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Bilderberg: Why the protesters are your very best friends

The people who are being detained, searched and questioned are not playing some game.  They are deadly serious, and they are worried to death.

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Anti-Semite Helen Thomas Says Jews Should "Get The Hell Out Of Palestine And Go Back To Germany" (WATCH)

Updated on Jun 6, 2010 at 7:22 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

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The Dying Bird PHOTOS BP Doesn't Want You To See (Slideshow & Video Of Oil Washing Up On Florida Beaches)

Video and photos are inside.

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Friday Morning Reading (National Debt Crosses $13 Trillion)

I apologize for the heart wrenching photo, but BP must know that we will not hide their ugliness from view, despite their attempts at censorship.

Stories inside.

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The Volcker Rule Is Now The Volcker Suggestion -- Grading Obama On Wall St. Reform (Ratigan & Spitzer CLIP)

Video:  Dylan Ratigan with Jonathon Alter & Eliot Spitzer -- May 28, 2010

It's a beautiful thing.  Larry Summers and Tim Geithner get pretty much all the blame.  And the Volcker rule ain't happening:

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JP Morgan Hit With Largest Fine In UK Banking History For Mixing $23 Billion Of Clients Money With Its Own

Oops, sorry about that.  Won't happen again.  Yes, it occurred on and off for 7 years.  But we're on top of it now.  Move along.

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BUSTED: Big Perks Still Given To Wall Street Executives

MSNBC Video:  Dylan Ratigan on Banking Perks and Deficit Reduction -- May 24

Great short clip.  Runs 3 minutes.  Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan Chase) and Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs) are skewered.  Also, Ratigan discusses one Congressman's plan to have citizens vote online for specific spending cuts.

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"Students Are Trapped By Selfish, Greedy & Disgraceful Teacher Unions" (MUST SEE Speech From Gov. Christie)

Updated on Jun 4, 2010 at 2:47 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Video:  NJ Governor Chris Christie on public schools, teachers' unions -- June 2

I believe this speech was delivered yesterday in DC.  Take a listen if you care about the state of public education in this country.  This is a phenomenal clip.  Quotes are transcribed inside -- runs just 3 minutes.  Christie takes no prisoners.  No BS, no tip-toeing around issues.  He absolutely annihilates the motives and actions of teacher unions nationwide. 

And yet the Deficit President wants to reward them with a $26 billion bailout.

A message to teachers out there -- we love you and what you do, but your unions are out of control.

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Jon Stewart Annihilates The Deficit President Over BP Spill Response (Obama Loses Another Friend - VIDEO)

Daily Show Video:  Stewart returns from hiatus and immediately lashes out at Obama for his response to the BP oil spill -- June 1, 2010

Two clips from the show.  Second is aimed at BP and your ideas for stopping the leak.

  • "We have underwater robots with diamond saws and you went with that 6th?  Because robots with diamond saws sounds like the first f*cking thing I'd try."

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The Next Bailout -- $165 Billion For Union Pensions -- Sen. Casey Defends His Proposal (Watch Your Money Disappear)

Last week it was the $26 billion teachers bailout and this week troubled union pensions are clamoring for some love.  Makes you proud to live in the land of freedom -- the freedom to exercise your moral hazard, at the expense of everyone else.

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Leaders Of Congressional Black Caucus Move To Limit Power Of Ethics Office They JUST Created

Voters want more transparency not less.  This is a new low for politicians.  Vote them all out in 2010.

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NBC Reporter Confuses "Obama" With "Osama" (WATCH)

I doubt this slip of the tongue went over well at GE headquarters.

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Reich: Gov't Should Put BP In Receivership (WATCH)


FCIC Chair Angelides: Moody's, S&P & Fitch 'Were Central Cause' Of Financial Crisis (WATCH)

Outstanding interview with Phil Angelides conducted after today's hearing.  Definitely worth the 5 minutes.  Angelides is a truth-teller.  He dispels the myth that "no one saw it coming" quite beautifully.  Can't overstate how much I like Angelides.  Fast talker.  Clear, concise.  Very solid.  Provides an outline of past and future FCIC hearings.

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