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Video: Prince Charles & Robert Redford: Eco-Hypocrisy


VIDEO - 10 Congressmen Sue Obama In Federal Court Over Unconstitutional War In Libya (Press Conference)

We're borrowing 43 cents of every federal dollar, and the costs of the war in Libya are now more than $1 billion.  Runs 2 minutes.

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VIDEO - Ron Paul On The Dylan Ratigan Show (6-22-2011)

Excellent discussion of Afghanistan, the economy and the Fed from yesterday's show.

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Congressional Video - Rand Paul Reminds The TSA Of The 4th Amendment: "You Guys Are Clueless! Get Rid Of The Random Groping Of Small Children And Seniors!"

Congressional Video - Full committee hearing of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee regarding invasive TSA searches - June 22, 2011

Brilliant clip as Sen. Paul annihilates Homeland Security and the TSA.  Watch at least the first few minutes of this one.

Much more inside.

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Number Of Millionaires Hits All-Time High, Too Big To Fail Or Too Stupid To Stop, Controller Halts Pay For California Lawmakers, From The Idiotic Mouths Of Bankers, Severe Tritium Leaks Found At 75% Of U.S. Nuke Sites (15 Links)


VIDEO: Fed-Hating Jim Grant Debates And Subsequently Destroys QE-Loving Brad Delong On The Merits Of QE3


Amazing HD Video Of The Japanese Tsunami Shot From Inside A Vehicle Caught In The Waves (NEW VIDEO)

This is a must see.

I was sent this remarkable video by someone in Japan by email this morning.  It was uploaded to youtube only Monday.  The action begins at the 40-second mark.  

Text below is from youtube.

"Yu Muroga is a Japanese driver.  Like most people of his area, he did not feel threatened by the tsumani, as he felt he was far enough from the coast.  So he continued to driving.  The HD camera mounted on the dashboard has not only captured the shock but also the moments that followed, where many drivers were stranded by the waters of the tsunami."

See all 4 of the Japanese tsunami videos...


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Max Keiser: "According To The IMF, The U.S. Is Going Down Next After Greece" (VIDEO)

Runs 1 minute.  Aired earlier this morning.

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Senate Republicans Offer Amendment To Stop The IMF From Bailing Out Foreign Countries With $108 Billion Of Taxpayer Funds

With consideration that 43 cents of every dollar Washington spends is borrowed, it's about time.  Call it the anti-IMF bailout amendment.

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QE2 In 'Final Days' - Full Text Of Federal Reserve Statement

The following is the text of the just released FOMC statement on interest rates:

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S&P Warns Again On U.S. AAA Rating, PIMCO Predicts Greece & Others Will Default, Obama & Pentagon Argue Over Afghan Pullout, Chicago Taxpayers On The Hook For $108B Pension Shortfall - $63K Per Family (15 Links)


Video: Latest From Tim Geithner On The U.S. Debt Ceiling: "Irresponsible To Cut Deficit Without Tax Increases"

Video - Geithner speaks to corporate CFOs in Washington - June 21, 2011

Runs 1 minute.  Quotes transcribed inside.

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Vanity Fair Exclusive: Billions Over Baghdad: How $9B Disappeared Into A Frenzy Of Mismanagement And Greed

Updated on Jun 22, 2011 at 11:07 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Illustration by John Blackford

Update - Is it $9 billion or possibly as much as $18 billion?

The NY Fed will not say...

Full story inside.

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Chris Whalen On Greece: 'Get The Bondholders In A Room And Force Haircuts Down Their Throats' (CNBC Video)

Video - Chris Whalen on Fast Money - June 17, 2011

Excellent discussion.  Runs 4 minutes.

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