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El-Erian: World On Eve Of Next Financial Crisis, 2 More BofA Lawsuits, Gold & Silver Slaughtered, Missing $10M Moon Rock Found Among Bill Clinton's Files (14 LINKS)


The Stoner Arms Dealers: How Two American Kids Became Big-Time Weapons Traders (Rolling Stone Exclusive)

The e-mail confirmed it: everything was finally back on schedule after weeks of maddening, inexplicable delay. A 747 cargo plane had just lifted off from an airport in Hungary and was banking over the Black Sea toward Kyrgyzstan, some 3,000 miles to the east. After stopping to refuel there, the flight would carry on to Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. Aboard the plane were 80 pallets loaded with nearly 5 million rounds of ammunition for AK-47s, the Soviet-era assault rifle favored by the Afghan National Army.

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Dylan Ratigan On The Wall Street Protests: "Financial Interests Own Congress And They Make The Rules"

Solid discussion from yesterday's show.  Start watching at the 3-minute mark.

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Jon Stewart On Wall Street Bonuses

  • "I guess the only real difference between bankers and movie stars is when Nick Cage lost all his money, I didn't have to bail him out."

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Porn Publisher Larry Flynt Funds Million Dollar Campaign To Expose Rick Perry

Before we present this story, take a minute to read this background piece that explains the interest in exposing the hypocrisy that is Rick Perry:

Politicians tend to be hypocritical liars by nature, but there is no other 2012 candidate who prevaricates as often and with such aggressive disdain for the truth as Perry.

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Obama The Waving Moron - Photo Of The Day

In a group photo with world leaders, Obama's waving hand blocks the face of Mongolia's president — and incites a fresh round of internet ridicule.

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Jim Rogers: Global Recession Will Be Worse Than 2008

Reuters Video - Jim Rogers On Global Recession - Sep. 21, 2011

Solid short interview from Wednesday - Runs 3 minutes.

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Olbermann Calls Out MSM For "Media Blackout" Of Wall Street Protests

Video - Keith Olbermann On 'Occupy Wall Street' - Sep. 21, 2011

Is it really any surprise that the corporate media would keep this issue on the down-low. Self-preservation is a powerful motivating force.  We've seen coverage by Democracy Now, Dylan Ratigan, Keith Olbermann and inside, Cenk of The Young Turks.  And that's all we're likely to see.

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Ron Paul Highlights GOP Fox/Google Presidential Debate

Video - Complete Ron Paul Highlights From Last Night's Debate - Sep. 22, 2011

Republicans were at the podiums again Thursday night with questions submitted by voters through Google and Fox News.

Related Ron Paul Stories:


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Barton Biggs Supports Endless Bank Bailouts: "We Need A $400 Billion Euro TARP, I'm Not An Advocate Of Hegel's Creative Destruction"

Video - Morgan Stanley's Barton Biggs said the following yesterday on Bloomberg:

  • "We're on the eve of a new financial crisis."
  • "Nowhere is safe to invest."
  • "I wish I were not in the markets."
  • "I want to see an important stimulus program in the United States, combined with major reform in social security, Medicare and our defense budget.  If we did that, we could have a 20 percent rally."

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G-20 Threatens Bailout Insanity - All Hail The Euro TARP

Every member of the G-20, save China, is in debt up to their eyeballs, but since when has solvency been an impediment to sovereign-collapse, debt-can, ass-kicking.  

Bring On TARP 2.0 - European Style:

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Head Of IMF And World Bank Discuss Global Economy

Video inside runs 1 minute.

IMF Chief Christine Lagarde said advanced countries need to prioritize balancing their budgets, while the World Bank's President Robert Zoellick warned that an economic crisis in the developed world could spread to developing countries. Both spoke at the IMF headquarters in D.C. Thursday.


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Global Stocks At A Precipice - DOW Plummets 350 Points


"We Are Advising Our Clients To Put Everything They've Got Into Canned Food And Shotguns"