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Matt Taibbi "Justice Department Has No Appetite To Take ANY Cases Against Wall Street Executives" (Spitzer, Cooper)

Video - Anderson Cooper, Eliot Spitzer, Matt Taibbi - April 14, 2011

Discussion of Goldman Sachs and Wall Street crime.  Taibbi begins at 3:00.  On Attorney General Eric Holder bringing charges against Goldman Sachs:

Cooper:  "Do you think the Justice Department will prosecute?"

Spitzer:  "If they don't, the Attorney General should resign."




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Reader Comments (9)

Dogs rarely turn on their owners.
Apr 15, 2011 at 2:12 PM | Unregistered Commenterj r
Cooper: "Do you think the Justice Department will prosecute?"

Spitzer: "If they don't, shame on them. If they don't, the Attorney General should resign."

Say what you will about Spitzer, I'm glad this is finally being said on national television. The blogosphere knows Holder is useless, but it's about time the rest of America starts finding out. Bravo.
Apr 15, 2011 at 2:14 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
This is a real yuk. Gee, I just can't figure out why government officials, who are owned and controlled by bankers, can't figure out any way to prosecute those same bankers. Can you?
Apr 15, 2011 at 2:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterBig M
It's a Wall Street government...
Apr 15, 2011 at 2:35 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Holder's another sack of sh** - Remember Holder's too busy instructing the banks on what law firm and what lawyer to use to fight Wikileak's to do anything against his criminal bosses - Ditto DB It's a Wall St. Govt. and it got even worse starting with clinton signing off on Glass Steagall and far worse with obama then it's been ever in my lifetime we can thank the democrats for bringing back usury in the 1980's too that chris dodd was a real paid off pig for years his legislation was laughable he gave them plenty of time to up the fees and only did as much as he did in an attempt to stay on the public dole he got friend's of Angelo Countrywide loans he should have been prosecuted -

You know what's really funny is how they play people some people on the right defend those banks thinking they were forced to make all those crappy loans and some people on the left think obama's against the banksters - suckers if the ones on the right defending them realized how the TBTF banks (who like life long democrat Lloyd Blankfein have been donating to obama for years)were allowed to wipe out their competition (the smaller banks) and the ones on the left bothered to see how long obama had been paid off they would realize they had a common enemy.

Even mainstream writers know the idea they would face prosecution is laughable...

"The ambition of the Levin-Coburn report is laudable, and Levin's frustration with the bankers is wholly understandable. But no one should hold their breath waiting for the guys* at Goldman to be indicted."


Some people tried to warn liberals about obama before the election he voted to screw people further with the change in the bankruptcy laws but they were shouted down as racist they got what they deserved but the rest of us who knew better have to take it in the rear right along with them.

Obama's Money Cartel


PUNDIT ALERT! Obama and Predatory Credit Card Interest Rates



Apr 15, 2011 at 4:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterLiberatedCitizen
Obama: 'American people will feel that I deserve a second term'


Apr 15, 2011 at 11:07 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
This is more like it...

Charges against former Iceland PM expected soon



The Althingi prosecutor says charges against former Icelandic Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde are nearly ready and will be put to the court trying him for negligence in the banking crisis “very soon”.
Apr 15, 2011 at 11:51 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
thanks for the links John and LC...
Apr 16, 2011 at 8:14 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
When is our President going to "weigh in" on all this crap that is happening under "his watch." Oh, I know, he will come out with some of his "double speak" --- his "denial" in this matter stinks. His own people in his appointments to office in his "turn" to lead this nation are his responsibility to bring to justice.....send orders to the justice department to get off their butts and start litigation on all these "scum-bags" that happen to be top officers in the banks, and government positions, that are obviously doing so much illegal activity. Mr. President, if as Commander in Chief of this country you can't get whoever is to "go after" all these criminals (and I know they are innocent til proven guilty).....but if we don't start proving them guilty and putting their butts behind bars for a very long long time.....we are just "setting ourselves up" for on going havoc.

And I would send these guys into the "hardened criminals" prisons.....let the "in house" homosexuals have their way with these guys.....and see just how they would "fair" in such a climate. We send the "little guys" into such prisons all the time....if we start sending some of the"white collar" criminals there, I BET SOME ON THE OUTSIDE MIGHT BEGIN TO SEE WHAT THEY FACE FOR ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, AND CLEAN UP SOME OF THEIR UNDERHANDED DEALING.
Apr 17, 2011 at 8:39 AM | Unregistered CommenterJack F. Sneed

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