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Warren Buffett's $600 Million INTEREST-FREE Loan From Taxpayers & Many Other Ways The Government HOSES You To HELP The Insanely Rich!


Rochester NY Sends 25 Police Cars And The SWAT Team To Evict Woman From Late Husband's Home, 6 Arrested

Video - Take Back The Land - Rochester Eviction Defense - Mar. 28, 2011

Take Back the Land - Rochester engages in an eviction defense of the Lennon-Griffin family home.  Six members are arrested, as is an elderly neighbor who dared complain about the police overkill.

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Flashback 2006: Obama On Raising The Debt Ceiling

In 2006, Senator Obama argued and voted against raising the debt ceiling.  In 2007 and 2008, he didn't bother to vote.  In 2006:

  • "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.  It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills.  It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies.  Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.  Leadership means that the buck stops here.  Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.   America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Senator Barack Obama, March 2006

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Pelosi Speaks: 'Obama Has Shown More Patience During Debt Ceiling Talks Than Biblical Job' (Video)

Video - Pelosi on Obama's Biblical Patience Over Debt Talks - July 14, 2011

We are purposely not covering the debt ceiling soap opera very closely, but this was too good to pass up as Nancy grabbed the microphone on Thursday.  Transcript is inside.

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The National Debt Has Increased More Under Tim Geithner Than Under Any Treasury Secretary In U.S. History

Details inside including a list of the top 8 debt-accumulating Treasury Secretaries.

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THE ARROGANCE OF OBAMA: The Deficit President Doesn't Care About Your Opinion On The Debt Ceiling

How soon is November 2012?

The second they raise the debt ceiling, things will return to normal - borrowing 43 cents of every dollar and spending like Nicolas Cage on a slow night with only a half a dozen hookers. Here's a thought.  Cut the military-industrial killing machine in half and we'd be off to a good start - that's $800 billion annually, at a minimum - and end the ridiculous wars.

During his Monday press conference on the ongoing debt ceiling General Hospital, the Deficit President momentarily lost sight of his teleprompter and said that 'professional politicians understand the debt crisis better than the general public.'

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Obama Is Lying - There's Plenty Of Money To Continue Paying Social Security If The Debt Ceiling Is Not Raised

Video - Rep. Jan Schakowsky On WLS Chicago - July 13, 2011

The proof comes at the 3:20 mark, but the entire clip is worth seeing.

Related story from last week:


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Geithner Is Hounded Through The Halls Of Congress: "Do You Work For Wall Street Or The American People!"

Video - Mike Stark Asks Geithner About AIG Counterparty Payments

This is classic stuff as Mike attempts to follow Turbo through the lower chambers asking questions about AIG payouts at par.  Tim hears every word but won't acknowledge Stark, even slightly.  Best 2 questions from an interviewer I've seen.  Hilarious and weird at the same time; Geithner's so close you could reach out and slap the 'smug' right off his face.

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THE BAILOUT NERVE - After Costing Taxpayers $182 Billion, The CEO Of AIG Thinks Self Regulation Is Sufficient

In the aftermath of the financial crisis, American International Group was bailed out by the federal government. But evidently, that truth hasn't stopped their current CEO from arguing that the company should be allowed to regulate itself.

This week, when asked by CNN's Poppy Harlow for his opinion on financial reform, AIG CEO Robert Benmosche made his views clear. "Right now, the most important thing is that we've got to get companies to regulate themselves and to do the right thing," he told CNN viewers. The regulator's job, he continued, is "to figure out how to improve that system."

In 2008, AIG required a $180 billion bailout package in order to stay afloat after the company teetered close to collapse, according to CNN. Prior to the collapse, the company had insured $441 billion worth of mortgage-backed securities for Wall Street banks in the form of credit default swaps, reports Bloomberg. When the system imploded, AIG became the big insurer that couldn't keep up.

Still, in the CNN interview, Benmosche defended investment banks, saying the practices employed were not criminal, simply the result of bad management.

"It could be just sloppy underwriting, it could be sloppy business," Benmosche said. "And that's just not illegal, unless you portray something one way and you knew it wasn't."

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Ross Perot On NAFTA And The 'Giant Sucking Sound' (1992)

A short clip from the 1992 Presidential Debates with Clinton, George Herbert Walker Bush, and H. Ross Perot, the third party candidate.  Perot used the phrase "giant sucking sound" when referring to the NAFTA deal, and 19 years later, it's difficult to argue with his prognostication skills.

Much more inside including Hillary Clinton admitting in the 2008 debate that NAFTA was a failure and the famous Larry King Live NAFTA battle between Al Gore and Perot.

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You Can Dance If You Want To, Just Not At The Jefferson Memorial (Video Round-Up)

Don't try dancing at the Jefferson Memorial, or you'll be arrested by a fascist park ranger.

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The Top 10 Failures Of Federal Reserve Chairman Helicopter Ben Bernanke


Congressional Testimony From Dr. James K. Galbraith: The Role of Fraud in the Financial Crisis


Dow Down 150, New CFPB Head Speaks On Liz Warren, How To Tax The Rich (Dilbert), Fitch Warns Of Horrible Accounting In China, Fascist Bankers, The Critical Difference Between The Top 1% And The Top .1% (LINKS)