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WATCH LIVE -- House & Senate Conference Deliberations On Wall Street Reform Bill (JOIN US IN THE LIVE CHAT)

Session has concluded for today.  Start again tomorrow morning.  You can read a summary of today's coverage below:

Conference Chat Summary  >>


Live Video -- June 15, 2010


A better idea is to watch live at the Sunlight Foundation where you can participate in the LIVE CHAT.

Come join the fray  >>

They also have a feature that shows all the relevant campaign donations from whichever member happens to be speaking at the moment.  Extremely impressive.


From last Thursday, Day 1:

Conference session has concluded for today.  It was nothing but a political show.  Opening statements from everyone full of rhetoric and hot air.  There are 3 things to watch for:

  • Blanche Lincoln's derivatives proposal.
  • Reconcilliation of the 2 versions of "Audit the Fed."
  • Implementation of various portions of the Volcker Rule.

They resume work again Tuesday.  We will bring this 'Watch Live' post back up then.  If you would like to read today's commentary and all the links:

Click HERE  >>


Below is the text from an email I received from Sunlight.  I have not proofed or edited it.  When I get a moment, I will clean it up.


Later today, a conference of both House and Senate representatives will discuss how to move forward with financial regulation in our country.

It's a big deal, and once again we're going to be covering it with our Sunlight Live program.

When we broadcast Sunlight Live during the health care debate, citizens and news outlets across the country called it a true game-changer for how political news is covered. Almost 50,000 people tuned in to participate during that debate, and we hope you'll join again as we dive in with financial reform.


Our coverage will show live footage of the conference deliberations while displaying government data about the representatives as they speak. You won't just hear opinions from politicians while participating in Sunlight Live; you'll be part of a community engaging in a nationwide conversation on the issue - all while seeing real facts about who is influencing the leaders who decide the future of this issue. 

The conference will continue for 6-8 days over the next two weeks (picking up again next Tuesday), and we'll be there throughout. We hope you'll join us each day for as long as you can.

And don't just join yourself. Please invite others to do the same by sharing the link on Twitter, Facebook, or by simply forwarding this email. 

Together, we're reinventing how politicians are held to account during important debates in this country. 

Let's continue to show the world that when we get raw, unbiased information about our government, we know how to use it.

See you online, in real-time,


The Sunlight Team


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Reader Comments (8)

Hey sagebrush...it was good to see you over there...
Jun 11, 2010 at 1:26 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Fuck you Bernanke...


Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke backed a Senate measure that would open up the Fed's books but called "destructive" a more stringent audit provision backed by the House.

The financial regulatory reform bill passed in the Senate would allow the General Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct additional audits of the central bank's financial transactions so "you'll be able to see taxpayer money is used well," Bernanke said.

"We are absolutely comfortable with that and we are quite satisfied that we have an agreement to do that," Bernanke said at a House Budget Committee hearing on the economy Wednesday.
Jun 11, 2010 at 3:29 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jun 11, 2010 at 3:29 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Almost put my fist through my computer monitor several times as I watched the conference. They spend more time yapping meaningless bullshit and saying nothing, doing everything they can to avoid issues that would evolve into real financial reform. As I commented before, ( The fix is in).

(Bernanke said that "would be destructive to confidence in the Fed on the part of the markets and the public.")

He's a lying piece of --it.
He's aware that almost every poll taken has shown that 70% to 80% of the public polled want a complete audit of the FED.
Typical elite attitude, if the truth doesn't fit your agenda make up something that does. Anything to shut up the great unwashed masses. By the time they figure it out it won't matter.
Jun 12, 2010 at 8:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
BTW: The live coverage is offered at the SUNLIGHT Foundation (not Sunshine which helps disabled kids). It is found at sunlightfoundation.com.
Jun 14, 2010 at 1:58 PM | Unregistered Commenterangela zehava
oops...thanks angela...
Jun 14, 2010 at 3:46 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

When will USA working class Zombies Wake up?


Politicians in their Pockets

these our leaders
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Jun 15, 2010 at 10:21 AM | Unregistered Commenterken
by Michael Nystrom | bullnotbull.com
June 15 2010
Arlington, MA

I talked to Ron Paul last weekend about the massive financial reform bill that is being finalized in Congress. The House and the Senate have each passed their respective versions of the bill, and now the two must be merged. The result will be the most comprehensive reformation of U.S. financial regulation since the Great Depression.

Conferences are very important in defining the ultimate language of the bill that will be signed into law, so committee seats are highly coveted. Members are wined and dined by lobbyists and showered with campaign contributions, as they have the power not only to merge the bills and determine final language, but also to add new stuff -- stuff that was never debated in either house. Matt Taibbi describes this on pages 44-46 in his book The Great Derangement. Theoretically the entire bill can be rewritten in Conference. In secret.

After the two bills are reconciled, a conference report is issued and the House and Senate vote again on the new, combined bill. Conference reports are thus incredibly important. Unfortunately, members of congress have become so derelict in their duty that they barely take a second look at the new bill, instead striking the attitude, "We already voted on this once," and rubber stamping it through. Contributing to this problem is the length of the bills. The working draft of the current financial reform legislation is already close to 2,000 pages. Members may only be given a few days -- or a few hours -- before a vote takes place.
Jun 15, 2010 at 4:16 PM | Unregistered Commenterken

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