Ross Perot On NAFTA And The 'Giant Sucking Sound' (1992)
Jul 19, 2011 at 12:04 AM
DailyBail in al gore, hillary clinton, jobs, jobs, nafta, ross perot, video

Much more below including Hillary Clinton admitting in the 2008 debate that NAFTA was a failure and the famous Larry King Live NAFTA battle between Al Gore and Perot.

A short clip from the 1992 Presidential Debates with Clinton, George Herbert Walker Bush, and H. Ross Perot, the third party candidate.  Perot used the phrase "giant sucking sound" when referring to the NAFTA deal, and 19 years later, it's difficult to argue with his prognostication skills.


Hillary asked about NAFTA during a 2008 debate...

She is forced to admit NAFTA was a failure.


A longer clip from the 1992 debate.


The famous Larry King Live NAFTA debate between Al Gore and Perot.





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