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RAW VIDEO - Occupy Wall Street Protesters Enter Citibank To Close Accounts, Wind Up In Jail : "All Your Money Are Belong To Us!"

A Protester’s Account of This Weekend’s Citibank Arrests

The woman from the video who got arrested had originally entered the bank with us as a part of our group (our group had met about 20 minutes before in Washington Square Park). She and a few people (although I'm not sure how many exactly) closed their accounts while the rest of us were listening to the stories we were sharing. When we were asked to leave by management, she and a few others walked out. The man in the video in the hoodie who grabs her is a plain-clothes cop who was with us when he entered the bank. Whether he was with us since our meeting at Washington Square, I don't know, but other people with us have said they saw him with us earlier.

More Details:

Citibank Offers Their Version Of Events

This Video of NYPD Arresting a Woman at Citibank Certainly Doesn’t Look Good

Citibank Not Alone in Banning Account-Closing Customers - Santa Cruz Bank Of America


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Ohio Lawmaker Introduces Bill That Requires Politicians, Judges, Police And Bankers To Be Drug Tested

The entire issue is ludicrous, but this makes sense given the legislative circumstances in Ohio.  If they are going to drug test welfare and food stamp recipients, then drug test everyone who receives a public salary. 

Related story (this is hilarious):


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VIDEO - When Hillary Cared About (Egyptian) Democracy

Things are different now that the protests are in the United States....

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RAW VIDEO - Moment Of Celebration At Occupy Wall Street As Bloomberg Backs Down

The crowd of more than 5,000 in Zucotti Park erupts in celebration.


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RAW VIDEO - Italian Students Rampage Goldman Sachs, Unicredit And Fininvest Headquarters (Berlusconi's Bank)

A demonstration of affection for those who do God's work in Europe.

This is a phenomenal clip.  Protesters in Europe know how to party and wreak havoc.  The kids in New York should pay attention and learn a thing or two from their amici Italiani.  Take the protests directly to the guilty banks.

More video and details inside.

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Lech Walesa, Revolutionary Free-Market Capitalist Who Defeated Communism In Europe, To Visit New York In Support Of Occupy Wall Street

This is more than a little bit ironic given that a good portion of the protesters are avowed Socialists.  Protests and anti-bailout politics make for strange bedfellows, as we've been saying for almost three years.

Full story and more photos inside.

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PHOTO OF THE DAY - Occupy Mayor Bloomberg

More photos from the Bloomberg protest are HERE.

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Peter Schiff: "Deposit Insurance For Banks Is A Bad Idea"

Video - Peter Schiff on the FDIC's Deposit Insurance - Oct. 11, 2011

Runs 2 minutes.  This is not an issue you hear discussed very often, but Schiff makes some valid points.

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PHOTO - Hell No We Won't Go! - Protesters Confront Mayor Bloomberg At Manhattan Restaurant

Full story inside with more great photos.

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Long Live Cronyism! - A Few Million To Washington Equals Billions In Special Favors


Lawyer For Maced Protester Demands Arrest Of NYPD Thug Anthony Bologna, DA Still 'Investigating'


VIDEO - Nigel Farage On Europe's Bailout Insanity


Bankrupting America - Who's More Responsible: Charlie Sheen Or Washington?

Video from Bankrupting America.  Several links inside.

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Too Big To Fail Or Too Big Too Indict - Government Capture By The Big 4 Accounting Firms