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MUST SEE - Jim Rogers Tells Kudlow: "I'm MUCH More Of A Capitalist Than You Are Larry, Let The Damn Banks FAIL! Why Are We Saving The Bondholders!"

CNBC Video - Kudlow and Jimmy Rogers - Oct. 11, 2011

Runs 3 minutes.  Kudlow says it's a done deal that Greece will fail and predicts massive QE from the Fed and the ECB.  Rogers calls Bernanke a liar.  This is a great clip.

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Memo To Alex Jones - Who Said There Were No Anti-Federal Reserve Protesters At Occupy Wall Street (VIDEO)

A hard working guy from Connecticut wants to End the Fed!

Awesome rant on the Fed and Wall Street stealth bailouts.

More anti-Fed clips inside.

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Democracy Now - Amy Goodman On Occupy Wall Street

Video - Democracy Now's Amy Goodman

Two more clips inside, including a 15-year veteran of the armed services discussing his reasons for supporting the protests.

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Buffett Made $63 Million Last Year, Paid 17% Tax Rate

Details inside including a new interview with Buffett on the inequity of the tax system.

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ABC News Report: Occupy Wall Street Protests Now On Every Continent Except Antarctica


MUST SEE - Pelosi Tells ABC: "Wall Street Protests Are A Reaction To Bank Bailouts" But Minimizes Her LEADING Role In TARP Passage

ABC Video - Pelosi Discusses Occupy Wall Street - Oct. 10, 2011

I don't have a high opinion of (let's pass it so we can see what's in the bill) Pelosi, but she's correct in this clip.  The only problem with her comment is the leading role that she herself played in Congress' ultimate approval of TARP, despite the fact that the American people were against the Wall Street bailout back in 2008 by a margin of 99 to 1, according to some members' public statements.

Inside, we have details and quotes from the above clip, plus a look at Nancy's pivotal role, as House Speaker, in the passage of the single most unpopular bill in the history of Congress, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, also known as the Great Wall Street Rape of America.

For the majority of you who haven't been around since the beginning, the passage of this bill is what led your editor to launch The Daily Bail some 3 years ago.

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COMEDY - Obama's Jobs Speech - Before The Rewrite

Video - Funny or Die Does the Obama Jobs Speech

In honor of today's Senate vote that killed the $250K per job Obama stimulus.

As usual, the latest links are in comments.

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It's Hard Out There On Wall Street

Grab some tissue, you're going to need it.

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Obama's Stimulus Plan Will Cost $250,000 Per Job

Updated on Oct 12, 2011 at 3:22 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

"Barack Obama's jobs plan may be one of the worst policy proposals I've ever seen."

UPDATE - Senate kills Obama jobs bill

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Jon Stewart Rips The Obama Jobs Bill - 'The Remember Me, I Killed Bin Laden Employment Act Of 2011'

Daily Show Video - Jon Stewart on the Obama Jobs Speech - Sep. 12, 2011

Excellent clip from last month - Both sides get torched.

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VIDEO: 32 Arrested At Occupy Des Moines (Including An 80 Year-Old Grandmother Fighting For Democracy!)

Video - Occupy Des Moines - Oct. 10, 2011

This is a GREAT short clip, especially the grandmother, as she fights for Democracy.

UPDATE - Those arrested have demanded a trial by jury.

Full details inside.

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SHOCK RESULT - Fox News Poll On Occupy Wall Street - 70% Say They Agree With Protesters

The poll is still open:


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CHART - U.S. Corporate Profits Vs. Employee Wages

In Japan the ratio of pay for a ceo compared to that of the average worker is…11 to 1.

In Germany that ratio expands to a dizzying.....12 to 1.

And in the United States…..it’s 475 to 1.

Great chart is inside.

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Occupy Wall Street More Popular Than Congress, GE's Immelt - Intellectual Styles Of The Rich And Clueless, Huntsman Only Candidate That Blames Banks, The Volcker Rule: Toothless Then, Even More Toothless Now (LINKS)