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VIDEO - Joe Biden Praises Solyndra Deal

Biden emphasizes the importance of investing in Solyndra for the sake of America's future.

Second clip inside includes footage of Obama praising the Solyndra investment, and Peter Schiff discussing the Dept. of Energy and it's mission failure.  Don't miss the Schiff comments.

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Rick Perry's Official College Transcript - Mostly Cs and Ds, Barely Passed Principles Of Economics

Congratulations Mr. Perry, you are at the top of the Delta pledge class...

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THROWING PUNCHES - Russian Tycoon Punches Fellow Billionaire On Live TV

Lunchtime break.

Pretty entertaining clip from Russian TV that transpired over the weekend.  Watch it all the way through for more examples of Russian TV brawling.

Vodka + Live TV = High Entertainment Value

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The Bizarre Story Of Hermitage Capital & The Russian Mafia

This is a lesson for would-be financiers dreaming of striking it rich in Russia - forget about it.  Hermitage Capital co-founder William Browder is now financial enemy #1 of the Medvedev puppet regime, and he didn't even do anything for the honor. 

Well, except that he's had the courage to fight back against Putin, and other corrupt Russian officials who succeeded in stealing his investment business, while he was out of the country.  Makes the vacation coup that Hank Paulson pulled on Corzine seem like a kid's game.

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Peter Schiff Testifies Before Congress: Video

"I guess you could say I make my living in the doom and gloom business, and thanks to Congress, Obama and Bernanke, business is very strong these days..."

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Chris Whalen - 'It's Time For Bankruptcy, Bank Of America Is Doomed'

Whalen says, the government should just seize Bank of America and restructure its debt, equity, and legal obligations now.

Full write-up inside.

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Rock Star Welcome For Ron Paul At California GOP Straw Poll Victory Speech: Video

Video - Crowds Chant For Ron Paul - Sep. 18, 2011

The clip gets going after the 1-minute mark.  Video inside includes Paul's victory speech.

Here are the results:

1 Ron Paul 44.9% 374
2 Rick Perry 29.3% 244
3 Mitt Romney 8.8% 74
4 Michele Bachmann 7.7% 64
5 Jon Huntsman 2.0% 17
6 Herman Cain 1.8% 15
7 Newt Gingrich 1.7% 14


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Roubini Says Greece Should Default, If Euro Bailout Fails U.S. Taxpayers On Hook Thru IMF, Obama's Cure For USPS, More Rick Perry & Merck, BofA Lawsuit Summary (14 Links)


Elizabeth Warren On The National Debt, Taxes & War

Video - Elizabeth Warren's Senate Campaign Talking Tour - Sep. 19, 2011

Passionate, short speech - Runs 2 minutes.  When discussing taxes, she should have hammered the theme that GE, Exxon and Goldman Sachs pay no taxes and Microsoft just 7%.  Our national tax disfunction is NOT that the wealthy pay 36% instead of 39%; it's that a majority of U.S. corporations don't pay jack shit, and hide their profits overseas, or bury them in a pile of Faustian accounting nonsense.


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S&P Downgrades Italy, Outlook Remains Negative, Euro Hit


Dennis Kucinich "Congress Takes Money From The American People And Gives It To War Profiteers And Wall Street!"

Video - Kucinich on the House Floor - July 14, 2011

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Occupy Wall Street - Protesters Continue To March, Camp Out On Day 3 In NYC Financial District (Photos, Video)


OBAMA STIMULUS WATCH: $800,000 Goes To African HIV Genital-Washing Program

The American empire is burning, bankrupt and primarily stupid.

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Ron Paul - 'End The Stimulus NOW! Stop Wasting Money On Pretend Make-Work Government Programs'

Video - Texas Straight Talk - Government Is A Terrible Venture Capitalist - Sep. 19, 2011

Complete transcript is inside.

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