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VIDEO - Greenspan On The U.S. Downgrade: 'The U.S. Can Pay Any Debt Because We Can Always Print More Money'

Video - Greenspan on Meet The Press - Aug. 7, 2011

"We can always print more money."  Full quotes and more video inside.

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Nigel Farage On Greece: 'We All Know They're Going To Default'

Transcript inside.

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HILARIOUS - Video Of Euro Funeral As Nigel Farage Buries The Bankrupt Ponzi-Euro Currency

It's impossible not to like this guy.  Perhaps I'm irreparably warped after 32 months of covering the global ponzi, but to me this is sheer brilliance.  We need a mock funeral for the dollar.  Ron Paul fans, get a coffin, paste it with photos of Bernanke, and you're well on your way to youtube stardom.


  • "European banks are going to take a hit at some point anyway, if you are a bank owed a great deal of money it's better to get 50% of it than none of it.  Down the path we are going now is heading for a total bust."

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RAW VIDEO - Geithner Meets With Euro Leaders

Start watching at the 40-second mark for the uncomfortable Geithner smiles.

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VOTE NOW - Who Would You Vote For In The California GOP Straw Poll?

You do NOT need to be a California resident to cast a vote.  Guess who's winning - none other than Ron Paul.


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John Thain Is Priceless: TARP 2.0 Introductory Laxative

Pretty decent spoof of the Mastercard 'Priceless' commercials and solid Friday afternoon fodder.  All the Wall Street bailout culprits are named and TARP totals given.  Now, if and when TARP 2.0 is created to save Bank of America (anyone taking bets on when...?), I'm going to have a mild coronary and quit the site for a week.  The idea of bailing out Ken Lewis' decision to buy Countrywide and assume the liabilities of Angelo Mozilo might be too much for your editor.

Related story from last week:


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Ron Paul On The Colbert Report: Debating The Gold Standard & Whether The Fed Is Dead

Video - Dr. Ron Paul with Stephen Colbert - Jan. 4, 2011

Quotes transcribed inside plus I added the clips from Dr. Paul's 2007 & 2008 appearances on the Colbert Report.

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Chris Whalen: Is Social Security A Ponzi Scheme?

Full write-up inside with summary and quotes.

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CHART: Federal Reserve Dollar Destruction

Chart demonstrating the decline in the dollar's purchasing power from 1913 to 2005.  And it's only gotten worse since '05, with the latest figures showing the dollar having lost 98% since the Federal Reserve was enacted in 1913.

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FLASHBACK - Bernanke Admits "Inflation Is A Tax" (Video)

Video - Bernanke admits to Ron Paul that 'Inflation Is A Tax' - July 16, 2008

The Helicopter responds strongly in the affirmative at the end of the clip.

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Did Fannie Just Bailout Bank Of America?

Video - Reason Foundation's Anthony Randazzo on the Alyona Show - Sep. 14, 2011

We covered this story last month in detail here:

Another stealth mini-TARP courtesy of Fannie Mae.  It was a liability dump above all else, but Fannie won't disclose details, so we're not sure exactly how deep it extends beyond the $500 million purchase price, though we are certain it was a ripoff for taxpayers, given the fraud to be found within the $73 billion pool of mortgages you are now responsible for.

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Obama The National Debt Hypocrite - Caught On Tape

Video - On the 2008 campaign trail, Obama blames Bush for adding $4 trillion to the national debt, calling it 'irresponsible and unpatriotic' - July 3, 2008

This is a MUST SEE.

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Alan Greenspan Testifies Before Congress: "Raise Taxes, Cut Spending, End Corporate Tax Breaks NOW!" (9/13/2011)

Congressional Video - Greenspan Testifies on Debt, Deficit Issues - Sep. 13, 2011

Solid clip.  Runs 90 seconds - Quotes inside.

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Dylan Ratigan - Destined For Another Disaster

MSNBC Video - Dylan Ratigan on the Lehman Anniversary - Sep. 14, 2011

Excellent short clip from yesterday's show.

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