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WATCH G-PAP LIVE - Greece Austerity Vote Of Confidence - UPDATE - G-Pap Wins Confidence Vote 155-145

5:50 pm - Yes - 78  No - 71

5:52 pm - Yes - 79  No - 78

5:54 pm - Yes - 84  No - 81

5:55 pm - Yes - 104  No - 81

6:00 pm - Yes - 155  No - 145

Papandreou survives vote of confidence which clears the way for austerity passage likely next month.  More inside from Reuters.

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J.P. Morgan Fined $155M Over Mortgage Fraud, Obama's $50,000 Interest-Free Gift To Troubled Homeowners, Missing Iraq Money May Total $18B, Ratigan On America For Sale, Just Discovered Obamacare Glitch (15 LINKS)


Max Keiser At Syntagma Square: "The Tear Gas Didn't Do Jack, Greece Is Under IMF Bankster Occupation" (VIDEO)

Max rallies the revolutionaries at Syntagma Square - June 16, 2011

This is a hilarious speech, though its effect was muted by the pauses for translation.  Above is a condensed version, and inside the we have the complete clip.

Remember that a bailout for Greece is code for bailing out the billionaire bondholders who recklessly lent to the corrupt Greek government, and does nothing for the people.


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Vancouver 2011 Riots - Super Natural British Columbia

Riots broke out last week after the Stanley Cup defeat of Vancouver by the Boston Bruins.

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Man Robs Bank Of $1 In Order To Get Free Healthcare

As his bank account depleted and the day of execution got closer, Verone sold and donated his furniture. He paid his last month’s rent and gave his notice.  He moved into the Hampton Inn for the last couple of days. Then on June 9 he followed his typical morning routine of getting ready for the day.  He took a cab down New Hope Road and picked a bank at random — RBC Bank.  Verone didn’t want to scare anyone. He executed the robbery the most passive way he knew how.

He handed the teller a note demanding one dollar, and medical attention.

“I didn’t have any fears.  I told the teller that I would sit over here and wait for police.”

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Jeff Macke Shows Signs Of Battle Fatigue (CNBC Video)

Flashback - Jeff Macke's final appearance on CNBC, though he did not know it at the time.

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Pete Seeger - What Did You Learn In School Today?

Song - Pete Seeger on the BBC - 1964

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Ron Paul On War, Liberty, Bailouts & The Federal Reserve

Runs just over 2 minutes.  Also, you might want to check out:

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WATCH LIVE - Spanish Revolution (Madrid Protests)

Streaming Video - Solidarity with the Greeks in Syntagma Square.

44% of of the under-25 crowd in Spain are unemployed...

  • "Si no tenemos casa, donde vamos a vivir?"

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Europe Delays Greek Decision Until July, QE3 Or Operation Twist?, Euro To Break Up By 2015, The $1 Billion Fed Buyout Clause, The Bond Vigilante, Rare Earth Metal Prices Go Parabolic, Homeless Man Learns He's Rich (15 LINKS)


Austerity In Action: Crazy Photos From Yesterday's Greek Riots (Slideshow 22 PICS)

Slideshow (22 pictures):


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Latest On Greek Bondholders Bailout, Misery Index WORST In 28 Years, Kabul Bank Scandal Threatens Afghan Solvency, New Austerity Protests In Madrid, PIMCO Chief Blasts Greek Bailout, China Bailout BIGGER Than TARP (LINKS)


'Audit The Fed' Update From Ron Paul - Sign The Petition


SEC Considers FRAUD Charges Against Rating Agencies, Greenspan Says Greece Default 'Almost Certain', Ron Paul's Fort Knox Audit Fever, Germany Succumbs To Pressure To Bailout Irresponsible Banks, DSK Tried For Diplomatic Immunity, Weiner's Pension Tops $1 Million (15 LINKS)