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Don't Want To Be An American Idiot (VIDEO)


Too Bad It's Not Bernanke: Boozy Chimp Sent To Rehab

Smoking Chimp Drinking

Ai Ai, a 26-year-old chimpanzee, enjoys a cigarette after a meal in his glass enclosure at the zoo in Xian, in central China's Shaanxi province.  He has been sent to rehab by zookeepers to cure the smoking and beer-drinking habits he has picked up, a popular daily reported on Friday.

Relax.  It's Friday.

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Jon Stewart: Congratulations America, Scott Brown Is Your 45th President (Daily Show VIDEO)


RADICAL: Obama May Prohibit All Home Foreclosures Without Review by Loan Modification Program

Home Mortgage Foreclosure

Foreclosures are the solution, not the problem.  Housing prices are still much too high versus incomes in most of the country.  It was a great thing that home modification programs weren't working, and now Obama wants to make it mandatory. 

When will we allow the market to finally correct itself naturally, instead of these ridiculous attempts at spend, pretend & extend.  Politics wins, you lose, again. 

And if you're a renter, then there's really nothing anyone can say to ease the continued injustice.

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HILARIOUS: Power goes out on Chavez during anti-capitalism rant (VIDEO)

Video:  The lights go out on Hugo Chavez during a press conference rant undoubtedly about the devil Yankees who live to the North -- Feb. 26, 2010

A bit of Friday funny...


Venezuelan Link (in Spanish)  >>


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David Gergen On Health Summit: GOP "Had Their Best Day In Years" (VIDEO)

Video:  Gergen On Obama's Health Care Confab -- Feb. 25, 2010

  • "Dems didn't get breakthrough they wanted..."
  • "GOP had their best day in years and evened the score..."


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Jamie Dimon: JPMorgan Is Not Too Big To Fail (VIDEO)

Video:  Dimon with Charlie Rose -- December 22, 2009

  • "You punks must be thinking of Pandit and Citigroup.  JPMorgan could be sliced, diced and split this week, given the correct authority of course."

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Robert Prechter: "The bond market is the biggest bubble in the history of the world" (VIDEO)

Video:  Robert Prechter with Aaron Task & Henry Blodgett -- Feb. 25, 2010

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Kenneth Rogoff Speech On Sovereign Debt Default (VIDEO)

Video:  Former chief economist at the IMF and current Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Harvard University, Kenneth Rogoff speaks at Project Syndicate's Global Editors' Forum.

I found the rest of the speech.  Runs 12 minutes.

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Goldman Sachs Is 'Morally Culpable' for Greek Debt (Video)


The Predictable Odor of the Goldman Sachs Seepage


John Stossel, Glenn Beck & Penn Jillette Discuss The Nanny State, Canada and ObamaCare (VIDEO)

Video:  Cato Institute Fellow Penn Jillette and John Stossel join Glenn Beck to discuss health care, the nanny state, Canada and more -- Fall 2009

I haven't even watched this clip yet, so let's hope it doesn't suck.  I will watch it as soon as I finish posting.  Apparently (verified it), Penn Jillette from Penn and Teller, is a fellow for the CATO Institute.

UPDATE:  Teller is also a Cato Institute Fellow and Libertarian:

  • Teller, on the other hand, has been quieter about his politics, but did come clean during an online chat on WashingtonPost.com. When asked who he supported in the 2000 election, Teller said, "I am Libertarian. Democrats and Republicans, well, it's kind of like a 'magician's choice' -- two identical incumbent organizations pretending to be different so that we will vote the same old mob back into power. I think our only hope is to support intelligent third-party candidates." (December 29, 2000.)

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Big Government Cronies: John Stossel On Crony Capitalism And The Obama White House (VIDEO)

Video:  Excerpt from John Stossell's  phenomenal report on Crony Capitalism -- Full investigative report is embedded at the bottom of this story.

While most of the window business seems to be in decline, one little-known company is receiving serious attention from Obama and Biden.

Complete video and accompanying article are inside.

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Bogie & Bacall: Ron Paul And Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke (VIDEO From Today's Hearing)

Video:  Rep. Ron Paul and Monetizer Bernanke at today's Humphrey Hawkins -- relating to agreements with foreign central banks and Greece -- Feb. 24, 2010

Fed Chairman Bernanke is before the Financial Services Committee to testify on monetary policy and the state of the economy.  Two short clips.

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