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Debt-Tastrophe: The Fed's Doomsday Course

By Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig 

Growing demands on the federal government have invited a massive buildup of government debt now and over the next several years. US fiscal policy must focus on reducing this debt buildup and its consequences.

History holds many examples of severe fiscal strains leading to major inflation. It seems inevitable that a government turns to its central bank to bridge budget shortfalls -- with the result being too-rapid money creation and eventually, not immediately, high inflation.

German hyperinflation is one classic and often-cited example, and with good reason. When I was named president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 1991, my 85-year old neighbor gave me a German 500,000 Mark note.

He'd been in Germany during its hyperinflation and told me that in 1921, the note would have bought a house. In 1923, it wouldn't even buy a loaf of bread. He said, "I want you to have this note as a reminder. Your duty is to protect the value of the currency."

Many say hyperinflation could never happen here in the United States. To them I ask, "Would anyone have believed three years ago that the Federal Reserve would have $1 1/4 trillion in mortgage-backed securities on its books today?" Not likely. So I ask your indulgence in reminding all that the unthinkable becomes possible when the economy is under severe stress.

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Glenn Beck At CPAC: "Hello, my name is the Republican party, and I have a problem -- I’m addicted to spending and big government" (VIDEO & Transcript)

You might not be a fan of Glenn Beck's histrionics (but you'll like this clip); I never watch his show, personally, though I agree with him a fair bit of the time, especially in his condemnation of the Republican party for embracing big government.  Complete speech, transcript and shorter, summary clips are all inside.  Plus links from everywhere on his keynote closing to CPAC on Saturday.

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UPDATE: Citigroup Warns Customers It May Delay Future Account Withdrawls By 7 Days


Et Tu London: Goldman Sachs helped Britain hide debt


Peter Schiff On The Fed Hike, Obama In Vegas (VIDEO)


Perhaps The Most Important Photo In The History Of The Decline Of The United States


Facing Bank Foreclosure, Ohio Businessman Terry Hoskins Bulldozes His Home And Pool Instead (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Video, story and photos inside.

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On The Conservative Hypocrites Who Passed The Most Fiscally Irresponsible Legislation In Our Nation's History


Lunchtime Links (17 Articles, February 19, 2010)


DEBT FIGHT: Greek Leaders Attack Germany over WW II Occupation As Crisis Continues

This illustrates the problem with the common currency union -- deep down Europeans still harbor resentment and anger (they hate each other) over WW II.  There is no way the Euro holds together over the next decade.  Way too much stacked against it.

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U.S. Headed Toward Bankruptcy, Says Top Budget Committee Member (Must See Video)


Joe Stack STATEMENT: Suicide Note From Austin Pilot Who Crashed Plane Into IRS Offices (VIDEO & Slideshow)

If you're reading this, you're no doubt asking yourself, "Why did this have to happen?" The simple truth is that it is complicated and has been coming for a long time. The writing process, started many months ago, was intended to be therapy in the face of the looming realization that there isn't enough therapy in the world that can fix what is really broken. Needless to say, this rant could fill volumes with example after example if I would let it. I find the process of writing it frustrating, tedious, and probably pointless... especially given my gross inability to gracefully articulate my thoughts in light of the storm raging in my head. Exactly what is therapeutic about that I'm not sure, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

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SURPRISE, SURPRISE: Republicans Young, Cochran lead earmark abusers list

The top earmarkers in both the House and Senate are Republicans, even after the GOP has spent much of the past year making fiscal restraint and runaway government spending the centerpiece of its political message.

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Know Your Useless Political Labels: Conservative Is Not Opposite Liberal -- That Would Be Totalitarianism