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Why Keep Paying The Bank?

Video - Dylan Ratigan with Ryan Grim

Why keep paying the bank: examining the pros and cons of walking away from an underwater mortgage.

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The Run Upon The Bankers - Poem by Jonathan Swift


Sen. Inhofe: "It's The Outrage Of The Year; The EPA Is Wasting Tax Money All Over World!"

Video - Sen. Jim Inhofe On EPA Foreign Waste - July 24, 2011

Full write-up inside.  43 cents of every dollar Washington spends is borrowed.

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S&P Warns Of U.S. Death Spiral, Obama's NEXT Bailout, Moody's Cuts Greece AGAIN, Banks Challenge $8.5B BofA Settlement, Unconstitutional SUPER Congress (LINKS)


An Open Letter From Judge Andrew Napolitano To House Speaker John Boehner (Video & Transcript)

Video - Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - July 13, 2011

Complete text of the letter is inside.

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People Begin Living Without Electricity And Water In California - Squatters In Their Own Homes (Video)

Video:  Candles, lanterns and 10-gallon water jugs

The author claims that 25% of the people in his area are squatting in their own property - presumably meaning they have stopped paying their mortgages but have yet to be evicted.

Very quick slideshow...


Rep. Marcy Kaptur Warned About Foreclosure Fraud 2 Years Ago: "They can't find the paper up there on Wall Street, Make Them Prove They Own Your Loan" (VIDEO)

Runs 30 seconds.  Quotes and questions inside.

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Rent Is Too Damn High Interrupts Peter Schiff At CPAC

Video - Schiff is being interviewed in the lobby of CPAC 2011

Comedy ensues.

  • "Cuz the deficit is too damn high!"

The bank bailout message comes at 2:45 into the clip.  It is a thing of beauty.

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Angelo Walks: Feds Drop Criminal Probe Against Mozilo

Mozilo will not go to prison.

According to Los Angeles Times' sources, Angelo Mozilo has been the subject of a secret federal criminal investigation since 2008, and the 3-year investigation has now been officially closed with no indictments.

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SNL: Obama Takes A Break From The G-20 To Decide The Fate Of American Companies

A pretty funny clip from back in 2009.

Obama has decided which American companies will continue to exist (and receive a subsidy) and which will be asked to go quietly out of business.

"My administration intends to do to every industry in this country, exactly what we are doing to the automakers. Every company will be vetted for fiscal soundness. Those judged best able to compete in the global economy will be offered a governmental subsidy. The others will be asked to cease operations at once. Hopefully, they will do so voluntarily, if not, they will be shut down by force."

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Jim Demint's Open Letter To New Senators: How NOT To Be Co-Opted By The Washington Spending Machine


California Prison Academy Is Better Than A Harvard Degree

Prison guards can retire at the age of 55 and earn 85% of their final year's salary for the rest of their lives.  They also continue to receive medical benefits.

Roughly 2,000 students have to decide by Sunday whether to accept a spot at Harvard. Here's some advice: Forget Harvard. If you want to earn big bucks and retire young, you're better off becoming a California prison guard.

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How One Texas Man Got A McMansion For $16

It's called 'adverse possession' and it's also happening in Tuscon in a big way, by an independent mayoral candidate no less.

The neighbors are angry, but we imagine the bank is not upset as the property is being managed and kept properly for free.  They will probably move to evict him before the required 3 years are up.

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Ron Paul And Dylan Ratigan: Who's Regulating Washington?

Ron Paul On Radio Free Dylan - July 13, 2011

Listen on your mobile device

This is a longer interview than I normally post, but it's worth setting aside the time.  The complete transcript is available inside.

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