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SHOCK RESULT - Fox News Poll On Occupy Wall Street - 70% Say They Agree With Protesters

The poll is still open:


Here's a screenshot of the current poll results:



Here's another poll on the protests:



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Reader Comments (11)

Oct 12, 2011 at 1:30 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Darden Restaurants takes down the American Flag at their restaurants because.....it would "disrupt your eating experience". We are not making this stuff up folks. It is true. Read the article below. That being stated, it is now our turn to tell Darden Restaurants that the American dollar bill also has some meaning to it and we will not be eating at any of thefollowing Darden ownded restaurants.

1. Olive Gardens
2. Red Lobster
3. Capitol Grille
4. Long Horn Steak House


Contact Darden Restaurants and let them know that the American Flag goes where you go!

Oct 12, 2011 at 2:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterTaterSalad
glad to see taking flags away riles some clowns more than taking rites or lives. The flag used to be a brand with a promise of freedom and hope - now it acts as a panoply to cover injustice - criminal insanity supporting a neocon agenda that is neither positive or sustaniable.
Oct 12, 2011 at 3:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterLokis
Free Enterprise does not work when:
1. Laws are written by lobbists to favor their employer and decimate the competition, that is the opposite of free enterprise.
2. Open bribery of our highest offices in the nation is welcomed and rewarded with favors to those with the most chash to throw at the Senators, Congressmen, President, etc.

Our nation is for sale, the people have been auctioned to the highest bidder. We have become nothing more than cattle to consume mega-coproation's products and supply the same owners with an endless credit line via our national debt by way of the Federal Reserve and IRS (collection agency for the Federal Reserve) scam.
Oct 12, 2011 at 3:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterShane
I hope Occupy Wall Street is vocal about not being affiliated with either the Democrat or Republican (or any other) party. My neighbor marched over the other day and started making fun of the Occupy Wall Street protesters. He said that "Rush Limbaugh said they were blah, blah, blah. I quit listening after "Rush Limbaugh." The jest of what he was saying was that the Occupy Wall Street protesters are Democrats. Anyway, I tried to explain how the Occupy Wall Street movement got started and what it stands for and he clearly had no interest. Meanwhile, the neighbors on the other side of me are staunch Democrats. I've tried to explain to both that their votes, for either party, are meaningless as long our politicians offer themselves up to be bought. Deaf Ears. They both keep preaching their parties. We need to get the money out of Washington. Period. Do away with campaign finance, kick the lobbyists to the curb, and shut the revolving door that exists between Wall Street and Washington.

If anyone from Anonymous or Occupy Wall Street reads this, please keep fighting the good fight and let the mASSES know: Occupy Wall Street is not a puppet of any political party; Occupy Wall Street is a movement of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Oct 12, 2011 at 7:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Very well said.

Here's a statement from ANONYMOUS about the protests:

We are a decentralized non-violent resistance movement, which seeks to restore the rule of law and fight back against the organized criminal class.

One-tenth of one percent of the population has consolidated wealth in unprecedented fashion and launched an all-out economic war against 99.9% of the population.

We are not affiliated with either wing of the two-party oligarchy. We seek an end to the corrupted two-party system by ending the campaign finance and lobbying racket.

Above all, we aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlement and World Bank.

We demand that the primary dealers within the Federal Reserve banking system be broken up and held accountable for rigging markets and destroying the global economy, effective immediately.

As a first sign of good faith we demand Ben Bernanke step down as Federal Reserve chairman.

Until our demands are met and a rule of law is restored, we will engage in a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience.

Oct 12, 2011 at 8:20 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Taibbi brings some advice:


"1. Break up the monopolies.

2. Pay for your own bailouts.

3. No public money for private lobbying.

4. Tax hedge-fund gamblers.

5. Change the way bankers get paid.

To quote the immortal political philosopher Matt Damon from Rounders, "The key to No Limit poker is to put a man to a decision for all his chips." The only reason the Lloyd Blankfeins and Jamie Dimons of the world survive is that they're never forced, by the media or anyone else, to put all their cards on the table. If Occupy Wall Street can do that – if it can speak to the millions of people the banks have driven into foreclosure and joblessness – it has a chance to build a massive grassroots movement. All it has to do is light a match in the right place, and the overwhelming public support for real reform – not later, but right now – will be there in an instant. "

Talking about OWS:
Oct 12, 2011 at 8:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterSomething Polish

Thanks for that. I'm going to print it and hand it out to my neighbors!

Oct 12, 2011 at 8:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterAmy
This morning WFXT Boston had Boston City Councilman Ross on live. The anchors were being critical about Occupy Boston and then ask him for his thoughts. This is where the fun begins.....

He told them they had every right to be there under the first amendment, and asked FOX to be fair and balanced by doing stories about how much the Bank CEO's make and what they did. Furthermore, he told them Boston historically is a place where things like this happen and that they do not need permits for their activities as they are not a business entity.

The look on the anchors faces when their jaws hit the floor......Priceless.
Oct 13, 2011 at 8:09 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Of course FOX is shocked. They're sitting on top looking down...for now. Marie Antoinette had the same view right up until she went head over heels.
Oct 13, 2011 at 12:08 PM | Unregistered Commenterrobertsgt40
Until our demands are met and a rule of law is restored, we will engage in a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience

And its not just the USA, THE WHOLE World is Haddit It, with the Shadow Goverment........maby now they will back off for 100 years, till they kill us off.........................Let Ron Paul take us back to 1950...........................
Oct 13, 2011 at 11:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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