HILARIOUS: Nancy Pelosi Gets Heckled By Code Pink Begging For A State Bailout (WATCH)
Video: Nancy Pelosi gets hammered by the crowd and CODEPINK begging for a state bailout -- June 8, 2010
I literally could never tire of watching Pelosi get harassed. It does a body good.
Listen as the Code Pinkster whines (cries possibly?) about 21 states needing federal government assistance in order 'to keep the community alive.' Most likely some overpaid bureaucrat from California fearful of losing her job and luxurious state benefits. So she goes crying to Nancy.
Makes me sick to hear the whines of civil service privilege. Get used to it. Your glory days are over. Taxpayers are tired of over-paying your salary. Come join the private sector and compete with the rest of us. Chicken.
Inside we have 2 distinct clips of the bailout-begging mayhem.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is heckled by Code Pink at an event in Washington, D.C.
- "We supported Obama, we supported you, now 21 states are begging for money to help us save the community," a woman screamed at Pelosi.
- "You have made your point," Pelosi said in an attempt to quiet the protesters.
An aide then informed her that they are "throwing stuff."
Video: A different clip from the same speech -- June 8, 2010
Video: If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands -- Nancy Pelosi
A bit of Pelosi comedy.
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Updated with a third clip.
Reader Comments (56)
Source for story...
Source for 2nd video...
The deepening notes of disenchantment with Barack Obama now issuing from commentators across the political spectrum were predictable.
It's not Jon Leibowitz but so good.
I have asked this question of Americans in every walk of life since I discovered the bombing of Laos in 1969. It’s a simple matter of fact, not involving judgments of right and wrong, and I remain astonished at how most answer “the Russians,” “the Chinese,” or just have no idea that their leaders have killed more noncitizen civilians than the rest of the world’s leaders combined since 1945.
A Warning From Noam Chomsky on the Threat Posed By Elites
As America’s economy and politics continue to unravel, it is clear that the elite mentality and the system it has created will produce more and more victims in the years to come.
Woman Sees Her Home Confiscated Over a Water Bill
Vicki Valentine lost the two-story brick row home after the city sold her debt to investors through a contentious and byzantine legal process called a "tax sale."
Love it
Student stuck with brutal loans and no way out?
When will Zombies in USA rise up?
Nov 2010-2011
Civil unrest coming up
Do you remember when Jesse Jackson said that under Obama Jews would lose all of their clout?
He was right.
Ellsberg: Take Obama's explicit pledge in his State of the Union speech to remove "all" United States troops from Iraq by the end of 2011.
Ellsberg: He's a good politician. He said what he needed to say to get elected, and now he's just taking advantage of the office.
Ellsberg: His actions are totally uncoupled from his public statements. I don't even listen anymore.
Civil unrest i had a six pack on ice even.Gompers had you a bacon samich and beer waiting
you will have to drive. because my golf cart is out of gas.You think i can have a statue made
of me like you.Gee that would be swell beev.
CIVIL UNREST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BHO tells His People he was not born in the USA, but Kenya............................
You got that right, and it will be in the next 2 years, the way its going. Things are starting to come-a-part, and real fast. Just today BHO said he is not from the USA.
Whats next, he is going to save the planet.................................."Yea Right" ! BHO is a "Supper-Star" in his own mind.
Civil unrest i had a six pack on ice even.Gompers had you a bacon samich and beer waiting
you will have to drive. because my golf cart is out of gas.You think i can have a statue made
of me like you.Gee that would be swell beev.
that was funny.
and ken...i allowed certain posts to stay up...but be cool...don't link to cheeseburger, don't make fun of us and clean up your posts...a title and a link aor a few sentences will normally do...now it's fine if you want to leave a longer comment, but no copy/paste crap from other places, ok...i will still examine every comment you make...i'm still not happy about certain things you've posted in the past...respect my rules...
i hate democrats and hate republicans...so savage usually doesn't interest me...
And i don't know what you mean by throw up posts...when the news is big...give me an idea of what you 're talking about...
Why has Obama waited so long to make contact with the Chairman?
That would have been my first call, Matt Damon's second call (he would call Sarah Palin first to complain about her "drill baby drill" comments, and most likely your first call. What is wrong with Obama, who is advising him, why is he failing to understand this problem? The questions are growing. I have the answer, he is a fraud.
Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.
Sun Tzu
as for covering the bp stuff...i haven't touched it for days...been too busy...but i have a bunch of clips and stories waiting...if i had some help...but i'm trying to run this site all by myself...it's a constant struggle...i'm not kidding when i say i'm in this chair 12-14 hours per day...for example today i spent 4 hours watching the wall street reform hearing s and leading/participating in the live chat at sunlight...
and by the way i'm disgusted by michelle bachmann...
it's an unfair question in a way because i don't like any politicians...except for ron paul...
i don't follow politics very closely...don't watch any of the shows...too busy running this site...
Sarah Palin: Embracing Feminism, or Co-Opting it for Conservatives?
It's a great article.
Civil unrest i had a six pack on ice even.Gompers had you a bacon samich and beer waiting
you will have to drive. because my golf cart is out of gas.You think i can have a statue made
of me like you.Gee that would be swell beev."
My golf cart is all fueled up, and it is faster than yours anyway, though it is not very covert with the flame paint job and pin striping and all... The 6 pack won't get us very far though, better find a beer truck to follow.
We could put Ken on the barstool racer, and I think I have one of those Burger King crowns laying around here somewhere for him to wear as he tools down the road screaming COWARDS WITH NO BALLS OF THE BAMBOOZLED GENERATION!!!. He would have to roll up the whirling dervish robe though, if he rolled over that robe on the bar stool racer it would make for one hell of a face plant on the asphalt.
I cannot stress the importance of keeping the rubber side down.
That statue will require a lot of bronze, since you are already a giant and all JTS, though I hear they work cheap in India. It is kinda funny, In Kens country they would already have him hanging by the nads with electric current flowing through his nipples for the shit he stirs...
In America we do have a process that our forefathers gave us, the trick is educating voters, and getting the silent majority registered and willing to vote, and enlightening the few die hard herd animals smart enough to realize that salvation does not lie in blind obedience to the herd with your nose buried in the ass of the animal in front of you as you blindly march off a cliff.
How many voters have you registered in the last 6 months Ken? My guess is 0, as you are to busy ranting and raving, do you put Alka Seltzer in your mouth for effect as you portray your mad hatter routine?
vote them all out...
Makes me SICK to see LOWLIFES who have NO RESPONSIBILITIES or SOLUTIONS attack people in vulnerable positions.
Could YOU do BETTER?
I agree, it's just an example of typical white trash trying to talk trash when they have no positive input or solution of any kind themselves. The blogger on this site is just an idiot!
your response is so inane, i will not dignify it with a response...start by reading the stories that are in the right column...read 10 of them...then get back to me...