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NBC Reporter & Wife of Alan Greenspan, Andrea Mitchell Shills For Bernanke (VIDEO)


Chris Whalen: Obama 'Overly Optimistic' On Bernanke Vote; Sources Say Confirmation 'Far From' Assured (VIDEO)

Chris Whalen just sent this note by email.

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Keith Olbermann: "Freedom of Speech Has Been Destroyed; The U.S. Government Is Now For Sale" (Video, Transcript, And Counter Factual)

Video:  Olbermann on the Supreme Court's Campaign Finance Ruling -- January 21

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Ready to Spend, but Not to Boast: Wall Street Bankers Splurging On Bentleys, But Keeping Quiet


UPDATE: Senate Vote Count on Bernanke Confirmation


Bernanke Vote: The Good, the Bad and the Disappeared (list – 38 Senators are COMPLETELY AWOL!)


We Want Smaller Government: An Open Letter To ALL Politicians (Video)

Slick, well produced clip (last 90 seconds are impressive) that is unfortunately only half-correct.  I don't think it comes from the RNC, but it might as well have been produced by Michael Steele.

Once again and for the record, the Republican party lost their claim as the party of small government based on their truly disgusting spending record from 2000 through 2008.  It very much still remains to be seen whether they will deviate from recent history and actually deliver smaller government if they re-assume House leadership this Fall from Pelosi and her useless crew.  And yes, for the record, Democrats also have an abominable record when it comes to irresponsible deficit spending.

Forced to guess, I would say the answer is 'no' -- they will not shrink the federal government in any meaningful manner.  In that sense, this clip should have been aimed at both parties instead of solely at Democrats.  Regardless, I think the small government message is important to promote. 

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Rockin' Bernanke's World: Friday Night Political Comedy With Jibjab (MUST SEE VIDEOS)

Video:  JibJab presents "This Land Is Your Land" (song)

President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry star in the political animation parody that was seen on every continent (including Antarctica), it even played on the International Space Station.


I watched approximately 30 Jibjab animated political clips tonight and chose the best 8 to present here.  They are all very short, running between 30 seconds and 2 minutes each.  I am putting perhaps the most famous clip here on the front page to give you an idea of their content.  I made an effort to include clips that make fun of both parties, so neither side will feel slighted.

These are extremely professional, well produced videos that you'll probably want to share with friends, which is why I took the time to include only the absolute best.  Definitely no miss.

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Janet Tavakoli: Show Bernanke and Geithner the Door


Oh Glorious Vengeance: Multiple Sources Report Bernanke's Confirmation Now 'In Doubt'

It was just 24 hours ago that we learned 'The Monetizer' would be denied his planned Friday confirmation.  No mention of any difficulty securing 'yea' votes by Reid, just vague language about scheduling issues.

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INDEPENDENT NATION: In Last Election Cycle Voters Changed Party, NOT Ideology

Republicrat photos plus an outstanding editorial inside.

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Schumer Says Bernanke Vote Will Not Happen Friday


Keith Olbermann Responds To Accusations He Smeared Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown (VIDEO)

Video:  Olbermann responds to critics who claim he smeared Scott Brown in calling him a racist, homophobic teabagger -- January 20, 2010


See the Olbermann video that sparked the outrage  >>


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Obama Discusses The Message Of Massachusetts, Healthcare Reform, Bailouts & Voter Anger

ABC Video: Obama interview with George Stephanopoulos -- January 20, 2010

Transcript is inside.

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