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Best Line About Goldman Sachs Overheard at Davos

As former Goldman vice chairman and current Under Secretary of State Robert Hormats grabbed a beer, someone shouted over the din:

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DAVOS: Bartiromo Talks With Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit (VIDEO)

Video:  Maria Bartiromo with Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit -- January 29, 2010

Pandit doesn't mention his own hedge fund sold to Citigroup back in 2006.  If memory serves, he pocketed $800 million and 12 months later the fund was shuttered for a total loss.  In other words, taxpayers essentially paid for Citi's ridiculous purchase, and Pandit took home almost a billion dollars.

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DAVOS: Maria Bartiromo with Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan (VIDEO)

Video:  Maria Bartiromo with Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan -- January 29

There's nothing too special about this very short clip, other than it shows Maria that is about as stupid on camera as Palin has been recently.

Big surprise:  Moynihan wants no limits on size.

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Sparring Over The Deficit: Obama Vs. Hensarling (VIDEO)

Video:  CNBC crew discusses the spat between Obama and Rep. Jeb Hensarling earlier this morning at the GOP retreat in Baltimore -- January 29, 2010

The actual footage of the exchange begins at the 1-minute mark.  Entertaining.

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Andrew Sorkin Reports From Davos Bank Party (VIDEO)

Video:  Andrew Ross Sorkin reports from the international banking party in Davos -- January 29, 2010

Bank CEOs are already fighting back against new regulations; leverage caps are being discussed.  Short clip.

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Instead Of Prison, Bernanke Given New Term As Fed Overlord (VIDEO)

"Ben Bernanke just received 4 more years as your Federal Reserve chief.  The Senate confirming him by a vote of 70-30.  After providing cheap money for years, inflating the housing bubble and then delivering an infinte suppy of money after the collapse that recapitalized Wall Street while depriving America of trillions of dollars in investment, your U.S. Senate believes HE'S THE BEST MAN to run the Federal Reserve for the next 4 years...the biggest and most powerful and most secretive bank in the world, the Federal Reserve."

Updated with a few extra clips inside.

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Watch LIVE VIDEO: The New York Fed, AIG Cover-Up Hearings (Geithner, Paulson, Baxter, Barofsky & Friedman, LIVE BLOGGING)


Issa, Bunning Demand Subpoenas For Fed's AIG Documents


Larry Kudlow Annihilates Bernanke; Bunning Goes FED Headhunting (VIDEO)

Video:  Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) with CNBC's Larry Kudlow -- January 25, 2010


Did Bernanke promise a Fed Quid Pro Quo?  Kudlow gets aggresive.

For the first 3 or 4 minutes, Kudlow torches Bernanke.  Yes, Larry sucks on the teet of the Street, and he supported TARP, but he's right on Bernanke.  He wants to know if Bernanke caved to Reid and promised to keep rates low for an extended period, and perhaps even extend the $1.25 trillion MBS purchase sideshow.

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Ratigan With Bernie Sanders: With Bernanke & The Fed, Just Follow The Money (VIDEO)


Rep. Jan Schakowsky Tells Ratigan: "I Moved My Money From A TARP Bank To a Community Bank" (VIDEO)

Video:  Rep. Jan Schakowsky with Dylan Ratigan -- January 26, 2010

For the record, her TARP bank was Bank of America.

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Timmy Called To Principal Issa's Office

It would be a waste of brain space even to attempt to hide how much I love this story. 

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TARP Inspector Barofsky Announces Formal Investigation of NY Fed 'Misconduct' In Secretive AIG Bailout

This is really starting to get interesting.  Not one, but two formal investigations into possible New York Fed 'misconduct' were announced late Monday night by TARP Inspector General Neil Barofsky, who will testify along with Tim Geithner on Wednesday before the House Oversight committee headed by Towns and Issa.

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Bernanke Vote Update: Durbin 'Yes'; McCain 'No' (VIDEO)

Video: Senators John McCain and Dick Durbin discuss Ben Bernanke's confirmation vote on CBS Face the Nation -- January 24, 2010

Partial transcript, quotes, links and statements from both are inside.  We also have an updated tally on the 'Bernanke vote status' of all 100 Senators.

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