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Buffett Discusses FCIC Testimony On Ratings Reform -- Tries To Distance Himself From Moody's (WATCH)

The most interesting part of this clip is Buffett's assertion, out of the blue, that he barely knows Moody's CEO Raymond McDaniel, and that he couldn't pick him out in a room.  Why is this interesting?  Because as we reported last month, Moody's received a Wells Notice from the SEC and both McDaniel and Buffett sold millions of shares on the exact day the notice was received.

So Buffett is attempting to distance himself in every way possible from McDaniel.  It won't work.  The problem for Uncle Warren are the facts.  And the SEC.  And they're looking.

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CITIZEN CANDIDATES: More than 2,300 running for Congress, most in decades

"I had to sell my four-wheeler to pay (the filing fee), and I did.  It's worth it," said Bruce Ray Riggs, a tea party sympathizer and first-time candidate who spent $6,960 to get on the ballot in Florida's Senate race, which is crowded with two dozen names.

Riggs, 43, whose campaign slogan is "No suit, no tie, no political lies," said he wanted to abolish most federal functions and give more power to the states.

"They've railroaded the American people," the independent says of Congress, arguing that Washington is operating an unconstitutional government.



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Orrin Hatch Goes Off: "Obama Is Responsible For The Destruction Of Our Country; He's Spending Us Into Bankruptcy" (WATCH)

Video:  Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UTAH) with Don Imus -- May 31, 2010

Let's be clear.  The debt and deficit problems are the handiwork of both parties.  We appreciate Hatch's attempt to create debt/deficit awareness, but the Wall Street captured Senator's history is one filled with 'yea' votes on deficit spending.  He, like every other Senator, deserves to be tossed aside in his next bid for reelection. 

Why not start clean.  Vote them ALL out.

Even though he is a bailout apologist, TARP lover and Bernanke fanboy, this is the 2nd time I've agreed with Hatch on the out of control deficit spending.  Awesome clip all the way around.  The pain begins at the 30-second mark.

  • "If he keeps spending us into bankruptcy, we're going to be $20.3 trillion in debt by 2020."
  • "We'll have a $1.3 trillion budget deficit in 2020 according to their own actuaries...$900 billion of it will be INTEREST ON THE DEBT!"
  • "That ought to tell you that we're going in the wrong direction."
  • "And I can tell you the people out there understand it, they're just sick and tired of the spending.  We now have 18% of all wages are now being paid by the federal government.  Now, tell me that's a good thing."

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For Some Homeowners In Foreclosure, A Rent-Free Stay

Wendy Pemberton, a barber in Florida, with a customer, Howard Cook.  She stopped paying her mortgage two years ago. 

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Foreign Banks Benefiting From Increased U.S. Lobbying

The foreign companies have found a lucrative niche, essentially acting as brokers for the federal government’s bailout money. Domestic banks with the size and expertise for that role are largely banned from competing for the contracts because they have been recipients of the emergency funds.

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MUST SEE: Jack Nicholson And Dennis Hopper On Freedom (Scene From Easy Rider)

In honor of the late Dennis Hopper.  Remarkable scene that resonates now more than ever.  Quotes transcribed inside for those who can't watch.

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Ginormous Sinkhole Swallows Building In Guatemala City (WTF!?! CRAZY PHOTO)

Could this be the secret Federal Reserve Money Hole?


Thanks to reader 'Castro El Disastro' who sent us this link from the NYT.


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How YOU CAN HELP Bring Wall Street Under Control (Action Plan From Robert Reich)


Janet Tavakoli On Bank Reform & Goldman Sachs (WATCH)

Video:  Janet Tavakoli on the Goldman Sachs SEC case and Wall Street Derivatives Reform -- April, 2010

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Bailed Out Zombie Banks (WATCH)


Weekend Reading (May 31, 2010)


Bill Maher Criticizes Obama For Not Being 'A Real Black President With A Gun In His Pants' (WATCH)


WATCH LIVE: BP Might Have Stopped The Leak

Updated on May 27, 2010 at 12:01 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Watch the latest attempt live.

Links, updates and two distinct live cams are inside.  Everything you need to know.

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Revisiting the Scene of the Crime: Did the Bailouts Save the World Or Just Wall Street Bonuses?

The latest from Dr. Pitchfork.  Buckle up.

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