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Sheila Bair: 'I Can't Believe Bernake, Geithner & Paulson Bailed Out Bear Stearns' (LINKS)


What Happened To The $2.6T Social Security Trust Fund?, China Gets Nervous About U.S. AAA, Deficit Hits $1T For 2011, Issa Bought Goldman Bonds Then Pressured SEC To Stop Prosecution, Moody's Hints At Muni Downgrade (Links)


Jon Stewart: NBC News Was Too Busy Explaining 'LOL' And 'Muffin Top' To Report On GE's Zero Tax Bill

Stewart questions whether Obama tapped GE head Jeff Immelt to be his Chairperson of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness as a corporate demonstration on how to layoff American workers and escape paying taxes.

  • "I know the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people.  But what they didn't realize is that those people are a**holes."

Video inside.


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Bloomberg's Jonathan Weil Rips Sheila Bair Over Bailout Lies: 'No Such Thing As Too Big To Fail'


PHOTO - Donald Rumsfeld Groped By The TSA

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Apple's Steve Wozniak Prints And Spends His Own $2 Bills, And Swears That The Secret Service Has Approved Them

Video - Woz's $2 Bill Note Pads - The Engadget Show

Woz discusses his bit of creative currency manipulation, and swears that his custom $2 bills can get you "arrested, but not convicted, and that they have been approved by the Secret Service on 3 different occasions."  

Anyone have any idea how this is possible and not considered counterfeiting?  He claims he has been spending them for 20 years in his hometown of Los Gatos, California.

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CHART: Big Corporate Jobs 1964 Vs. 2011

Fifty years ago, the four most valuable U.S. companies employed an average of 430,000 people with an average market cap of $180 billion. This year, the four largest U.S. companies employ an average 120,000 people with an average market cap of $334 billion. The titans of 2011 have twice the the value of their 1964 counterparts with a quarter of the employees.

Chart is inside.

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Matt Taibbi, Josh Rosner With Eliot Spitzer On Goldman Sachs Criminal Utopia: "A White Elephant, Flying Pigs And A Unicorn All At Once"

Just watch the last 3 minutes.  

Unless you work for Goldman, you'll be pleased by what you hear.

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Mainstream Media Gets Arrested: Newark Cop's Violent Reaction Caught On Tape When His 'Authority' Questioned

Cop:  "I can do whatever the hell I want."

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Sheila Bair Op-Ed Blames Bernanke, Geithner & Paulson, Another Wall Street Tax Loophole, Merrill Warns Of MAJOR Crisis In Italy, Murdoch Paid NO Taxes On $10B In Profits, Libertarians Call For Arrest Of TSA Agents (LINKS)


Mitt Romney - Net Worth Over $200 Million - Tells Unemployed People ‘I’m Also Unemployed’

Mittens Muttney is lucky he wasn't mugged at his Tampa campaign stop.

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Carl Seel: Lawmaker Responds To $100K Mortgage Principal Reduction By Dropping Legislation

Arizona Rep. Carl Seel was supposed to propose an amendment to hold lenders accountable in foreclosure situations, but at the last minute he didn't.  At the same time the principal on his mortgage was reduced by more than 50 percent.  Coincidence?  You decide.

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Lawsuit Claims Banks Manipulated Libor Leading To Billions For JPMorgan, AG Deal With Banks Investigated, Moody's Fraud Warning Rocks Chinese Shares, $1.2M Mansion For $10K, Greece Default Now Seen As 'Inevitable' (LINKS)


Obama: Job Losses Prove That The Stimulus Worked

Video - Obankster on jobs and the failed stimulus from yesterday's press conference

The stimulus was a resounding joke, supporting politically important states at the expense of everyone else, and expanding the deficit.  $800 billion that accomplished nothing outside of burying your children under an even greater debt burden.  Allow me to repeat, we borrow 43 cents of every dollar Washington spends.  43 cents and nothing to show for it.

From the archives:

Transcript is inside.

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