivers’ travel, not their gas
-Mike Noble