When you pay people to say nice things about you and the bought and paid for media run with it, the masses believe the bullshit (On Uncle Ben Bernanke)
Feb 2, 2011 at 10:09 PM
DailyBail in bernake, bernanke, fed, federal reserve, qe2, quantitative easing, video

Video - The river of bullshite runs deep.  The key word below is 'investors' not the public, and it refers specifically to Bloomberg customers, in other words, Wall Street.  So 66% of Wall Street loves helicopters.  

Stop the presses.  This is a fu^ing news flash.  Tasteless Unique bonus clip below.





Bernanke Gets 66% Approval From Investors in Poll

Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Investors love Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. It’s just his policies they don’t like so much.

Sixty-six percent of investors have a favorable view of the 57-year-old former Princeton University economist, compared with 31 percent unfavorable, according to a quarterly global poll of 1,000 Bloomberg customers who are investors, traders or analysts conducted Jan. 21-24. Bernanke is more popular than his European counterpart, Jean-Claude Trichet, and scores higher than all other world political and economic leaders in the poll with the exception of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Investors don’t have the same positive regard for the Federal Reserve’s actions, particularly the decision in November to inject $600 billion of stimulus into the financial system. A plurality of respondents, 35 percent, say that policy, know as quantitative easing, hasn’t had any significant effect on the economy; another 33 percent say the asset purchases risk a rise in inflation to dangerous levels. Just 27 percent say the plan to buy Treasuries is working as intended to help reduce unemployment and boost growth.



A clip from November that was never posted...

Bernanke Has Done 'Fantastic Job' - UBS Exec



And we're quite sure that we'll get email complaints about this clip...

Video - Look at that douchebag (Bernanke)...







Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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