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Dramatic New Video Of Japan Tsunami

It starts off slow but the absolute horror of the Tsunami wiping away the town is captured in full as the video progresses.  Entitled “South Sanriku - Tsunami seen from Shizugawa High School,” it’s shot from high ground, and toward the end you will see residents running for their lives.

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Ron Paul: "The Best Income Tax Rate Is 0%"

On bailouts and corporate welfare:

  • "The corporations benefit, the people get the crumbs."

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Tom Petrie: Go Short Oil, Demand Destruction Is Here

Video - Tom Petrie with Erin Burnett - April 20, 2011

Just back from a trip to the middle east, Tom Petrie, Bank of America Merrill Lynch vice chairman, with his perspective on the future price of oil, and impact of global supply and demand.

Full Disclosure: I worked with Tom Petrie on Wall Street in 1990-91.  Smart and connected, now with over 4 decades of experience, and more time spent on a rig than any other analyst.  Ran his own firm based out of Denver for a long, long time - Petrie Parkman.  If you're long, look to exit on any spike.

$6 Gas? Could Happen if Dollar Keeps Getting Weaker

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Fine Gael Is A Joke: Max Keiser Talks Revolution And Burning Bank Bondholders Straight To The Irish People

Video - Max Keiser on Tonight With Vincent Browne (Pt. 1 of 5) - April 14, 2011

Max Keiser brought his anti-bankster revolution to Irish television last week.  Two amazing things about this: a) Max got to bring his message, live, to a national, mainstream audience, and b) Max and the other panelists spent the entire hour talking about how to burn bank bondholders.  Better yet, by the end of the show, just about everyone, including the host, agreed -- Fine Gael is a joke and Ireland has no choice but to let the banks and their bondholders take their medicine.  Great stuff.  Several more clips inside.

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Dylan Ratigan: The Wall Street Heist Of 2010 - The Biggest Bank Robbery In The History Of The World

Ken Lewis says 'thanks for the bonus billions, suckers.'

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Bernanke May Avoid ‘Cold Turkey’ End to Stimulus, Apple Crushes Earnings, Gold Breaks $1500, Chart Of Tax Rates For 400 Richest, GE's Immelt Faces Jobs Scrutiny (LINKS)


Matt Taibbi On Washington's "Shadow Budget" That Exists To Benefit Wall Street (Grazie Bernanke)

Video - Matt Taibbi with Cenk - April, 15, 2010

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U.S. Debt Default Would Not Be The End Of The World


Dennis Kucinich With Alyona: Tax Reform Needed

Alyona Minkovski with Dennis Kucinich - April 18, 2011

Video - Text from Youtube - The IRS released data that tracked the tax returns of the 400 highest gross incomes.  In '95, the richest 400 Americans paid on average, about 30% of their income in federal taxes and their combined wealth was just over 6 billion dollars in '95, and by 2007 it was almost 23 billion.  Thanks to the loopholes and breaks within our system, 45% of US households will pay no federal income tax this year.  How do we fix this clearly broken system?  U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio weighs in.

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Thomas Paine: An Open Letter To President Obama

This actor is convincing and extremely popular on Youtube.  His video on the stimulus has 4 million views.  I take issue with some of his beliefs (not really discussed in this clip but in others I've seen), but he understands the bailouts, which is nice.  We say it all the time (cuz we only post great stuff), but this clip is outstanding.

  • "Bailing out failure and taxing success."

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CHART: Gold Sets Another Record High


James Grant: Bernanke's Easy Money Party Will Leave A Hangover For Speculators

Video - Jim Grant with Consuelo Mack - April 17, 2011

The interview begins at the 3:50 mark.  Regarding inflation, MIT's Billion Prices Project is mentioned which we first highlighted last week.

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OUTRAGE: Taxpayer Funded Job Center Spent Tens Of Thousands On Superhero Capes For The Unemployed

Before you do anything else watch this video that your tax dollars helped pay for...

WCF or Workforce Central Florida gets $24 million annually from federal taxpayers and accomplishes virtually nothing based on their own statistics.

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Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came To Rule The World (William Cohan)

Video - (Bloomberg) -- William Cohan, author of "House of Cards" and a Bloomberg Television contributing editor, talks about his new book, “Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World,” which chronicles the history of Goldman Sachs.

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