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Rating Agency Egan-Jones Downgrades Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs Downgraded from AA to AA-

Synopsis: GS recorded $2.96B in investing and lending losses and a $378M decline in IB revenues, totaling a $3.34B decline. Hence, the total loss of merely $393M is respectable. Furthermore, given the political pressure, now is not the time to show robust results. The major issues facing GS is the cost of complying with the Volker rule (look for some changes or exemptions from the proposed rule), changes in senior management (to appease Sen. Levin) and a still weak IB and trading environment. However, with the demise of most of its major competitors, GS benefits from the lack of competition, attractive LT trading opportunities, and various forms of federal government support.

Other raters might take negative actions.

This morning Goldman reported their 2nd quarterly loss as a public company.  While Bank of America reported quarterly profits of $6.2 billion.

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MUST SEE - Dylan Ratigan With David Degraw & Bill Black: "We Put The U.S. Treasury Up For Auction And Goldman Sachs Was The Highest Bidder!"

Watch, listen, take notes, memorize.  Whatever it takes.  This is the truth.

Degraw, an organizer of Occupy Wall Street says:

  • "The Wall Street protests are a rejection of the failed Left-Right Paradigm.  Both parties are to blame and both are owned by the big banks."

Black says:

  • "The first thing we have to do is fire Tim Geithner, Eric Holder and force Ben Bernanke to resign.  There is no excuse for not prosecuting all 20 of the largest banks for obvious and demonstrable fraud.  Where is Paul Krugman and his use of the F-word, FRAUD!"

Ratigan says:

  • "I hope I get the pleasure of covering Bill Black's prosecution of the banks in 2012"


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Ron Paul Unveils His Economic Plan - Cuts Spending By $1 Trillion In The First Year, Reaches Balanced Budget In 3 Years, Eliminates 5 Federal Cabinet Departments

Video - Ron Paul with Wolf Blitzer - Oct. 17, 2011

Even if you're not a Ron Paul fan, watch this clip and learn how a balanced budget can be reached.  Full video from the press conference inside.

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Bank Of America Earns $6.2B Profit, Goldman Reports Loss, Mark Cuban Says 'Tax The Hell Out Of Wall Street', Bank Transfer Day Gains Momentum, Solyndra Outrage (LINKS)


SNL Spoofs Bloomberg’s Occupy Wall Street Crackdown

Video - Saturday Night Live - Oct. 15, 2011

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Gasparino: 'Occupy Wall Street Is Marxist Epicenter'

Video - Gasparino on Occupy Wall Street - Oct. 17, 2011

For all the readers who loathe the protests, here's your clip.  Congratulations, you have Wall Street shill Charlie Gasparino on your side.  We've never maintained that there aren't a wide variety of views to be found in Zucotti Park, but over the past few weeks we've shown you dozens of examples of anit-Fed, anti-bailout capitalists roaming the park and speaking out. Gasbag lunges for the stereotype and throws all the protesters under one label, thus making it easier for Fox viewers to disregard and disparage everything and everyone associated with the movement.

It's just not that simple as pages and pages of this website have revealed.

Gasbag quotes inside.

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Bill Gross Supports Occupy Wall Street, Fannie & Freddie Still The Socialites, Idiot Herman Cain Supports Iraq War, Bankers Are Still Jerk-Offs, Bank Transfer Day (14 Links)



The strange but true story of a forest-dwelling man whose words wound up on a protest sign 3,000 miles from his home.

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Judge Napolitano's Message To Occupy Wall Street: "End The Wars And End The Fed"

Government bailouts are the problem, not the solution:

"You are not poor because of capitalism; you are poor because of the lack of capitalism."


Related stories are in comments below.

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Occupy Wall Street: The GOP Is Making The Same Mistake As Democrats Did With The Tea Party

Occupy Wall Street may or may not be the liberal version of the Tea Party, either way we’ll probably know within the next year. But that’s far too late for the GOP to ignore them, or worse act as though they’ll only have 15 minutes of fame. Here’s a clue, GOP: If you’re still looking at your watch waiting for it to end, use that time wisely and get a strategy.

It’s been two weeks and the protests have gone viral and are now occurring not just in New York City but also in cities in more than 78 countries. The message is as clear as the implications: income inequality has gotten out of control and is untenable. It’s a progressive rallying cry that has tapped into something the Obama administration hasn’t been able to do since early 2009; namely, leverage the sense that people powered by little more than anger and a desire to change government can actually do it.

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Breitbart Leaks Thousands Of Occupy Wall Street Emails


RAW VIDEO - Cop Runs Over Wall Street Protester's Leg

Source - Gawker

Video of the NYPD running over a National Lawyer's Guild legal observer's leg with a scooter is above. He reportedly broke his leg, and was arrested after kicking the scooter over to free himself, since, you know, the cop just parked it there and walked away.


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RAW VIDEO - NYPD White Shirt KO's Peaceful Protester

The overhand right from the officer comes in slow-motion at the 35-second mark.  The victim has since reported that he's HIV positive, and thinks the cop should get tested.

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Occupy Wall Street Goes Global - 951 Cities, 82 Countries