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Paul Ryan Faces Off Against Bernanke: "There Is Nothing More Insidious That A Country Can Do To Its Citizens Than Debase Its Currency" (Video)

Video - Bernanke testifies before Paul Ryan and House Budget - Feb. 09, 2011

Bernanke faces off against Paul Ryan

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Facing off against some of his toughest critics on Capitol Hill Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told lawmakers they need a "credible program" to reduce the nation's growing deficit.

"Even after economic and financial conditions return to normal, the federal budget will remain on an unsustainable path... unless the Congress enacts significant changes in fiscal programs," Bernanke told the House Committee.

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Bernanke Confidante, QE2 Critic, Warsh Quits The Fed


Milton Friedman On Greed - Phil Donahue Show (1979)

Friedman on poverty, greed, free markets and Capitalism.  Too bad he's not around anymore to explain away the ideological failure of free markets aided and abetted by the captured ruling class. The Kleptocracy won again, Miltie.  Did Friedman imagine and calculate for the distortion of free markets when greed and control of regulators could mean a $3 billion paycheck for John Paulson.  And did greed propel Paulson to collude with Goldman Sachs to create 'shitty CDOs' that were designed to, and succeeded at, failing.  Or were they just having some fun with Timberwolf and Abacus.

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"There Are No Buyers Of Portuguese Debt..."

Fleckenstein inside:

  • "The only difference between the U.S. and Greece is a printing press."

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Comedy Central Presents: Bernanke On The Economy


VIDEO - Ron Paul With Larry Kudlow: Dollar Collapse Will Bring Down U.S. Empire (Feb. 08, 2011)

Solid clip from last night.  Dr. Paul discusses His Quantitativeness as well as his own platform versus that of Paul Ryan.

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Think You Can Eliminate The Red Ink In California's Budget? Here's Your Chance - YOU Make The Cuts

Extremely impressive infographic built by the LA Times.  Through would be an understatement for this interactive monster.

Think you can eliminate the red ink in California's budget?

The state's budget shortfall for the rest of this fiscal year and next, estimated to be $28 billion, is the size of the total general fund budget of 12 states combined: Delaware, Idaho, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont and West Virginia.

We've provided a wide range of options — spending cuts and tax increases — that cover most of the proposals made by Democratic or Republican lawmakers. It's not easy, but it can be done.

Try your hand at filling this particular $28 billion hole...


This clip explains why California will never EVER get its budget under control...

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"This Is Blood! This Is Mubarek's Blood!" - The Most Amazing Egypt Video - This Is How You Start A Revolution

In case you missed this last week.  Clip is on the front page.

  • "We will not be silenced, whether you're a Christian or a Muslim, whether you're an atheist, you will demand your god damned rights, and we will have our rights, one way or the other!  We will never be silenced!" (0:45)


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Video: Kucinich: "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me A Wiretap"

Video - Dennis Kucinich on Patriot Act reauthorization from the House floor earlier today - Feb. 08, 2011

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60 Minutes: Walking Away From Your Mortgage (WATCH)

How to walk away from your mortgage...

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Video: Trichet At Davos: "Euro Debt Brainwashing Still A Work In Progress"

Reuters Video - Jan 27 - The debt within the Euro Zone crisis is a ''work in progress'' says ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet in Davos.

What he meant to say...

"We're still trying to get Merkel to sign off on bailouts for everybody, meanwhile somebody needs to turn me loose with the Euro Press.  The Helicopter gets all the publicity, but I could out print that punk from here to Weimar with 2 stops in Zimbabwe for wheelbarrows, paper, ink.  Too much debt, what?  Never heard of that.  Our banks are too leveraged, what?  Basel took care of that.  Last question. Ireland?  Fine Gael can kiss my bank bondholder ass."

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Total Cost Of Wars Exceeds $2.5 Trillion - No Worries! US Media 'Fluff' Numbing Nation, Robbing Next Generation


Super Bowl flyover costs taxpayers $450,000 (F-18 Video)

Considering that the Pentagon spends $500 million in the U.S. annually, just on marketing the wars, this is a mere drop in a leaky, bankrupt bucket.

Several clips of the F-18 flyover are inside, all captured by fans.

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WATCH LIVE - Bernanke Testifies Before House

Live Video - Bernanke Testifimony - House Budget Committee

Summaries from this morning's testimony:


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