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U.S. close to punishing banks over foreclosure fraud

(Reuters) - U.S. bank regulators are finalizing punishments against mortgage servicers after a probe found "critical deficiencies" with the industry's foreclosure processes.  John Walsh, the acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, said a national probe of foreclosure paperwork and procedures found that mortgage servicers broke laws, and that a small number of homeowners were wrongly evicted.

Asked if the magnitude of the potential penalties could reach the range of billions or even tens of billions of dollars, Stevens declined to comment.

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CHART: U.K. House Prices Since 1952

Full-size inside plus a 2nd chart.

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Video: Coburn Asks Blankfein: "Have You Spoken With Anybody At Treasury About The Regulatory Reform Effort"

Archive Video - May 06, 2010

Clip has not been posted at the Bail before.  Part of our new series 'Nightly Lloyd.'

Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, is asked by Senator Tom Coburn if he talked to anyone at Treasury about Dodd-Frank.  Comedy ensues.

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Plan B: Cut Benefits To Bankers


PAULSON PANCAKED: Dartmouth Hank Is No Match For Cornell's Friedman

Paulson the offensive lineman at Dartmouth and Friedman, the much smaller wrestler from Cornell.  Guess who got his ass kicked...

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Goldman Closes Prop Trading Desk to Comply With Volcker


Geithner "Quite Open" to Chinese Proposal To Replace Dollar As Global Reserve Currency

After news of last week's IMF proposal, we went digging and found this Geithner clip in the wayback machine.  This made a brief splash back in early 2009 and was popular among conspiracy theorists, but it has largely been forgotten up to now, and we suspect that many observers simply dismissed it as a meaningless gaffe.  However, in light of IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn's formal proposal to consider replacing dollars with SDR's (Special Drawing Rights), Geithner's comments look less like a gaffe (in the sense of a mistake), and more like a gaffe as defined by Michael Kinsley:  "A 'gaffe' is the opposite of a 'lie.'  It's when a politician [accidentally] tells the truth."

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BUSTED: Fox News Caught Playing Dirty Tricks With Ron Paul CPAC 2011 Victory Video

Fox News deceptively misrepresented Paul’s 2011 CPAC straw poll victory by substituting footage from CPAC 2010, where Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed the results.  Fox, a habitual mouthpiece for the GOP establishment, normally works in clandestine ways to deny the legitimacy of Dr. Ron Paul's candidacy.  But this is blatant.  No mistake was made in choosing video clips.  Fox producers purposely were attempting to discredit Paul through the use of last year's clip.  Shameful and shameless.  Keep that in mind the next time you hear 'fair and balanced.'

More clips from CPAC 2011...


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Madoff: Banks Knew I Was a Crook (NYT Interview)

Sculpture - Madoff and the Bull Market

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"50 Years At 50 Basis Points" - Josh Rosner On Radio Free Dylan Ratigan

Rosner says we need global debt restructuring - 50 years at 50 basis points.

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Barney Frank Ambushed By Jason Mattera: Banking, Brothels & Fannie Mae (Very Funny Clip)

Jason Mattera asks Barney Frank for advice on how to run a brothel.  This one is classic.  Lots of very candid Fannie & Freddie discussion.

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Tim Geithner With Steve Liesman On Fannie, Freddie Reform Proposals (CNBC Interview)

Geithner announces the White House proposal on GSE reform.

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UPDATE: Fannie, Freddie bailout could double in size to $360 Billion - It Will Eventually Be $1 Trillion


Obama: "You Can Take That To The Bank"

Video - Obama's broken promises

The federal government borrowed 43 cents of every dollar spent in the 2010 budget.  The cost of war is bankrupting the United States...

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