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When you pay people to say nice things about you and the bought and paid for media run with it, the masses believe the bullshit (On Uncle Ben Bernanke)

Video - The river of bullshite runs deep.  The key word below is 'investors' not the public, and it refers specifically to Bloomberg customers, in other words, Wall Street.  So 66% of Wall Street loves helicopters.  

Stop the presses.  This is a fu^ing news flash.  Tasteless Unique bonus clip below.





Bernanke Gets 66% Approval From Investors in Poll

Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Investors love Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. It’s just his policies they don’t like so much.

Sixty-six percent of investors have a favorable view of the 57-year-old former Princeton University economist, compared with 31 percent unfavorable, according to a quarterly global poll of 1,000 Bloomberg customers who are investors, traders or analysts conducted Jan. 21-24. Bernanke is more popular than his European counterpart, Jean-Claude Trichet, and scores higher than all other world political and economic leaders in the poll with the exception of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Investors don’t have the same positive regard for the Federal Reserve’s actions, particularly the decision in November to inject $600 billion of stimulus into the financial system. A plurality of respondents, 35 percent, say that policy, know as quantitative easing, hasn’t had any significant effect on the economy; another 33 percent say the asset purchases risk a rise in inflation to dangerous levels. Just 27 percent say the plan to buy Treasuries is working as intended to help reduce unemployment and boost growth.



A clip from November that was never posted...

Bernanke Has Done 'Fantastic Job' - UBS Exec



And we're quite sure that we'll get email complaints about this clip...

Video - Look at that douchebag (Bernanke)...







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Bernanke Gets 66% Approval From Investors in Poll

Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Investors love Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. It’s just his policies they don’t like so much.

Sixty-six percent of investors have a favorable view of the 57-year-old former Princeton University economist, compared with 31 percent unfavorable, according to a quarterly global poll of 1,000 Bloomberg customers who are investors, traders or analysts conducted Jan. 21-24. Bernanke is more popular than his European counterpart, Jean-Claude Trichet, and scores higher than all other world political and economic leaders in the poll with the exception of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Investors don’t have the same positive regard for the Federal Reserve’s actions, particularly the decision in November to inject $600 billion of stimulus into the financial system. A plurality of respondents, 35 percent, say that policy, know as quantitative easing, hasn’t had any significant effect on the economy; another 33 percent say the asset purchases risk a rise in inflation to dangerous levels. Just 27 percent say the plan to buy Treasuries is working as intended to help reduce unemployment and boost growth.

Feb 2, 2011 at 10:15 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
A little more music.....

Sub-prime mortgage blues
Feb 2, 2011 at 11:26 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
One thing that really sticks in my craw is seeing Bernanke called an "economist". The man is nothing of the kind. It's like calling an astrologer a scientist.
Feb 2, 2011 at 11:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterSome Guy
SomeGuy....he's a professional hitman and actor. Bernanke knows damn well what he is doing and is following the script that was written long ago. The bullshit started with Paulson's 700 billion dollar bazooka and has carried forth with continued devaluation of the dollar - one of their objectives. They're gonna run this fucking economy on full throttle when it comes to printing. And when they see the wall coming at them at light speed, they'll hit the "emergency powers act" through Obama, and they'll let the shit hit the fan all at once. One likely outcome is revaluing gold at 10+ k dollars/oz which would immediately "negate" much of the debt. Of course before they do the revaluing of gold, they'll complete another round of confiscation of sorts. Either they'll confiscate with force or they will drive gold prices into the ground (one way or another) and get everyone to sell.

Either way, you'll likely be parting with your gold. At least that is what they think. But, perhaps they might consider collecting the guns first. LOL. They might get their asses shot off thinking they can pull another gold confiscation scam.

Nothing will change even though change appears to be happening. A good example of this is what is occurring in Egypt. One must ask themselves why it is so widely televised on the bought-and-paid-for major media whores. Even NPR is in the loop, another media whore. There all talking about it. Why would that be? When you understand why they are doing this, you'll understand that they can direct the cattle/sheep to do whatever it is they want. I can only imagine the outcome in Egypt from this scripted agenda. No....the rioting is for real. But the people are playing directly into the hands of the enemy. But perhaps they will not...if they are smart enough and calm enough to really think about what is going on.

One just wonders what is really going on either here in the US or elsewhere such that the major media whores are relentlessly following the circus in Egypt. Magic is upon us once again, yet perception becomes the reality just as they choose.

I rather think its reached the hopeless stage for most of civilization regardless of what country you are in. We will end up following their agenda because we are unable to decipher the real from the magic. The truth is no more unless you are among the PTB. And the minority who may be lucky enough to understand what exactly is happening will be shunned just as before by the ignorant and docile sheep which make up the majority.

I dare you to try and go against the system. Are you willing to sacrifice all that you have for the fight? Like the Egyptian man on TV stating he is no longer afraid even though he has a wife and child at home. He is ready to give his life for what he believes to be freedom. That is what its going to take. Not just some tough words on the internet or town hall meetings, or holding up a sign in a "free speech zone".
Feb 3, 2011 at 12:15 AM | Unregistered Commenterdogismyth
Right, just like the lady said yesterday. I not go to home untill he gos first. I stay till he is gone from power. I am not afraid to die. Evan the moms & grandmas are standing up for their rights.

This is what it would take here i America if we were to realy take back our country. Only here im not so sure our army would stand on the side of the people......? I would hope so, after all, they took the oath....!
Feb 3, 2011 at 9:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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