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History Of U.S. Debt Defaults, U.S. Considers Asset Sales To Pay Bills, Registrar Vs. Robosigners, As SEC Starves Wall Street Tossed A Bone, Bernanke Rules On Chatty Fed (Links)


Max Keiser: "Lloyd Blankfein And Tony Blair Have Been Marked For Death By Libyan Hit Squads"

The money quote comes in the first minute.


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How Goldman Sachs Turned A $1.3 Billion Investment From Libya Into $25 Million In Less Than A Year (A 98% LOSS)

Updated on Jul 18, 2011 at 1:30 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Col. Gadhafi's son, Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, on left, with Mustafa Zarti, a former executive at Libya's sovereign-wealth fund.

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BLACK GOLD GRAB: Bombing Libya To Save The Dollar


Former CIA Analyst Tells CNN Anchor She Is Carrying The Water For Obama On Libya, The Interview Abruptly Ends

Start watching at the 4:30 mark.  Brilliant attack.  The CNN anchors can't handle the truth.

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HA! HA! HA! - Tucson Mayoral Candidate Takes Ownership Of Hundreds Of Foreclosed Homes, Changes Locks, Kicks Out Real-Estate Agents And Posts "Do Not Trespass" Signs

This is a bizarre, feel-good story of the banks, and Fannie and Freddie, getting a taste of their own medicine.  Wait until you read these details.  Foreclosure anarchy has arrived.

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I Pledge Allegiance To America's Debt, And To The Chinese Government That Lends Us Money (Video)

Video - Pledge of Debt Allegiance from 1st-graders.

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Mortgage Company Completely Trashes Man's Home, Steals All His Belongings - Cops Decline To Investigate

The victim had fallen behind on his house payments but was NOT in foreclosure.  His mortgage company, thinking Florida was a so-called self-help state (it is not), hired paid thugs to destroy his home and steal his belongings.  The local sheriff called it a civil case and has declined to investigate.

Quotes from the mortgage company and sheriff inside.

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MUST READ OUTRAGE: Man Rots In Jail For Five Days, Loses Job & Car - All For Cashing A JPMorgan Chase Check At Chase Bank, Bank Admits Error One Year Later ONLY After Story Hits The Media

This is an unbelievable story befitting the U.S. Kleptocracy.  Meanwhile Jamie Dimon gets a trillion or so of your money thru stealth bailouts, and the media gushes and celebrates.

It's been a year since the incident, and Chase didn't apologize until the story hit the local Seattle media, after the wrongly-imprisoned man lost his job and his car as a direct result of JPMorgan's error.

You are not going to believe these details.

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Obama Girl Nightmare - "I'm A Ron Paul Girl"

Obama Girl Nightmare - By Youtube's 'Ron Paul Girl'

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Chris Whalen: "Geithner Is Wrong! There Is No Downside To Not Raising The Debt Ceiling" (Video)

Video - Chris Whalen on Tech Ticker - June 6, 2011

A lonely voice of sanity from the world's best independent banking analyst.

Why Congress should vote no on raising the debt ceiling...

  • "My view is that Congress should vote down any debt ceiling measure unless President Obama agrees to sign the balanced budget amendment. Even if Secretary Geithner has to run the US government on cash, like the good people of Iceland and Ireland today, it will be a good thing for America's political debate to default — at least for a few weeks. Then people will know that the once unthinkable is very possible."

More from Chris at Reuters:

Default, debt ceilings and democracy...

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How To Make California Prosper - California Public Bank


CHART: China Passes India As World's Biggest Gold Buyer

Details inside.

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A Banking Model That Works In The Badlands