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14 Points To Save America

Guest post from S. Gompers.

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Bernanke To Senator: Goldman Sachs Is NOT A State

Video - Bernanke testifies before Senate Banking - Jan. 07, 2011

  • "What would happen if California defaulted..."

Manchin then looks to the Bernank for any sign of Fed willingness to bailout strapped states.  Helicopter chokes down a laugh.


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Indiana's Tom Pritchard: White Men CAN Jump (Video)

Turn the volume all the way up.  Pritchard dunks on Bernanke...

Video - The Tom Pritchard Tomahawk - First 5 Seconds

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Jim Rogers With Larry Kudlow: "Say Hello To $150 Oil"

Video - Rogers with Kudlow - Jan. 26, 2011

Rogers on the economy, inflation, Fed, crude, commodities, and markets.

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Marc Faber: "Bernanke Should Resign"

Video - Faber on Bloomberg TV - Jan. 25, 2011

Faber says the S&P will fall by 10%, and the market is being propped up entirely by the Bernanke money printing dollar bastardization and eradication plan.

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When you pay people to say nice things about you and the bought and paid for media run with it, the masses believe the bullshit (On Uncle Ben Bernanke)

Video - The river of bullshite runs deep.  The key word below is 'investors' not the public, and it refers specifically to Bloomberg customers, in other words, Wall Street.  So 66% of Wall Street loves helicopters.  

Stop the presses.  This is a fu^ing news flash.

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Bernanke and Bankster


Watch Bill Black Blast the FCIC Report: A Whitewash Of Criminal Bank Fraud (Video)

Video - Bill Black on the Real News Network - Recorded Feb. 1, 2011

Full write-up inside.


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Mubarak Is High - Part 2


Best 5 Minutes Of Health Care Summit - Paul Ryan's Opening Statement To Obama (VIDEO & Transcript)

Editor's Note:  We are re-publishing this clip tonight in light of yesterday's ruling from Judge Vinson that Obamacare, the entire bill, is un-Constitutional.

Let us state that we are not rabid fans of Paul Ryan under any circumstances.  The scoundrel is owned by the banks and voted for TARP, so let's not kid ourselves about his pedigree on financial corruption.  That said, this is a great 5 minutes head-to-head with Obama.

Just to be clear, our problem with Obamacare is the individual mandate, which is blatantly unconstitutional, and the egregious giveaways to Big Pharma & Big Insurance that are built into the law.  It's a poor fix.

Transcript is inside.

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Strike number two for Obamacare.  And it wasn't pretty.  Some brilliant and blistering quotes from the ruling Federal judge are inside.

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Bizarre Video: Mubarek Thugs On Horseback Beat Up Anderson Cooper & CNN Crew

Video - Aired today on CNN

Cooper and his crew are among the crowd of protesters caught up in the melee.


(Reuters) - CNN's Anderson Cooper said he and his crew were punched and kicked in Cairo on Wednesday by supporters of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, but that they escaped with just scratches as anti-government protests turned deadly.

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Mubarek Is High

Video - Mubarak tries to understand the Egyptian anger

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HAMP: Helping Homeowners Or Enriching Banks - Dylan Ratigan With Sen. Merkley & His INSANE Proposal (VIDEO)

Video - Ratigan with Merkley - Aired Feb. 1, 2011

Merkley must be a front for the home builders; he introduced legislation last week to help homeowners and boost housing, and the headline component is a a permanent tax credit for first-time homebuyers.  Housing obviously needs more federal subsidies.  This is absolute insanity.  We should not tilt an already unbalanced tax code even further in the favor of houseowners vs. renters.

Renters are America's most maligned class, and Merkley's proposal should be considered a 'non-starter' until the permanent homebuyers' tax credit is removed from the legislation. 

For a more sane alternative, read Patrick.net for truth on housing.  He covers these issues everyday.


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