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GEITHNER BEATDOWN - Germany Slams 'STUPID' U.S. Plan To Boost EU Bailout Fund

Geithner's plan rejected by Germany with a bitchslap thrown in for good measure.

The plan, cooked up by U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, is to persuade European leaders to vastly expand the size of the emergency bailout fund known as the EFSF, or European Financial Stability Facility. His proposal, and I’m not making this up, would use leverage -- i.e., borrowing -- to increase the size of the already borrowed money in the fund by up to 10x.

This is a little hard to believe, but it’s the truth. The funds from euro-zone countries in the EFSF have already been borrowed. And now the plan espoused by Geithner is to use that money as collateral to borrow as much as ten times more.

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MASSIVE BANK FRAUD: Bill Moyers With William K. Black (VIDEO & Transcript)

"If you go back to the savings and loan debacle, we got more than a thousand felony convictions of the elite. These are not, you know, tellers or something.  We today have zero convictions, zero indictments, zero arrests of any of the elite, non-prime lenders that, through their fraud, drove this crisis."

Complete transcript inside.

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The Most Honest Political Ad Ever Produced - Clint Webb For U.S. Senate


Robert Shiller: House Prices Won’t Hit Bottom For Years

Source - Tech Ticker

The July numbers for the most widely followed measure of house prices, the S&P/Case-Shiller Index, were released this morning.

The numbers weren't terrible--on a seasonally adjusted basis, July was basically the same as June--but one of the creators of the index, Professor Robert Shiller of Yale University, isn't taking much solace in them.

The economy has deteriorated significantly since July, Professor Shiller observes, and he suspects that the housing market has followed suit. And, from a broader perspective, house prices are still down more than 4% year over year.

In February, Professor Shiller startled those looking for an imminent "bottom" in house prices by suggesting that house prices could still fall 10% to 25%. He's standing by that assessment.

House prices won't necessarily plunge from here in nominal terms, but in real terms--after adjusting for inflation--they could still drop significantly, Professor Shiller says. And the bottom might not arrive for years.

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Another Big Month At Geithner’s Favorite Taxpayer Bank


AP Labeled 'Racist' For Accurately Transcribing Obama Speech - Race Card 'Alive And Well' Among Democrats

Runs 90 seconds.

Here's the Obama speech to the Congressional Black Caucus.  You decide if the AP was correct in its transcription.  As any regular reader knows well, I abhor racism of all sorts, but this charge is unadulterated nonsense.  As you will read inside, the exact thing was done to Bush, and there were never any complaints.

Truth:  92% of Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act, vs. just 62% of Democrats.

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BUSTED: Liberals Admit Racism Charges Against Tea Parties A Tactic, Not A Truth

Truth:  92% of Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act, vs. just 62% of Democrats.

This is infuriating.  There are racists in every party, but there should be no place in the national discourse for the following from Politico and Mary Frances Berry:

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Ron Paul With Jon Stewart - Daily Show Video (9/26/2011)


Govt. Watchdog Says Freddie Mac Settled 'Too Cheaply' With Bank Of America, Taxpayers On The Hook For More Losses

Anyone surprised?  Under current policy, Fannie and Freddie exist and function solely to absolve TBTF banks of liability and fraudulent assets.  Full report inside.

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VIDEO - Michael Moore Speaks To Protesters At 'Occupy Wall Street': "I Want To See A Perp Walk!"

I believe this clip is from last night at #occupywallstreet.  Start watching at the 3:15 mark for the headline quote.

  • "I want to see the people responsible for destroying the lives of millions of people in handcuffs, led away and brought to justice, immediately!"

Pretty simple demand.  And long past overdue.  We could start with police officer Anthony Bologna who has been identified as the NYPD thug who maced innocent female protesters.



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No EFSF Expansion - Germany Rejects Bigger Bailout Fund


Merkel Shuts The Door: "There Will Not Be Eurobonds"

Clip is a summary of the Geithner European meetings.  The emphatic statement from German leader Angela Merkel comes at the 2-minute mark.

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Analyst: $1 Trillion In Hidden Losses At German Banks

CNBC Video - Currency Strategist Joseph Trevisani - Sep. 23. 2011

With Deutsche Bank skirting by at greater than 50:1 leverage, this should not be a surprise. French banks should be assumed to be hiding similar losses.  Clip runs 90 seconds.



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MUST SEE - I Am Not Moving

Short Film - I Am Not Moving - Occupy Wall Street

At least a dozen readers have sent this video our way via email.  It does strike a chord.

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