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Schultz With Ratigan: How Bernanke's Printing Press Is Causing Global Revolution (Video)


Algeria Is NEXT: Protesters Defy Government Ban As 30,000 Riot Police Protect Capital Square


Tavakoli: "Gold Is Now Official Currency" Says J.P. Morgan

Guest post submitted by Janet Tavakoli.

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Gallup: Obama Approval Rating Hits New Low on Deficit

The President walks like an Egyptian on a tour of the Great Pyramids in 2010.

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Warren Buffett: "No One Can Stop Too Big To Fail"

A couple of bums fighting over the taxpayer's wallet...


Andrew Frye of Bloomberg has a devestating piece out today that highlights testimony Warren Buffett gave to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) earlier in the year about how taxpayers will always be on the hook for Too-Big-To-Fail institutions.  Buffett told the Commission:

  • “You will always have institutions that are too big to fail, and sometimes they will fail.  We still have them now. We’ll have them after your commission report.”

As Frye points out, this sits squarely at odds with assertions from the Obama administration that the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill ended TBTF once and for all.  We've even got video proof from the Obankster himself.

Debt, Lies and Wall Street Bailouts...

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Chris Whalen On Fannie's BofA Settlement: "This Is A Gift From Tim Geithner, With Politics Written All Over It"

Is Fannie secretly bailing out the banks?  Whalen thinks so.

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Brilliant Video On The Global Food Crisis - Taiwanese Next Media Animation

Highly entertaining as always from NMA.

Food prices are skyrocketing around the world. The FAO Food Price Index is at a record high.  Mother Nature has caused supply shocks in places like Russia and Australia, thus driving up prices.  Governments have exacerbated the problem by hoarding and implementing export controls.  Meanwhile, Indians and Chinese are driving up global food demand, thanks to their changing diets.  And hedge funds are not helping, either. They have artificially driven up prices through speculative trading.  Higher food prices have been blamed for causing instability in Egypt and Tunisia.  Maybe Thomas Malthus was right. Will the instability spread? Or will science once again find a solution?

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VIDEO - Ron Paul Discusses 2012 Presidential Run, Says: "U.S. To Blame For Egyptian Chaos"

Brand new interview.  Just aired on RT a few minutes ago.

Video - RT's Dina Gusovsky talks to Congressman Ron Paul about the situation in Egypt, the future of the Conservative Movement, and whether or not he will run for President in 2012.

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RAW VIDEO: Police Shoot Egyptian Boy In Cold Blood

Warning - Graphic Content

We just found this clip this morning through a German TV link.  Start watching at the 30 second mark.  Description is inside.

Link - How the Mubarak Family Made Its Billions

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Mubarak Resigns - Tahrir Square Erupts In Celebration


Budget Deficit Widens to $50 Billion In January - 28th Consecutive Month Of Robbing The Cradle


MAN BEATS BANK - And Creates Mortgage Banking MERS Bomb - Lost Paperwork Means Free Homes

Very interesting story, and not without ramifications for other states.

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Nobel Prize Winning Economist Milton Friedman On Lord Bernanke: "My Preference Would Be To Abolish The Federal Reserve" (2006)

Video - Excerpts from an interview from May 22, 2006, in which Friedman discusses the dangers of big government and advocates abolishing the Federal Reserve.  Clip inside of Friedman on marijuana and drug prohibition.

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Ratigan On The Roots Of The Foreclosure Crisis: "It Was Wild West On Wall Street"

Video - Dylan Ratigan - Jan. 31, 2011

How It All Began

On fire as usual, Ratigan speaks with the mayor of Victorville, California, a real estate wasteland where new homes were razed without ever having occupants.  Another data point from housing bubble ground zero.

Check out the 30 best and worst counties nationwide for underwater mortgages...

Vegas wins again...

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