Facing Bank Foreclosure, Ohio Businessman Terry Hoskins Bulldozes His Home And Pool Instead (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Like many people, Terry Hoskins has had troubles with his bank. But his solution to foreclosure might be unique. Hoskins said he's been in a struggle with RiverHills Bank over his Clermont County home for nearly a decade, a struggle that was coming to an end as the bank began foreclosure proceedings on his $350,000 home.
- "When I see I owe $160,000 on a home valued at $350,000, and someone decides they want to take it – no, I wasn't going to stand for that, so I took it down," Hoskins said.
Hoskins used a bulldozer two weeks ago to level the home he'd built, and the sprawling country home is now rubble, buried under a coating of snow.
- "As far as what the bank is going to get, I plan on giving them back what was on this hill exactly (as) it was," Hoskins said. "I brought it out of the ground and I plan on putting it back in the ground."
Reader Comments (24)
Years ago after the Sublime Court allowed artificial persons ( corporations) to wield emminent domain rights, one man objected like this as well...
Granby is a wonderful town, one of my favorites that I have ever been in. Now the artificial person has been granted real person rights by the same court...
He is know for stiffing--other businesses-not paying his taxes etc.
Do a little research before you comment.
Whether he is a complete tool, owes taxes, or has sex with farm animals, is not the issue here. The issue is that he had a buyer for the house so the loan could be paid off and get out from under the foreclosure. The bank chose instead to profiteer on this issue, trust me, they would not use the excess profits to pay his other debts. A person should have the opportunity to clear their debts first if they choose to. Especially since we bailed these cocksuckers out against our will. When do we see a return on our forced investment?
You may continue your support of the artificial persons now...
@ SeriouslyPeople
Thanks for checking out the Granby incident, the Goobermint was seizing his property to give to the concrete plant next door to him. After the Sublime court granted corporations the right to use immenent domain. Now if Bin Laden wants to put a quicky mart where your house is, the Goobermint would be honored to take your home away from you for him (extreme example).
Welcome to the Collective, they have been building it for many years... With the help of the herd animals of both parties of course.
All of this and the fact that the he just plain old is refusing to pay what he owes is THE REAL STORY HERE. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH A MORTGAGE LOAN, just legal problems he refuses to cough up. So IF you like him so much YOU pay his deadbeat debt.
Citizens who are losing their homes due to foreclosure are facing another dilemma.
After the foreclosure, the lenders are auctioning off or selling the homes for a fraction of their value. The foreclosed upon homeowner, must then face the judgments and wage garnishments that the lender has imposed upon them through the courts, and must pay the difference between the amount borrowed and the sale price of the home.
Thus, the citizens that have been foreclosed upon, are facing wage garnishments, bank account freezes and losses of other assets. They cannot afford attorneys to fight the judgment based on the fact that their houses should have been sold at fair market value.
Losing a home to foreclosure is bad enough, but suffering wage garnishments and bank account freezes is just compounding the problem. How can our economy ever recover when the lending industry is sinking the foreclosed upon homeowners into even deeper financial debt.
There has been much media coverage of the Foreclosure Crisis, however, this side of the story is not being covered.
Man Bulldozes House, but Media Only Tells Half the Story
Do you really support this guy? SOunds like a complete tool to me. The Granby story is entirely different. That was about a guy that stood up to the government that had no right to seize property he rightfully owned. This story is about a douchebag that doesnt want to pay his taxes or any of his creditors.
No i don't support him...but it's a funny story...
Sometimes you gotta fight douchebags with douchebaginess like this douchebag did. WE ARE after all a nation of douchebags.
May those bankers who have raped America spontaneously leap from buildings to prove they can fly...
And may those who support the bankers rape of America attempt to catch them.
Two birds, one stone.,1189397.shtml
Go ahead, try to catch a banker... I think you can do it.