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« Tuesday Links (March 16, 2010) | Main | As Budget Deficit Hits Record High, Interest On US Public Debt Hits Record Low (ZERO HEDGE) »

If The Bankers Hate It, I Like It

It's obvious why credit card companies and banks don't want a new, powerful, centralized regulator: they have already captured the regulators at the seven (yes 7) existing bureaucracies who exert some control over their blatant bloodsucking of the American people.  Elizabeth Warren scares the living shit out of all of them, and they are doing whatever they can to stop her and the CFPA.

Witness this new website I found last night:

Stop The CFPA

The bastard banking lobby must die.

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Reader Comments (8)

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is another corrupt bureaucracy owned by the banks and Wall Street. Like all the other corrupt bureaucracies in D.C. they think if they can throw out enough bullshit to bury the truth people will start believing their lies. None of the S.O.B.'s are worth the air they breathe including most of the Congress and the Administration
Mar 15, 2010 at 10:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
Agreed SageB.

From what I hear & read, INFORMED people are completely OUTRAGED at what's going on. These massive taxpayer bailouts that SOCIALIZE corporate losses onto the American taxpayers while SIMULTANEOUSLY witnessing their CEO's taking RECORD BREAKING "bonuses" in the same breath are a SLAP IN THE FACE to the American working class. Sorry, that sounded kind of communistic, huh?. I meant slap to the American CITIZENSHIP in general..

...or at least the ones that can speak f'ing ENGLISH!
Mar 16, 2010 at 7:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery
I find it fascinating how easy it is to artificially bifurcate people into factions when it's clear that the top priorities for both the non-republican coopted version of the libertarian tea party and the progressive coffee party are the same.

1) Wipe out the nexus between large corporate interests, lobbyists and government.
2) Dissolve banks and corporations that are not big because they are competitive, but because they use their lobbying power to give themselves tax breaks, or to create artificial regulatory barriers to entry for more efficient, but less wealthy competitors.
3) Try and execute anyone and everyone in this country who has been found as corrupt through the lense of the new, smaller, more constitutionally focused government. The focus of these witch hunts should be lobbyists, Corporations, and all branches of government. And yes, give them the death penalty. They've earned it.

Both sides agree on those three points. Let's stop arguing about bullshit abortion and big vs small government. The argument is about power and how it's misused to exploit our population.
Mar 16, 2010 at 11:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterWill
3) was a joke. As far as you know.
Mar 17, 2010 at 12:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterWill

I think you might have something there Will. What do you think? Guillotines in front of Goldman sucks for the executions? After a fair trial of course.

Seriously though your right, too many people going in too many different directions. We need to work together and put the Constitution and the Bill of Rights back into our government. About 75 years of amendments to the Constitution need to be reviewed and tossed unless they have positive value to the people of this country. The population needs to wake the hell up and do something about these parasites who are destroying our country and our way of life. They've been at it for a long time and the more we fight among ourselves the longer their going to be in power.
Mar 17, 2010 at 1:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
"We need to work together and put the Constitution and the Bill of Rights back into our government."

But for THAT we'd need to have some CONTACTS willing to represent OUR interests in governmental halls of power. You know, put the ol' "representative" back into the word 'representative'.
Because the "representatives" we currently have seem to be MUCH more preoccupied with mundane tasks such as groping stranger's penises in airport bathroom stalls, cutting their girlfriends faces with jagged glass or giving their interns massa massages.
Mar 17, 2010 at 3:29 AM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery
"Because the "representatives" we currently have seem to be MUCH more preoccupied with mundane tasks such as groping stranger's penises in airport bathroom stalls, cutting their girlfriends faces with jagged glass or giving their interns massa massages."

We need to mandate public campaign financing, get rid of the damn lobbyists and it's possible the electoral college may have outlived it's usefulness. Two terms period for for every elected official. It appears the longer they are in office the more corrupt and criminal they become. Very few career politicians have ever put the American people ahead of the special interests. They need to GO, and the sooner the better for the People of this country. Could be the U.S. Supreme Court is also due for some changes.
Mar 17, 2010 at 12:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
"Could be the U.S. Supreme Court is also due for some changes."

Option 3 is the only solution for that one.
Mar 17, 2010 at 2:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterWill

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