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Ron Paul At The SRLC: "We Can Do Better With Peace Than With War" (VIDEO)

Video:  Excerpts from Dr. Paul's speech Saturday at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference -- April 10, 2010

Paul begins speaking at the 55-second mark.  Runs 2 minutes.

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Sunday Night Links (15 Articles, April 11, 2010)


The Call Tim Geithner Didn’t Make While His New York Fed Watched Over Citigroup (ProPublica Reports)

Tim Geithner

Chalk up another failure at the hands of then NY Fed President Tim Geithner.

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The Little Dictator: Bernanke On Gilligan's Island (Comedy)

Video:  Gilligan's Island The Little Dictator -- Season 2, Episode 3


Just a bit of mindless Saturday morning entertainment.  The full episode is pretty funny if you have the time.  If not, start watching at the 6 minute mark for Bernanke's lessons on the finer points of central banking.  Seriously.  You'll enjoy it.  Bernanke's cameo runs approximately 1 minute.

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Of Bailouts, Bonuses, and Generational Responsibility


Attention Federal Prosecutors: Did Citigroup Executives Illegally Conceal Their True Subprime Exposure? (Prince, Rubin Video)

Yesterday we covered Greenspan's testimony before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, which you can read here, here, here and here.  Today it's Robert Rubin and former Citigroup CEO Chuck Prince.

Prince is one of the few who has apologized directly for his role in the failure of Citi, and he repeated his apology in testimony today.  But that's merely a distraction from the important revelation that Citiroup lied to shareholders about it's subprime exposure.  Seriously, Mary Schapiro, wtf do you do all day at the SEC besides scheme to get Mark Cuban?!?

When you tell the Street your exposure is $13 billion, and it's really more than $50 billion, then your arse deserves to sit in prison and be dressed in inmate orange. 

Are there any federal prosecutors even paying attention?!?

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His Name Is Congressman Hank Johnson, And He Is An Imbecile (Absolute Must See Clip)

Updated on Apr 9, 2010 at 12:05 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Can We Get A Mandatory IQ Test For Congress? 

Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson worries loading too many people onto Guam could capsize the island.  This is not a joke.  Johnson will undoubtedly be re-elected in a landslide this Fall.

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Democrat Steny Hoyer Admits The Obvious: Health Care Budget Savings Are A Farce

Article, links and 2 short clips are inside.

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Have You Ordered Your Obama Pad Yet? (Comedy)

These 2 short clips won't sent you to the floor laughing, but they're not bad, in a subtle way, especially for a 16 year-old kid.  He compares Apple's new iPad to the new health care oPad just passed by Congress.

Second short clip is inside.

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Eric Massa & Glenn Beck Get Auto-Tuned (Song)

Not sure what to make of Auto-Tune.  A few more clips and the lyrics are inside.

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Dean Baker On Greenspan's Failures (VIDEO)

Bloomberg Video:  Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, talks with Matt Miller and Carol Massar about former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's testimony on his leadership of the central bank -- April 7


Difficult to argue with anything from Baker in this clip.  The free-money wombat is guilty on all counts of recklless central banking leadership and promotion of the housing bubble.

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James Grant Annihilates Alan Greenspan (Must See Clip)

Bloomberg Video:  Grant torches Greenspan -- April 7, 2010

Two minutes of Indiana University graduate James Grant's understated sarcastic brilliance.  Guaranteed to make you smile.

UPDATE:  Clip added inside of Vanguard founder, John Bogle ripping Greenspan earlier today also on Bloomberg.

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Watch Live Coverage Of Greenspan's Testimony Before The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (Includes Transcript)

Free-money wombat, Alan Greenspan's most ridiculous quote so far:

  • "Low rates did not encourage risky lending..."

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is the lead witness at the first of three days of hearings by the bipartisan Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC).  He discussed his decision to keep interest rates at low levels and stated that he thinks this did not cause the riskly lending practices that took place.  The 10-member panel is examining the causes of the 2008 financial markets meltdown.


Watch Live Coverage on C-Span (includes self-updating transcript) >>

Greenspan's Prepared Statement  >>

Hearings Schedule And Witness List  >>


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Obama Can't Throw A Baseball (Opening Day Video)

Video:  Obama lobs ceremonial 'first pitch' of the 2010 MLB season

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