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Ross Perot On NAFTA And The 'Giant Sucking Sound' (1992)

Much more below including Hillary Clinton admitting in the 2008 debate that NAFTA was a failure and the famous Larry King Live NAFTA battle between Al Gore and Perot.

A short clip from the 1992 Presidential Debates with Clinton, George Herbert Walker Bush, and H. Ross Perot, the third party candidate.  Perot used the phrase "giant sucking sound" when referring to the NAFTA deal, and 19 years later, it's difficult to argue with his prognostication skills.


Hillary asked about NAFTA during a 2008 debate...

She is forced to admit NAFTA was a failure.


A longer clip from the 1992 debate.


The famous Larry King Live NAFTA debate between Al Gore and Perot.





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Reader Comments (11)

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — U.S. stocks fell sharply on Monday, the first day of a busy earnings week, as investors fretted about Europe’s debt crisis and the debate over lifting the U.S. debt ceiling.

Jul 18, 2011 at 12:41 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Perot made hist fortune selling desert land to the military, much as did Margaret Chase-Smith did selling swampland in Maine that became (the now defunct Loring Air Force Base). Perot lost my support back the with the lesbian photo issue regarding his daughter. I knew a few who worked in the intel community (pentagon level) personally that went around the country hanging out at 'hippie events, county fair or energy based green events that were great Perot supporters.

Like AL Gore, the motives became obvious after a short period of time. WE look at the Rupert Murdoch scandal now and need to go back a few years (pre-2001) and look at how BAE systems et.al. were able to circumvent domestic spying issues, especially for 'business purposes'.

IMHO, Ross (EDS/Perot systems) served a purpose. Al Gore threw the race for his business interests, (Trillion dollar market vs. being a president)... I suspect that Mr. Perot played his cards much in the same way.
Jul 18, 2011 at 12:41 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
i agree john...perot was no saint, under any circumstances...but i always thought he was right on NAFTA...
Jul 18, 2011 at 12:43 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jul 18, 2011 at 1:14 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Look, NAFTA was supported by businesses that wanted to send jobs overseas, and they paid off the politicians to make it happen. Nothing different than today. There *IS* just one solution… public funding of campaigns. Corrupt politicians got us into this mess, and only removing the corruption will correct it.

Jack Lohman
Jul 18, 2011 at 1:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterJack Lohman
I still have VHS tapes of all of the 92 debates. Silly I know. I just never got around to tossing them. I remember Perot crushing both Bush and Clinton on every topic. I remember one topic (Boeing airlines) came up because Perot had mentioned in a counter that there was a bill making it's way through congress that would in effect but Boeing way behind Airbus. That the bill had the potential to end Boeing. When Bush was asked about what Perot was talking about, Bush simply could not comment because he had no idea the Bill had been introduced. Of course Clinton had no idea either but performed verbal judo and got the crowed focused on something else entirely. Perot still has my vote. Always felt like he was the one that got away. Man O Man that one sucked.

I'm voting for Dr. Paul and I don't mind saying it. Just got to keep on hitting back with the truth. I would like to see him win as much as he perhaps wants to win. Now I'm going to watch this video. LOL! Thanks DB.
Jul 19, 2011 at 1:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterDave
It is painful to watch Al Gore communicate like a child. I never saw that Larry King interview before. It definitely shows exactly what a "POLITICIAN" is. A priceless return from Perot at one point "Lets have an unnatural event and let me finish speaking". LOL!!! I realize this is perhaps petit as a point made and more deserving as a post on "THE ARROGANCE OF OBAMA" article. However I am a person who tends to look up a word in the dictionary even when I think I have great understanding of the word.

So, I looked up the words POLITICIAN & PROFESSIONAL. I was surprised to find out that the dictionary really does not depict one as conducive to the other. Unless you consider a flawless and overbearing liar who belittles people to be in a way professional. I suppose that would make me wrong in my understanding of the words and their meaning. If anyone has experience with an attorney in the way of a consult etc. You may have some idea how they are trained to talk right over you as if you are ignorant and worthless. Not to say they are all that way but watching all of the videos It is blatant how accurate the dictionary is regarding the description of a Politician.

politician |ˌpäləˈti sh ən|
a person who is professionally involved in politics, esp. as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.
• a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.


campaigning politicians make more promises than they can keep legislator, elected official, statesman, stateswoman, public servant; senator, congressman, congresswoman; informal politico, pol.

professional |prəˈfe sh ənl|
1 [ attrib. ] of, relating to, or connected with a profession : young professional people | the professional schools of Yale and Harvard.
2 (of a person) engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime : a professional boxer.
• having or showing the skill appropriate to a professional person; competent or skillful : their music is both memorable and professional.
• worthy of or appropriate to a professional person : his professional expertise.
• informal derogatory denoting a person who persistently makes a feature of a particular activity or attribute : a professional naysayer.
a person engaged or qualified in a profession : professionals such as lawyers and surveyors.
• a person engaged in a specified activity, esp. a sport or branch of the performing arts, as a main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
• a person competent or skilled in a particular activity : she was a real professional on stage.
professionally |- sh ənl-ē| adverb


1 people in professional occupations white-collar, nonmanual. antonym blue-collar.
2 a professional rugby player paid, salaried. antonym amateur.
3 a thoroughly professional performance expert, accomplished, skillful, masterly, masterful, fine, polished, skilled, proficient, competent, able, experienced, practiced, trained, seasoned, businesslike, deft; informal ace, crack, top-notch. antonym amateurish.
4 not a professional way to behave appropriate, fitting, proper, honorable, ethical, correct, comme il faut. antonym inappropriate, unethical.
1 affluent young professionals white-collar worker, office worker. antonym blue-collar worker.
2 his first season as a professional professional player, paid player, salaried player; informal pro. antonym amateur.
3 she was a real professional on stage expert, virtuoso, old hand, master, maestro, past master; informal pro, ace, wizard, whiz, hotshot, maven, crackerjack. antonym amateur.
Jul 19, 2011 at 2:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterDave
Great comments dave...enjoyed reading them...i also supported perot, over the other 2 flunkies...and i also will be voting for ron paul in 2012...
Jul 19, 2011 at 2:22 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
@jack...you are right about the role of money in politics...but you already knew i felt that way...
Jul 19, 2011 at 2:23 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I thought I would comment on this to bring it back up from the DB dust bin. The latest item I am working on includes some shenanigans directly related to NAFTA and hope the next sdministration addresses these problems.
May 26, 2016 at 9:14 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn

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