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Supreme Court Hears Case: Can Human Genes Be Patented?

Supreme Court Tackles Case of Patent Law, Human Genetics

PBS Newshour

The Supreme Court heard arguments on whether biotech company Myriad Genetics can patent a gene associated with breast cancer.  Jeffrey Brown gets details from National Law Journal's Marcia Coyle, and viewpoints from Ellen Matloff of Yale Cancer Center, a plaintiff in the case, and Kevin Noonan, an intellectual property attorney.

Judy Woodruff interviews Sandra Day O'Conner inside.

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COMEDY: Conan O'Brien On Rising Gas Prices


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COMEDY: "I Didn't F@#K It Up"

Brilliant.  It's been a long week.

"They, whoever they are, they fucked it up."

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WATCH: Bernanke Hints At Retirement

Others Can Manage QE Exit for Me

No Single Person Essential to Fed Policy

Watch it all the way to the end where he finally drops the hint.  Just found this clip from March 23, Bernanke FOMC press conference.  His second term expires in January 2014.

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Matt Taibbi And Dan Patrick Discuss The NFL Draft

Taibbi's brand new bankster piece inside.

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WATCH: Elizabeth Warren Vs. Ben Bernanke

Now we have the tools to shut down the banks.

Who does he think he's kidding.  The entire FDIC would seize up and die attempting to resolve JPM's derivative desk alone.

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BUSTED: Obama Lied About No More Wall St. Bailouts

Obama pats himself on the back.

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TIME LAPSE: Job Losses In The Great Recession


WATCH: Elizabeth Warren Kicks Bank Regulator's Ass

"You work for the people not the banks!"

Brilliant clip.  Elizabeth Warren vs. Captured Banking Regulators.

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James Grant: "I'm Very Bullish On Gold At These Levels"

Fed Doubling Down On QE, Very Bullish for Gold

Jim Grant yesterday on CNBC's Closing Bell discusses the state of the economy, and the crash in global commodity markets.

"Gold to me is not a commodity, it's money."

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Five days make or break the year for market returns.

Tom Keene and Mike Holland with Bloomberg's Single Best Chart.

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INTENSE: New Video Shows Boston Suspects Explode Bombs, Battle Police

Still think the Boston bomber suspects are innocent and being framed?

Then how do you explain the gun battle and bombs in this eyewitness video.

Dateline NBC Last Night - A Must Watch

Interview With Eyewitness Who Took Video And Photos

Incredible detail.  This is intense.  Check out the bomb marks in the street.  The Boston bombing suspects exploded mulitple bombs including a pressure-cooker bomb that rattled the entire street and buried the neighborhood in deep smoke, during their battle with Watertown Police.  The gun battle happened right outside their window, on a quiet street in Watertown.  And the roommates who filmed and took pictures had their apartment shot full of holes.

Also includes a remarkable interview with another man who lived on the same street who witnessed the battle, and then went to work at his hospital where the older bomber suspect was brought by ambulance.

The eyewitness photo collection is inside plus more video.

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Santelli On Gold Panic Selling: 'HERE'S THE RUMOR'...

Rick Santelli on gold rumors sparking widespread selling.

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MUST SEE: Boston's Controlled Explosion Hoax

How Alex Jones And Conspiracy Junkies Can't Tell Time

There is plenty to question regarding the Boston Marathon bombings, but this story isn't one of them.  What you are about to read is one of the biggest FALSE conspiracy memes out there.  I noticed Alex Jones' tweet on the day of the bombings and debunked it immediately here on site in comments.  It wasn't very difficult to figure out how Jones got it wrong.  It took me approximately 10 seconds.  But that's because I know how to tell time.

Big freaking deal, you say?  Here's why it matters.  Ten days later, this false false flag story is now huge in certain circles, and is being used to claim the government planted the bombs. And the completely ridiculous video below has more than 118,000 views on youtube and growing, and as of this morning, exactly 78 people have sent it to me by email asking me to post it and expose the government.

It gets worse.  I responded to every single one of the 78 people with a link to the story you will read below, explaining how the false conspiracy got started.  So far I have gotten 31 responses.  Of those 31 responses, a whopping 14 people asked me to post the video anyway in order to keep the false conspiracy alive.

This story is my revenge on those 14 unfortunate souls.  I am following their wishes.  And do not think for a second that I didn't write the very simple headline for this story in order to draw in thousands of conspiracy google searches on the false flag cover-up of Boston's controlled explosion.

Call me a lot of things, but unmotivated by blogging revenge should not be one.

But before watching, first check out this brilliant and hilarious explanation of how the entire false flag conspiracy got started, where you will learn that Alex Jones can't tell time, and much more importantly you will read how he and others continued to promote the false story even AFTER learning it was a complete hoax.

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