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Comedy Central Presents: Bernanke On The Economy

Video - Bernanke testifies before House Budget - Today, Feb. 09, 2011

His Quantitativeness speaks...

You can read the prepared remarks here...

Comedian Benny Bernaynekee performs his live stand-up act in front of fraud-Republican neo-con Rep. Paul Ryan (who is afraid to demand real spending cuts, unlike Senator Rand Paul) and his House Budget Committee instead of appearing before true-Republican Congressman Ron Paul's House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy.

Ryan, trying to suppress interest and support in Ron's new chairmanship of the subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, chose to schedule his committee's hearing at the same time as Ron's. Out of fear, Bernanke chose to attend Ryan's hearing. What a coincidence! Paul Ryan and Ben Bernanke are a couple of sneaky bastards and they are traitors to the American people; Bernanke through his destructive monetary policies and Ryan through his propaganda!

The bad news is that C-SPAN didn't air Ron's hearing; the good news is that Ron's hearing was PACKED with supporters! I want to personally thank those people who showed up at Ron's subcommittee hearing!

Way to go!!! Keep giving them hell!




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Reader Comments (4)

If anyone out there recorded the LIVE feed of Bernankes' testimony as it was being aired, at about 2:30:00 or there about he made a comment to a question posed to him regarding 'who gets paid first, China or our Troops in Afghanistan' in which he responded 'China'. I cannot find it on the c-span video made of the proceeding and feel that this comment may have been edited out. It should be there as I heard it myself on the live broadcast. Can anyone else confirm this? please use a recording of the original feed broadcast live. thanks.....
Feb 9, 2011 at 7:28 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
I wanted to puke watching this. A wasteful distraction from what was happening in Ron Paul's meeting.
What will happen next is probably what Gerald Celente has said..... war... Dear God how foolish and sick...
It's like my drunk fraternity brothers trying to run the Phi Delta Theta house at Auburn University in the 60's
Great work John, couldn't have done better myself.
Feb 9, 2011 at 7:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterDave
Feb 9, 2011 at 9:23 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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