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OF COURSE THEY DID -- New York State Pension Agrees To Borrow $6 Billion From Pension To Pay Pension

Doofus NY Governor David Paterson

NY Governor David Paterson awards himself a silver cup for winning Daily Bail's Doofus of the Year for 2010.

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HILARIOUS PHOTO: Florida Governor Charlie Crist Caught Staring At Girl In Thong Bikini While Inspecting Beaches For Oil

Gov. Charlie Crist does a thorough inspection of Florida beaches.


No ridicule from me.  Can't say that I blame him.  Another picture is inside.


Now check out the photos that could cost BP a few billion  >>


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BUSTED: 8 House members to be formally investigated for taking Wall Street cash near financial reform vote

This is quite surprising.  No, really, it is.  Hoocoodanode?

Is your representative one of the 8?

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Total Cost To Taxpayers Of Fannie, Freddie Bailout Could Reach $1 Trillion; NYSE Announces Delisting; Shares Fall 50% (WATCH)

Video:  June 14 (Bloomberg) -- Anthony Sanders, a professor of finance at George Mason University, talks about the potential costs of fixing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac after the biggest bailout in American history.

Bottom line = possible $1 trillion taxpayer bailout.

Seriously.  Idiots.  I speak of current Fannie & Freddie shareholders.  Daytraders and swing traders mostly, though there are thousands of get-rich-quick wannabees who thought they were getting a bargain at a buck.  How's that working out for your account this morning?  Stock price carnage is here.  A quick look shows they are only down about 45% now.

Gives us a chance to mention the report from Monday that puts the total Fannie & Freddie bailout at $160 billion (so far), with a worst case scenario of $1 trillion before we're done.

Links and video inside.

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Oil Guru Matt Simmons Says BP Relief Wells WILL FAIL, Undersea Oil Covers 40% Of Gulf, BP Will Go Bankrupt, & Our Choice Is A 24-Year Leak Vs. The Nuclear Option

The most recent appearance from Simmons.

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Kim Jong Il Finds Love On Eharmony, Criticizes Wall Street Bailouts (WATCH)

Three clips.  All very short.

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WATCH LIVE -- House & Senate Conference Deliberations On Wall Street Reform Bill (JOIN US IN THE LIVE CHAT)

Updated on Jun 15, 2010 at 12:46 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Session has concluded for today.  Start again tomorrow morning.  You can read a summary of today's coverage below:

Conference Chat Summary  >>


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HILARIOUS: Nancy Pelosi Gets Heckled By Code Pink Begging For A State Bailout (WATCH)

Updated on Jun 9, 2010 at 4:38 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Video:  Nancy Pelosi gets hammered by the crowd and CODEPINK begging for a state bailout -- June 8, 2010

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KRUGMAN & KEYNES ARE WRONG -- Fiscal Stimulus Never Works As Intended

Keynes, Krugman

Outstanding Krugman-Delong takedown from economist Eric Falkenstein.

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Hey Goldman Sachs -- Give Back The $13 Billion You Stole Through AIG (Young Turks Protest Video -- Awesomeness)


HOLY GENERATIONAL WAR -- U.S National Debt Will Be $19.6 Trillion By 2015 According To New Treasury Report

Updated on Jun 11, 2010 at 1:19 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Debt and Deficit Truths:

  • Federal debt increases by $5 billion borrowed bucks per day.
  • In the 2 hours it took me to write this stupid post, the debt increased by $400 million or so.
  • In the 2 minutes it took you to read this, the burden on your children grew by a cool $8 million.
  • It took us over 200 years as a nation (from 1776 thru 1983) to accumulate a TOTAL national debt of $1 trillion. 
  • Now and for the foreseeable future we will be adding $1 trillion to the national debt roughly every 8 months.


Read this post.  Video, links, stories and personal suffering.

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Friday Morning Reading (BP Spill Censorship Edition)

Same deal as the last few days.  I am placing all the links in comments below.

No offense intended toward our UK readers, but BP has been lying from the start about the size of the leak, and their attempts at censorship, which you will read about in the links below, are appalling.


Click HERE to see the articles (60 total)  >>


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BP Oil Spill: Clarke & Dawe Explain Everything (COMEDY)

  • "The first thing to do, of course, is to underestimate the problem."

If you skip this one, you're bloody stupid.  Clarke & Dawe rules.

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BP will be held responsible for all damages: AG Eric Holder (Latest Spill Updates -- BP Suspends Dividend)

  • "It is clear that there was a lack of integrity on the part of BP when it came to what it told us about the adequacy of their technology, the sufficiency of blow-out prevention and the capacity to clean up," Speaker Pelosi said.
  • "I can make this pledge to the American people - that the American people will not pay a dime for the clean-up of the Gulf region and that BP will be held responsible for all the damages that have occurred," Mr Holder told reporters in Washington.
  • "We will take the necessary steps to make sure that that occurs."

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