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Trichet Says 'No Haircuts' For Billionaire Bondholders: "The Plan For Ireland Has Already Been Approved By The World"

Words, like body language, can be subtle.

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Must Hear Voicemail: Gasparino Harasses Lehman Execs

Panic kicks in at 22 seconds.

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Prison For Paulson - Despite Cries For Justice, Wall Street 'Perp Walks' Slow To Develop

Editor's Note: Though Hank Paulson is not involved in this story, he remains guilty of crimes against humanity and taxpayers.  Call it Daily Bail subliminal messaging, only less subliminal and more of a 'headline lead.'  Paulson's crimes are outlined here.

It's long past time for jail sentences and orange jumpsuits.

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Obama With Bill O'Reilly: "The United States Can't Dictate What Happens In Egypt" - Super Bowl Interview: Full Video

Video - Bill O'Reilly Interviews President Obama - Feb. 6, 2011

Relative to most other Presidential sit-downs, this is quite tolerable.  O'Reilly is not shy about interrupting anyone, and the Deficit President is treated no differently.  Broadcast yesterday afternoon before the Super Bowl.  On Egypt, Mubarak, economy, jobs, taxes, healthcare and the Constitution.

Several links inside.

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The New York Fed, Lehman And A CLO Called Freedom

Editor's Note - Bernanke's lies yesterday on Fed transparency pissed me off mightily, so we're republishing another case of Federal Reserve non-transparent corruption.  Wait until you read this one.  Audit the Fed anyone?!!!

This is a living, breathing advertisement for the need to have absolute transparency in all future Fed rescues.  Geithner is the guilty party.  His criminal transgression was aiding and abetting 'concealment of toxic assets.'  The FRBNY helped Lehman disguise the true nature of its massively insolvent balance sheet, accepting a bundle of Lehman's worst assets, named Freedom CLO

These were the same assets that Citigroup called 'junk' and said were 'impossible to value,' when refusing to accept them as collateral from Lehman.  That didn't stop the New York Fed from accepting these assets in exchange for cash.

The rub for Geithner is the following: he knowingly allowed the largest and most important of the twelve Federal Reserve banks to be used as a "warehouse" for junk loans, even though guidelines say only investment grade bonds may be accepted.  So Geithner violated the Fed's internal restrictions in order to help make Lehman look less insolvent. 

Is anyone surprised.  Just another reason our Treasury Secretary belongs in jail. 

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Meet The Fed’s QE2 Traders, Buying Bonds By The Billions

Fed traders Blake Gwinn and James White in the Operations Room.  

That's it.  That's the room where Bernanke's magic happens.  Incredibly underwhelming for money printing ground zero.  Maybe next year, the Helicopter will drop some cash for new computers. Reminded me of this story...

There are quotes from the Fed's head trader Brian Sack, though there is no mention or explanation of his meetings with Goldman Sachs FX Committee, as Zero Hedge detailed recently.

Full profile from the NYT inside, and more - video, links, QE2 infographic.


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MUST SEE RATIGAN BOMBSHELL: How The Federal Reserve & Wall Street Banks Are Destroying The Dollar, Ripping Off Taxpayers, Disrupting The Food Chain And Sparking GLOBAL Revolution (With Bill Fleckenstein)

Video - Dylan Ratigan with Bill Fleckenstein - Feb. 3, 2011

PLEASE watch this clip from yesterday's show.  All the intricate pieces of the puzzle are laid before you.

  • "We reject Ben Bernanke's rejection of the premise, and here's why..."

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WSJ: What Could Bernanke & The NY Fed Be Hiding?


Bernanke Is STILL Withholding Collateral Data for $885 Billion in Financial Crisis Loans

Updated on Feb 3, 2011 at 9:33 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Editor's Note - We are reposting this Bloomberg story from December in light of Bernanke's comments - lies, actually - when asked about a Fed audit after today's speech.

A newly transparent Federal Reserve after last month's document dump?  Don't believe the hype. Bloomberg examines what the Fed still doesn't want you to know, even in violation of Dodd-Frank requirements for disclosure.

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AUDIT THE FED BREAKING: Bernanke's Blatant Lies: Q&A From Today's Speech (Video National Press Club)

Updated on Feb 3, 2011 at 10:15 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Bernanke's lies quote by quote.

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Chairman Ron Paul: "We Must Audit The Fed In 2011" (Video & Transcript)

Transcript inside.

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Fancy Pants Bernanke: "As Far As Gold Is Concerned..."

Video - Bernanke on Gold, China accumulation - Jan. 4, 2010

We searched far and wide, and this is the only clip of B-52 discussing gold we came across.  If you can find anything else, post it in comments.


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Prince Alwaleed Talks To Steve Forbes About His Apple Investment (High Comedy)

Video - Alwaleed with Steve Forbes

You only need to watch the last 20 seconds.  Start the clip just before the 1-minute mark.

  • "We don't see anything lucrative right now, but I'll call you for sure."

Another clip inside of Alwaleed with Maria Bartiromo that is begging for an SNL skit, as they discuss Pandit, Chuck Prince, and the Citigroup bailout, all while the Prince lounges in his stable among camels and horses.

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WARNING - GRAPHIC VIDEO: Egyptian Armored Vehicle Goes 40 MPH Thru Crowd; Running Over Bystanders

Warning - Extremely disturbing clip

If you're in a hurry, start at the 40 second mark.

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