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KC Fed President Thomas Hoenig Calls For Break-Up Of Mega-Banks, Attacks Wall Street (Audio & Transcript)

Audio:  Huffington Post interview with Thomas M. Hoenig, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, conducted April 2 by Shahien Nasiripour.

Transcript and links are inside.

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Bernanke Feels The Heat: Maiden Lane Asset Disclosure Reveals Truth In Bailout Farce

Forty cents on the dollar, and that's stretching it. 

For Fed clowns Bernanke and Geithner, transparency is not unlike sandpaper to their nut sack.   When the crisis began with Bear Stearns in March of '08, Bernanke and Geithner likely never imagined they would be eventually forced to disclose the details of their dirty work.  Yesterday was a victory for the good guys, but that doesn't mean you're going to like what you read.

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Jim Chanos -- Brilliant Lecture On The China Bubble (Video)

Video:  Chanos on China -- February 2010

Bullet points are inside.

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Bill Moyers & Gretchen Morgenson On Health Care And Financial Reform (Video & Transcript)

PBS Video:  Morgenson with Moyers -- March 26, 2010

Excellent discussion from last Friday's program.  Includes a 2nd clip with Moyers' commentary on reform vs. reformation.

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Spring Break Is Over...Did I Miss Anything?

I took 2 weeks off last Spring for sanity and decided to do the same this year.  Sorry for not alerting regulars (and email and rss subscribers) to my layoff, but once I step away the rule is 'no site visitation under any circumstances.'  These 2 weeks along with a week at Christmas are the 2 times per year when I step away from the interweb.  Played golf a bunch, went to the gym 5 or 6 days and dropped rainbow 3-pointers on America's youth, went fishing twice, found a friendly Chocolate Lab on the street at midnight in the rain (no collar), took him in and found his owners a few days later.  His name was Buster.  Worked in the yard and drank some beer.

Otherwise, my decompression failed. 

I can't believe we gave insurance companies 32 million additional customers and allowed their state monopolies to remain intact. 

The MSM needs to stop generalizing.  I think we need a group called 'tea for non-racists opposed to deficits and growth in government.'  We're not all the same.  Stop treating us as such.

Republicans are now locked in a love embrace with Wall Street.  The Luntz Doctrine and related talking points have become de facto strategy.  The Senate bill, if there is one, will be weak.  'Too Big To Fail' is not being addressed.  Limits on leverage are absent.  And there is no meaningful regulation of credit-derivatives.

I haven't read emails or comments since March 16th and will slowly get through everything in the next few days.  Hope everyone survived and none of you were arrested in DC or Michigan.  Posting should return to normal over the next day or so.

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Lehman's False Accounting Was Known By SEC and NY Fed Regulators -- Yet They Did Nothing

(L to R) Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies while SEC Chairman Christopher Cox Under Secretary of Treasury for Finance, Robert Steele and President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Timothy Geithner listen during a Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee hearing on Capitol Hill April 3, 2008 in Washington DC. Bernanke defended the Feds moves to prevent the failure of Bear Stearns investment bank, saying that its failure could have dealt the U.S. and world economy serious damage.


At most times there were at least a dozen regulators from the SEC and New York Federal Reserve stationed within Lehman Brothers, with unfettered access to Lehman's financials including the Repo 105 transactons.  And they were tipped by a whistleblower.  Yet they said nothing.

Hello, Mr. Geithner.  Yes, I'm here to deliver another nail for your coffin.

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TIME TO CALL NANCY @ 202-225-4965: Pelosi's New Tactic -- House may try to pass Senate health care bill without voting on it

Forget reconciliation.  Pelosi doesn't have enough votes for that bit of malfeasance.  The latest procedural scam to help pass a health bill that neither Conservatives nor Liberals support (nor the American people), is the self-executing rule.  And get this: Nancy prefers this option because it will allow members to support the legislation without actually voting for it. 

This is not a fu*king joke.  It's an abomination.  Nothing less than a direct assault on our Democratic process.  Help us make her life miserable by calling her office and telling her legislative aides exactly how you feel.  Share this story with friends and ask them to call.  Give 5 minutes of your time and pass it on.

Pelosi's congressional office # 202-225-4965

Pelosi's San Fran district office # 415-556-4862

You can send your thoughts to Nancy by email HERE  >>

Details, links, story, and video are inside.

UPDATE:  New video and article added with Democratic response.

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Newest Health Care Whip Count: 190 Yes, 206 No (205-209 with leaners)


Tuesday Links (March 16, 2010)


If The Bankers Hate It, I Like It

It's obvious why credit card companies and banks don't want a new, powerful, centralized regulator: they have already captured the regulators at the seven (yes 7) existing bureaucracies who exert some control over their blatant bloodsucking of the American people.  Elizabeth Warren scares the living shit out of all of them, and they are doing whatever they can to stop her and the CFPA.

Witness this new website I found last night:

Stop The CFPA

The bastard banking lobby must die.

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As Budget Deficit Hits Record High, Interest On US Public Debt Hits Record Low (ZERO HEDGE)


USA Today's Historical Tax Calculator: A look back at tax rates and federal spending


Rep. Paul Ryan Offers An Alternative To Obamacare


Sunday Night Links (18 Articles -- March 14, 2010)