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You Won't Believe This Quote From Wall Street's #1 Lobbyist

Steve Bartlett opened his mouth.  A former Congress-critter who was promoted to be Wall Street's top Washington lobbyist, he is a perfect symbol of the infuriating corrupt coziness between financial elites and lawmakers. Yet Bartlett blithely says:

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Citigroup Pays $285 Million To Settle SEC Mortgage Fraud

No, banks didn't commit fraud.  Civil charges.  No one is going to jail.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

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BLUE REPUBLICAN - State By State Guide On How To Register Republican To Vote For Ron Paul In 2012 Primaries

The folks at Blue Republican sent this clip our way.

From the email:

  • Blue Republicans are people who have never before thought of joining the Republican party, but are going to do so for one year to ensure that Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination for President in 2012.  Most of us identify as Democrats or Independents and/or supported Obama in 2008.  We believe that on issues that matter most - war, civil liberties, and crony capitalism (bailouts etc.) - Obama has pursued a course similar to that of George Bush, and so we are switching sides to vote for Ron Paul.

You can get all the details for your state HERE.


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William Black On Democracy Now: "Fire Geithner, Holder & Bernanke And Throw The Banking Felons In Jail!" (Video)

Video - Bill Black and Amy Goodman in Kansas City - Oct. 19, 2011

I caught a part of this interview on the radio today.  It's outstanding as Black has time to make his case without interrruption.

Complete transcript is inside.

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VIDEO - Where Have All the Gold Bars Gone? - Check Underneath The NY Fed

This 2-minute clip claims that 25% of the global gold supply, approximately $355 billion, is underneath the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's building at 33 Liberty Street in downtown Manhattan.  Of course, until we AUDIT THE FED, we can never know for certain if that much is actually there.  According to the clip, you can book a tour to see the bars for yourself.  In that case, seeing might be disbelieving.

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James Grant On Gold, Failures Of Keynesian Money Printing And The Fed (Video & Transcript)

Indiana University graduate and hilarious anti-Fed proselytizer Jim Grant holds court.  It's a long clip so we have included the full transcript inside - It's worth the read.

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HOLY BAILOUT - Federal Reserve Now Backstopping $75 Trillion Of Bank Of America's Derivatives Trades

This story from Bloomberg just hit the wires this morning.

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William Black: Not With A Bang, But A Whimper: Bank Of America’s Derivatives Death Rattle

Guest post by William K. Black

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HERO COP - NYPD Chief Joseph Esposito Saves The Day During Panic At Times Square Protest (VIDEO)

Don't skip this clip.  Chief of the Department Joseph Esposito, the highest ranking uniformed member of the NYPD, pulled his officers back with one hand and pushed protesters away with the other. He signaled to the protesters for calm, then patted his cops on the chests and shoulders, some of whom were visibly upset that their Chief was telling them to back off.

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SENATE VIDEO - Rand Paul Questions Tim Geithner On Tax Policy, Interest Rates & The Housing Bubble

Congressional Video - Sen. Rand Paul Questions Tim Geithner - Oct. 18, 2011

Excellent exchange from earlier today.  Paul nails Geithner for his role at the NY Fed and FOMC in keeping rates too low for too long contributing to the housing bubble.  Geithner offers a weak excuse, but fails.

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France And Germany Reach Agreement On $2.8 Trillion European Bailout Fund, EU Diplomats Say

As large as the figure sounds, it might not be enough, and France can now officially kiss their AAA rating goodbye.

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PANDEMONIUM - Amazing Video Of NYPD Charging Times Square Protesters With Police Horses

This is completely out of control.  Full details inside.

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Olbermann Interviews Marine Vet Who Annihilated The NYPD For Brutalizing Protesters

Hard not to like this guy.

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VIDEO - Max Keiser On Obama's Hallucination That Banks Didn't Commit Fraud

Video - Max and Stacy - Oct. 15, 2011

For a quick look at the fraud click HERE.

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