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14 Points To Save America

Guest post submitted by S. Gompers.


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

       Charles Dickens, English novelist (1812 - 1870)


It is funny how this quote from A Tale of Two Cities seems to be the very essence of the age we live in today.  Many see hope, light, darkness or despair reflected in their views of one party or the other depending on their faith or views of one another.  Everyone is concerned for the future, yet strongly abide by the very party lines that got us here in the first place. Reality is, both sides have been striving to derail the American experiment for many years. Evidence of this lies in the rhetoric thrown at one another as being somehow more important than real solutions for what ails the nation. Ignore the problems, but create plenty of distractions to keep the masses preoccupied.

To save the nation, I feel that the following 14 points should be implemented while we still have time to break out of our current free fall.

1) -  If candidates are sincere, they must refuse to accept money from financial institutions or lackeys thereof (one must first get elected to have any effect on the other points) and demonstrate their sincerity to the American people that they are truly interested in returning our nation to its intended Representative Democratic Republic.  Our “Representatives” have manipulated our current system into such a sorry state that we now have an un-named, unmanageable, unworkable system of government.

2) -  End the FED. With a vote by Congress in 1913, the government gave legal legitimacy to a cartel of the largest bankers and permitted them to inflate the money supply at will, providing for themselves and the financial system liquidity in times of need, while insulating themselves against the consequences of overextension of credit and bad loans.

This form of financial socialism that has benefited the rich and the powerful through the creation of the FED has caused, or greatly contributed to, the unprecedented economic instability in the decades afterwards and must be laid to rest.

The current alleged functions of the Federal Reserve System include:

  • To address the problem of banking panics.
  • To serve as the central bank for the United States.
  • To strike a balance between private interests of banks and the centralized responsibility of government.
  • To supervise and regulate banking institutions.
  • To protect the credit rights of consumers.
  • To manage the nation's money supply through monetary policy to achieve the sometimes-conflicting goals of maximum employment, stable prices, including prevention of either inflation or deflation, and moderate long-term interest rates.
  • To maintain the stability of the financial system and contain systemic risk in financial markets.
  • To provide financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions, including playing a major role in operating the nation's payments system.
  • To facilitate the exchange of payments among regions.
  • To respond to local liquidity needs.
  • To strengthen U.S. standing in the world economy.

All this private banking system has managed to do is successfully privatize the profits, while socializing the losses onto the backs of generations of Americans who have not even been born yet.  If anyone feels these goals as stated by the FED have been achieved, speak now or forever hold your peace.

3) - Restore a Constitutional monetary system outside of the central banking structure.  The mechanics of this item has yet to be addressed or determined, as most focus on issue number 2 and seem to have not thought this far in advance.

4) - End lobbying and restore a Government of the people, by the people, by majority rule, instead of a government of the lobbyist, for the special interest, focusing on a rule by a very elite minority.  This item in its own right will strip the ruling minority of its carrot and stick method of subjugating the masses by controlling the “elected representation” that the people elected to represent them.

5) - Prosecute those responsible for the financial destruction of America.  Only through the realization that crime does not pay can future ponzi schemes and frauds be averted. Speak softly and carry a big stick people, as long as crime is rewarded, it will be rampant.

6) - Investigate all "lawmakers" who were contributory to aiding the crime of the century by repealing laws such as Glass-Steagall, etc., and uncover the money trail of special interest money desiring the same.  We must stop the flow of money to politicians to serve other masters than the American people. They get “rewarded”, while we pay for the crimes that are implemented is not in the healthiest interests of our nation.

7) - End the selling out of our national interests to foreigners.  When the government spends more than it collects every year, it borrows. It prints up Treasury Notes and Bonds etc.

This puts the government in a catch-22. It can’t raise taxes, because nobody likes that. It can’t charge tariffs (tax) on products coming into the country and put the cost of our government onto foreign countries and foreign manufactures. It could do this, especially since we now import 80% of what is sold in the U.S., but it can’t, because we believe in “UNfree trade”. Besides, most of our imports are from American based companies who went overseas to avoid paying taxes and hire cheaper labor in the first place.  Instituting tariffs would spoil their whole plan, especially since much of their plan was assisted with U.S. taxpayer’s dollars to get out of paying taxes.

8) - Stop participation in Agenda 21 and Codex Ailimentarius.  G.H. Bush signed Agenda 21 in 1992. He did not need ratification or Congressional approval because this is not a treaty, it is merely a set of “soft-laws”. In 1993 Bill Clinton by Executive Order, created the President’s Council of Sustainable Development.

Sustainable Development is essentially the “land grab”. The Wild lands Project is the “water grab”. Health Care Reform is the “body grab”. Cap and Trade is the “private property grab”. Participation in any programs that ultimately weakens American Sovereignty must cease.

9) - Remove the U.N. from U.S. soil.  The United Nation’s basic philosophy is both anti-American and pro-totalitarian. Our Declaration of Independence states the “self-evident” truth that “men … are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” But, in its Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the UN ignores God’s existence, implies that only it grants rights, and then repeatedly claims power “as provided by law” to cancel them out of existence. If any government can place restrictions on such fundamental rights as the right to keep and bear arms, freedom of speech, freedoms of the press, association, movement, and religion, soon there will be no freedom.

The United Nations was founded by Communists and CFR members whose common goal was to implement a Socialist World order. Sixteen U.S. officials who helped create the United Nations did so as secret Communists. These included Alger Hiss, chief planner of the 1945 founding conference, and the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White. The Soviet Union under Stalin and the Communist Party USA worked vigorously to launch the United Nations. Since its beginning in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations has always worked toward world government. The key CFR founder, Edward Mandell House, in his book, Philip Dru: Administrator, called for “Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx …”

Edward Mandell House helped to pick the charter members of the original Federal Reserve Board as well. Edward was the son of Thomas W. House, a gun runner for the Confederacy, financier, and agent of the Rothschild's during the Civil War who was linked to the anti-Lincoln, pro-central bank interests.

43 members of the U.S. delegation at the United Nations founding conference were, or would later become CFR members.

10) - Stop deregulation, and enforce regulation to the fullest extent of the law to prevent fraud by showing that it does not pay, and you will not get a free pass.

11) - Stop selling natural resources to foreigners.  If you want to buy wood, buy dimensional lumber, not our trees.  If you want to buy steel, you buy steel, not our iron ore. These are just a few examples of many that could be made on this subject to create jobs, increase tax base, and protect American markets.

One day Americans who grew up in the land of plenty will wake up in a barren wasteland watching America’s bounty leave our country while they stand broke and starving wondering what happened, if we continue down this slippery slope.

12) - Stop and repeal ALL unbalanced trade deals that are leveraged against the interests of America. As a major trading Country, the U.S. exports many things and we import everything you can imagine. When America imports more than we sell abroad, we make up the difference known as the trade deficit by shipping dollars overseas. Right now, the rest of the world owns $3 trillion more of us than we own of them. And for many years we’ve been purchasing more imported goods than we’ve been selling of our own to other nations. After averaging $80 billion annually during the 1980s, the trade deficit sky rocketed into the $300 billion range in the 1990s. And by 2003, this figure had exploded to over $500 billion. That’s about 5 percent of our gross domestic product (GDP), a level that when it has occurred in other countries has preceded a sharp decline in the value of those nations currency.

Foreign investors unfortunately have a say in the value of our wonderful fiat currency, as our current system is modeled, and in the next few years they’re going to say some very bad things about it if we do not end the combined policies that are threatening its alleged valuation.

Our annual trade deficit is larger than the budgets of the military, Social Security, and twice as big as Medicare. There is simply no way this can end well.

The dangers of a high trade deficit are illustrated in this excerpt from a speech by Peter Morici, and illustrate how reducing the gap would actually increase domestic GDP.

“Cutting the trade deficit in half would boost U.S. GDP growth by one percentage point a year, and the trade deficits of the last two decades have reduced U.S. growth by one percentage point a year

Lost growth is cumulative. Thanks to the record trade deficits accumulated over the last 10 years, the U.S. economy is about $1.5 trillion smaller. This comes to about $10,000 per worker.

Had the administration and the Congress acted responsibly to reduce the deficit, American workers would be much better off, tax revenues would be much larger and the federal deficit could be eliminated without cutting spending. The damage grows larger each month, as the administration and Congress dally and ignore the corrosive consequences of the trade deficit.”

Peter Morici is a professor at the University of Maryland School of Business and former chief economist at the U.S. International Trade Commission.

13) - Stop encroachment on our personal liberties and Constitutional rights.  I cannot stress this point enough, and to the herdists I say, BOTH PARTIES ARE RESPONSIBLE. From the gun laws that have been instituted, to the repeal of Glass Steagall, to the Patriot Act, to the Homeland Security Act, and many more back to the creation of the FED and the manipulations and the distortions of truth by both parties by the architects of the Bankers Manifesto since 1892.

14) - End Obamacare and allow people who are forced to change jobs the right to buy insurance affordably that will cover pre existing conditions.  Universal healthcare is an Agenda 21 mandate.  Health care needs reform, but this is not reform.

If we don’t do these things soon, my advice for the next two generations of Americans is simple, buy wheelbarrows, you are going to need them to carry the money you will need just to buy a loaf of bread, assuming your papers are in order and you are allowed to go to the grocery.  

Or just buy your Zimbabwe Notes in advance.


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Reader Comments (25)

Dynamite Gomp, just great. Thank you.
Feb 3, 2011 at 2:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
yes...thanks gomp...nice work...
Feb 3, 2011 at 3:54 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

Add 15) Repeal the 17th 16) Restore Popular Representation in the House to the Founders' ratio 1:30,000.
Feb 3, 2011 at 12:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterSmack MacDougal
Good job Gomp!
Feb 3, 2011 at 1:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterSell Short
Great post Gomp!

It's exactly what needs to happen. Have to replace most of the government though. Those crooks have no conception of what a Representative Democratic Republic is and even if they did it ain't gonna happen on their shift. Not enough money for their greedy elite lifestyles
Feb 3, 2011 at 4:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
One thing you left off the list, but is essential if you want the federal government to shrink back to its proper sphere -- end the income tax. It is the iron grip of the taxfeeders around your neck.
Feb 3, 2011 at 4:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterJen
not much hope for the implementation of all the points but there is some progress being made on a few fronts...#2 and #14...ending the fed, and ending obamacare...

the fed is going to come under a ton of scrutiny going forward as the interest on the national debt grows...there will be much future public discussion of the power to print, and whether congress should take back that right from bernanke...it has already started...i'm starting to see 3 or 4 articles per week on the subject in fact...
Feb 3, 2011 at 5:53 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
@gomp...this story just hit 2,000 views about 5 minutes ago...so your ideas are getting some exposure...
Feb 3, 2011 at 6:24 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
These things cannot be implemented unless the U.S. Federal Government is completely overthrown. These are wonderful points, but they cannot be put into practice until the government is gone, and frankly, I don't see any action being done in this sphere. Americans talk about how they're "in solidarity with" the Egyptians, but those words don't have much meaning (if any) if we do not do to our government exactly what Egypt is doing to theirs. Talk is cheap, and Americans seem to be the experts on substance-less talk. These things cannot be implemented from within the current system, and anyone who thinks they can is living in Wonderland. Revolution must come first.
Feb 3, 2011 at 6:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterBen Steinke
All true but the author neglects to mention, beyond citing "foreign influence", that Israel and Jewish Power reign supreme in the USA today. Unless we root out those who put Izrael and their evil Talmudic ideology first, we will never be able to accomplish the goals listed. So no. 1 should be: All people of the Jewish religion (who put Jews and Israel above loyalty to America) should be banned from participating in key employment areas of US society, including media, government, finance, academia, labor unions, internet ownership, politics, above all. The ADL must take their mandatory Holocaust Education and stick it.
Feb 3, 2011 at 6:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterConcrete man
whoever wrote this list is obvisously a Alex Jones listener. I agree with some of this but not all. Many AMericans are denied healthcare insurance because of preconsiting conditiions. Ending Obamacare would bei endorsing that and it is wrong to support the insurance companies on this. I disagree with the UN. This is typical Alex Jones crap. Finally I am wondering why Insgtant run off voting is not on this list. America needs it to make third parties more electable. We need to end the two aprty illusion and IRV would help do that.
Feb 3, 2011 at 8:14 PM | Unregistered Commentercaptkirk999
IRV...that's a new one for me...just did a little research...thanks for the tip...

as for ending obamacare...it was a giveaway to Big Pharma and Big Insurance...good riddance...Supreme court will rule that the individual mandate is unconstitutional...i'll bet ya..
Feb 3, 2011 at 8:49 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

I just got around to reading this through. Sound suggestions all around and you a give a good sense of the "big picture" in terms of the reforms we need (as opposed to the ones the elites want to shove down our throats).

Thanks for taking the time to do this.

Also, per #9.), I wonder if you've come across the writings of people like Cass Sunstein and Martha Nussbaum -- both former colleagues of Obama's (i think) at Chicago. Both are influential -- CS works for the WH -- and both have written extensively about the inadequacy of the individual rights tradition embodied in the Declaration. Their arguments are just warmed over communitarian stuff, but I know for a fact that many on the center-left find them persuasive. To name just one example, Sunstein has written in favor of regulating the internet (he's pretty cagey about exactly how) in order to weed out "extreme" views.
Feb 3, 2011 at 9:23 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
How about adding repeal all amendments and only put back ones that aply in todays times Gomps.......................&just think if we could realy pull this off....?

It would be like going back to "Little House on the Praire"...................everything would be real again. We would look after one an other.

Guns would be for hunting game food. Stock Markets would be gone so we would put our money in the local bank in town. &......people would be once again Happy People Again. Not wanting to harm one an other from stress the goverment has brought down on us.

Gomps could have a Deer Jerky Fest & JTS would keep the stock tank full of "Cold Beer"........................Yup, it would be nice to have America back once again. But im not going to hold my breath......!
Feb 3, 2011 at 9:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Excellent list. Let's also add that no political leader may hold dual citizenship and that all political leaders must be american born.

Its a great start. We need to create a new mindset, or paradigm. A new way of thinking and reasoning is drastically needed to ensure that we are much more successful than we have been in the past centuries.
Feb 4, 2011 at 12:04 AM | Unregistered Commenterdogismyth
14 excellent and important ways to get our country back! However, Gomp left off probably the most important three needs, why I don't know:

15) Place 50,000 armed National Guard troops with vehicles and the latest technology on the Southern Border, not 3 miles off the Border but RIGHT ON the Border. Place most of the troops in Arizona where the majority of the Invasion is taking place.

16) Refund the Fence, remove the 360 miles of useless vehicle barriers put in by Obama and finish the 715 miles of double-layered high fence (with a road in between) as required in the Secure Fence Act.

17) Make 1070 the law of the land (much of it already exists in Federal law). However, because the Senate would never pass it and Soetoro-Obama would never sign it, nearly every state must pass a 1070 bill. Important to those bills are the following that must NOT be weakened:

1) E-verify must remain obligatory for ALL a state's private businesses who must also be required to screen both current and new hires.

2) 287.g must be expanded to all states with communities and cities being reimbursed by the Feds for money spent training deputies and police in the program.

3) Day labor centers must be closed and employers of day laborers must be prosecuted and fined as per 1070.

4) All Sanctuary City ordinances must be struck down in the 1070 laws. This is one of the requirements of 1070.

The illegal alien Invasion of the U.S. by Mexico primarily must be stopped and those in the country illegally must be arrested and deported or forced to self-deport.
Feb 4, 2011 at 3:31 PM | Unregistered Commenterlevotb


Point 4 where as you seem to be asking for Mob rule vs a Republic where the minority are protected by Law and have the same rights as the majority! Regardless of religion, race, or creed. If I am truly within my rights, granted by law, should the majority rule be allowed to take my rights away from me just because I disagree with 51 of the most vocal/active out of 100?

Point 10 Stop Deregulation? Surely you are talking to banking regulations here and the Fraud they are committing?? Did you ever run a small business! Heck most private entrepreneurs are breaking many regulations because they never heard of them. So many regulations are designed to manage /herd us in the direction the Gov. wants us to go ie: who we can hire and how much they must be paid. Many other regulations are designed to collect taxes for the Gov. Wherein ignorance of the law is no defense there is huge difference between a regulation ignorant honest men/entrepreneurs and a Big Wall Street Banker paid millions in salary and millions more in bonus, with a huge legal dept. committing fraud and politicians covering it up!
I submit to you that we already have too many regulations and that we already have laws against Fraud. Truly if we only enforced the laws against FRAUD that are already on the books we would be where we need to be. Enforce and prosecute/hang our gilded leaders and bankers for crimes/treason against the state and the people! Under the Constitution of the USA the gilded have no more right to commit fraud than the most lowly of us. But over the past many years when the gilded commit fraud it’s on a huge scale and today thanks to our politicians they are getting away with it and destroying our country! Evidently our Gov. allows fraud by the Bankers and cover it up with more fraud and misrepresentation (FAS 157…mark assets to whatever you want,,. Where is the SEC (surfing porno web sites and picking on the little guys)? How can we know what we are buying in the publicly traded and Gov. sanctioned heavily regulated/unregulated stock market?) If the REGULATORS only concentrate on the ignorant business or individuals we don’t have a rule of LAW for ALL! (Fear not it’s for our own good that we are feed Sh** and kept in the dark….. and that our rights under the Constitution are abridged otherwise why would our Gov. allow this to go on? Trust them they are from the Gov. and they are here to help!)

This blatant, glaring disregard for truth and equality under the LAW is evident to most on this web site! I suspect the rest of the WORLD has noticed this as well. The USA is a joke today and I guess/fear my deeply held concerns and opinions for the good of my country, that the TSA or FED REGULATORs will consider me a terrorist under our Nations current state of emergency (and all the regulations created to save us all from terrorism!.) If so it is only because I truly love my country and have sworn to uphold the Constitution and if by writing out my concerns it makes me a terrorist then I’m proud to be a terrorist and only hope to be sharing a cell and water board with folks like you on this web site.

I guess you can tell I hugely agree with points 5 and 6!!

We have to stand for something and I stand for liberty, equality, and justice for all as provided by our Constitution (or that God Dammed piece of Paper, as G W Bush called it). (Can you imagine a President (especially a “conservative” Republican President) saying that? How did he get away with that? How many of our grand fathers, fathers, sons, and daughters swore to up hold, support and defend that piece of paper called the law of the land and how many of our fellow citizens have died to preserve it? Obviously our highest leaders have no respect for the law/Constitution and our congress and senate must agree with him as he didn’t hang for treason. (I still pledge my allegiance to the flag of the USA and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands one Nation under GOD indivisible with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

Evidently/Obviously we have no Constitutional Government and our gilded leaders do as they wish! Give me Liberty or Give me a water board!
Feb 4, 2011 at 3:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterKent

You have it backward on 4, I do not believe in mob rule, I believe in the principles of Republic. The rights of the 99 (as per your hypothetical figures) are currently being trampled by the rights of 1 in our current system. I have always stood by the right of the minority having the same rights as the majority, hence my stance against imminent domain as one example. Our current system in no way reflects a Republic. Protection of equality is a two way street.

As to your question of point 10, I would hope that the context of the article would clearly reflect that I am referring to the fiat financial "services"/ "investment" industry in this application. I would hope though that you would also believe we need things like the FDA however, though the egg guy in Iowa would love to see that pesky entity go away.

We will never enforce the regulation of these industries or the fraud laws against these TBTF companies as it would be tied up in court for generations by the respective legal departments. That is why we continue to repeat the cycles, reward the criminals, and concentrate on screwing the little guy who does not have a legal department at his disposal.

Excellent other comments.


I have always been against Sanctuary City ordinances, Atta was pulled over two weeks prior to 9-11, found to have an expired Visa, and let go. I have often wondered what the outcome would have been if he had been deported prior to his “alleged” involvement on 9-11.




As to border security, I would do something more drastic in lieu of our southern neighbors snubbery of our nations border, laws, and the crime being perpetrated in the border regions.

Dr. P,

Thanks, and I haven’t read any of those as I am an extreme anti communitarian and anti Hegelian Dialectic , I just don’t live it to the degree of the tent lady of Gerteeville


I have posted this before, but you might enjoy this;


The real question is, where does the money go?

Captain Kirk,

No, I do not listen to Alex, though I do know him. I am not going to respond to the Obamacare statement, as I do not understand what you are saying. What exactly do you disagree with about the U.N.? Who founded it, who pays for it, who runs it, or who (us) is always getting the finger pointed at and saying baaaad.

As an avowed communitarian, you will enjoy living under number 8. I do agree with easing restrictions on third parties, but this list has to do with saving the economy versus the process.

Concrete man,

Get a hobby, that is not what I am referring to. Many times foreign influence has been involved in American politics from both sides of the fence. From the battle at Churubusco and the St. Patricks Battallion, to many influences in the Civil War, the war of 1812, both world wars, to the gutting out of our nation today.

Many of Jewish belief have fought and died for the American dream, just like many of other religions have in the past. You probably can’t see that hiding under your sheet.

To the rest,

Excellent comments, I am a realist, I do not think any of these will gain traction. It is merely an exercise to get the few that will recognize that something is amiss to hopefully take steps to save themselves. If there was a huge calling for change in the system, I do not believe that it will be heeded. However, it would expose the true nature of our graft system.

These 14 points demonstrate clearly that the leadership in America do not work in the best interests of our nation, and the fact that they push for the exact opposite should make one question their true allegiances. Yes, there could and should be more, however I was asked to elaborate on these points that arose in a disagreement with rock from Buffalo New York who inspired the points to begin with.

Thanks rock, without you as the clay, these thoughts may have never been organized. I would also still be willing to bet that your divinely inspired hero will not rise to the challenge of championing any of them.
Feb 4, 2011 at 11:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers

Enjoyed hearing some of the background on this. We ARE raising awareness, a few people at a time. Will it be enough? Time will tell. It usually does.
Feb 4, 2011 at 11:58 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
Baby steps are the best we can hope for Dr. P, as no one can handle the whole truth. Save who you can, the rest will proudly sink waiving their foreign made American flags, and blaming their neighbor, or the church down the street, etc..

I would also like to thank Steve for affording me the time and space for this.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (defined as a liberal gift) from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, followed always by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years."

attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler, (October 15, 1747 - January 5, 1813) a Scottish-born British lawyer and writer.

I would say we are beyond the "they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury" part, and have been for many years...
Feb 5, 2011 at 1:45 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
gomp...just crossed 4,000 views since it was published..will probably get 10,000 views before it's over...i will update the numbers here every few days....
Feb 5, 2011 at 1:56 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I would say we are beyond the "they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury" part, and have been for many years...

@ Gompers...................Yes, we should see the "Freeeeeegin-Cliff".....from which we will be jumping from any day now. When you can smell the Smell of Shit, comming up behind the supper fan of life, You know its getting close becouse of the In-Draft suckking in the fumes of Shit.

When you hear the sound of Washington Bobble-Heads grinding threw the blades, its time to "Hunker Down" the real shit is Flinging out the front of the fan.

The Sheeple will look up just in time to say.................."What-Da-Fuck" !
Feb 5, 2011 at 12:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Son, I see you have done your homework very well again. Keep up the good work, and just maybe we wont have to see the
total destruction of our freedoms, and way of life in our life times. I'm very proud to call you son.

Pappa Gompers
Feb 5, 2011 at 3:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterPappa Gompers
"OMG" were blessed with words from Gomps Daddy.................! You sure did a great job raising your son "GrandPappy Gomps ! Were sure proud of him....?
Feb 8, 2011 at 10:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Sorry Gomps, guess I came along and stomped on yr party. Just when it was getting-a-goin, too...................!
Feb 16, 2011 at 4:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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