Wall Street Tool Mitt Romney Is A Cold-Blooded Bastard To 80-lb Medical Marijuana Patient In Wheelchair
Mitt Romney talks with a medical marijuana patient.
Dr. Ron Paul talks with the same patient - Start watching at 1:05.
PLEASE WATCH THIS: Ron Paul Embarrasses Romney In Front Of Millions
Reader Comments (25)
He is a filthy coward Draft Dodger, and so are his FIVE sons....... not ONE ever DEFENDED America.
They are RICH ----- You POOR People should go die, while THEY get TAX CUTS.
that being said, i am not in favor of romney anyway.
CHICKENHAWKS from stem to stern.
Hello from the UK. I hope you guys save your country, we're all f*cked if you don't.
Buy a Ron Paul t-shirt. Wear it everywhere. When people see smart, freethinking hipsters like ourselves ;o) supporting the good doctor, they'll think it's cool. Because it is. I just got some pretty sweet Ron Paul t-shirts and bumper stickers. I'm loud and I'm proud!
Viva la rEVOLcion!!
Now we compete with corporations for the "favors" of our elected officials.
The form of government we live in is a corporate plutocracy it is not a democratic republic. Brings to mind what Franklin said
"Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic, if you can keep it."
Ron Paul, outstanding as usual.
Democrats For Ron Paul!
Amazing stupidity here in the USA!
George Freund raises some questions that we should be asking ourselves.
If you are using your head, you will have seen a pattern developing over the last decade or so. It goes back a lot further than a decade in reality, but it's the last decade in particular which highlights the extreme changes taking place this minute. The nucleus of all the current wars and financial strife is 911. On the day of 911 there was a coup de tat within the government of the US. It was a takeover by the financial oligarchs of Wall Street. 911 is the primary political event of our time and quite probably human history.
The two party system in the US is dead. An alternative must be created and can be created. This is to say there is hope. Out of all of this tyranny there exists real hope. A new revolution. The United Front Against Austerity. I urge you to consider his very real driving grass roots effort to rid our planet of the criminal bankers that govern all of us.