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His Dream Was To Own A Home Without Paying A Cent

ABC Video:  Kyle MacDonald's Remarkable Journey


A break from the intensity of last night's post on the coming Generational War.

You might have heard of this story -- the guy who traded a large red paperclip 14 times until he owned a home.  He bartered with Alice Cooper and Corbin Bernsen along the way.  Pretty amazing.

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Drill Baby Drill (The Song -- With Peter Yarrow)

Song:  Drill Baby Drill

With Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul & Mary on lead vocals.  Performed live for the first time 2 weeks ago.  Virtually no one has seen this clip yet -- only 68 views on youtube.  Excellent performance.

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The Debt Is Killing Us: It's time for bailouts to end, both at home and abroad (Op-Ed, Video, Rep. Lynn Jenkins)

Top-shelf editorial(s) and video from Kansas Republican Lynn Jenkins.

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Very Mad Money: Jon Stewart Examines Hot Ladies On CNBC Talking To Bald Dudes (WATCH)

Daily Show Video:  Very Mad Money

Clip I found from 2009.  Never posted before.  Mid-day comedy break.

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Jamie Dimon Lashes Out At NY Senator: JPMorgan Hardest Hit By New Financial Reform (Gasparino Reports)


Fed Chairman Bernanke Warns Congress Over Out Of Control Deficit Spending (Prepared Remarks)

By Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke

Testimony delivered this morning before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

Apparently, B-52 doesn't consider his own behavior -- printing dollars (creating credit) to purchase Treasuries, to be much of an issue.


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Volcker Rule Still THE Issue As Wall Street Reform Bill Heads To House-Senate Conference Today (NYT Graphic)

Several links inside including a simple graphic from the NYT explaining the differences between House and Senate bills.

Related from Monday:

The Volcker Rule Is Now The Volcker Suggestion -- Grading Obama On Wall St. Reform (Ratigan & Spitzer CLIP)


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Wednesday Morning Reading (June 9, 2010)

Same deal as yesterday.  Our 15,000 RSS readers and daily email recipients will have to visit the site to see today's links.  I am placing all the links in comments below.  They are in no particular order.


Click HERE to see the articles (50 Total)  >>


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Nassim Taleb Comes Out Of Seclusion To Annihilate Robert Rubin, Ben Bernanke (And Everyone Else -- WATCH)

Video:  Nassim Taleb on Risk and Robustness -- June 7, 2010

Taleb disappeared 5 months ago and stopped doing interviews.  This is the first clip I've seen since that time.  Set aside a few minutes for this one.

For the inaugural video in the New Yorker Currents series, Nassim Nicholas Taleb talks with James Surowiecki about the causes of the 2008 financial crisis and the future of the economy.


Check these out:

32 Seconds Of Nassim Taleb Kicking Bob Rubin's Ass....

Taleb:  Bernanke Should Be Removed From Office....

Roubini and Taleb together on Squawk Box (WATCH)....


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Newly Bankrupt 'Real Housewives' Couple Are The Perfect Microcosm Of Everything That Is Wrong With Our Country

Bankruptcy filing made yesterday claims $11 million in debts.  Take a guess at their combined income.  Disgusting, revolting details are inside. 

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Nouriel Roubini on Government Bailouts & U.S. Debt Default (VIDEO With Don Imus)

Video:  Roubini on bailouts and debt default -- May 24, 2010

  • "Why did we have to bail these thieving bastards out?"

Outstanding short clip.

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Dick Fuld Eyeing A Wall Street Comeback (WATCH)

FBN Video:  A look at whether former Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld is making a return to Wall Street -- June 8, 2010

A sarcastic Charlie Gasparino reports the rumors.

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How not to get played when playing the market -- The Story Of Shia LaBeouf & InterOil (WATCH)

Video:  How not to get played when playing the market -- The Shia LaBeouf Story

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Dr. Peter Morici Torches Obama, Geithner & Summers For Economic Blame Game (VIDEO) 

Video:  Economist Dr. Peter Morici -- June 8, 2010

Highly entertaining short clip.  Morici does not mince words.

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