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Jim Rogers: "Debt Ceiling Talks Are A Charade, The U.S. Has ALREADY Lost It's AAA Rating" (WSJ Interview)

Video - WSJ Interview With Jimmy Rogers - July 25, 2011

Contrarian Rogers admits he is now long the U.S. dollar for a trade given everyone's greenback pessimism, especially his own.  Excellent clip.

Recently from Jimmy:

"Abolish The Fed! We're Better Off Without A Central Bank": Jim Rogers With Former CNBC Analyst Jeff Macke


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Yves Smith: Debt Ceiling Extortion Of The American People: "Prepare For TARP 2.0 - Baseless Fear Mongering Returns!"

Video - Yves Smith On The Real News Network - July 24, 2011

Excellent interview conducted this weekend.  Article inside from Yves spells out the details of the extortion from Geithner and the Obankster.  Henry Paulson even makes an appearance to complete the Kleptocratic triumvirate.  Give this one a few minutes.

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BOMBSHELL: Check Out This Industry Catalog And Price Sheet For FABRICATED Foreclosure Documents

You wanted concrete proof of widespread lost mortgage documentation?

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Erin Burnett Calls The Federal Reserve A Ponzi Scheme

And that's just the start.  Prepare to be impressed by the former banking apologista.

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400 Richest Americans Pay 18% Tax Rate, Ron Paul Gets HUGE Iowa Endorsement, U.S. Closer To Losing AAA, Matt Taibbi On Corporate Tax Holiday, Kunstler On Debt Ceiling Charade, Radioactive Cesium In Japanese Beef (LINKS)


Watch Jon Stewart Expose Bernanke's Lies From 60 Minutes: The Big Bank Theory

This is definitely worth the 3 minutes.

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Smartest Dog Ever: The Anti-Obama Dog (Comedy Genius)

One of the best ever.

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"Abolish The Fed! We're Better Off Without A Central Bank": Jim Rogers With Former CNBC Analyst Jeff Macke

Outstanding clip.

This is the first time we've seen the former Fast Money analyst Macke in a long, long while though it appears from this segment that he's been working for Yahoo for a few months.

Jimmy Rogers transcribed:

"I would abolish the FED and resign.  We have had three central banks in America the first two disappeared, and this one is going to disappear because between Greenspan and Bernanke have taken on a staggering amount of debt.  Junk, a lot of it is junk and eventually it is just going to disappear because the U.S. is going to go bankrupt.  They are not doing what's good for the world.  First of all they have taken on this huge debt which you and I would have to pay and everybody watching this show.  And secondly they have printed all this money.  We would have problems without a central bank but it is better without a central bank than with one that is like this.  We have to recognise the facts - we are the largest debtor nation in the history of the world, and until we at least face that reality and realize that we have been printing a lot of money and start to deal with that fact, it is just going to get worse."

Watch the very memorable (and bizarre) final appearance of Jeff Macke on CNBC...


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Examining Chrysler's 1979 Bailout: NPR Audio - Iacocca Bowing Before Carter (PHOTO)

Iacocca bows before Jimmy Carter after getting bailed out by Washington.

The 1979 Chrysler rescue was $1.5 billion, which adjusted for 3 decades of inflation would equal approximately $5 billion today.  That's nothing.  GMAC stuck out it's insolvent hand and Paulson, Geithner and Rattner coughed up $18 billion in '08-'09, and for a failed auto lender no less.

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Abigail Adams Purchases $3,164 Of U.S. Treasury Bonds In 1792 - Photo


You Gotta See This: Ohio Judge Follows JPMorgan's Advice And They Promptly Throw Him Into Foreclosure

It's the loan modification bait and switch...

  • "We won't consider your case if you're current on your mortgage."
  • "Now that you are behind on your payment, we have denied your modification, and have started foreclosure."  
  • Thank you for banking with JP Morgan Chase."

What's shocking, well maybe not so much for Jamie Dimon's operation, is that they did this to a judge.

Even more shocking?  That Bank of America didn't do it first


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Get A Rare Look Inside The Actual U.S. Treasury Auction Room - Where The $14T National Debt Goes For Love

Video:  CBS Evening News special report...

Solid clip that includes debt and deficit totals for every president since Reagan.

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The Banks Keep Stealing - Why Should You Keep Paying?

Editorial submitted by Dylan Ratigan.

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WalStreetPro Bailout Insanity Redux: "Tim Geithner is a worthless piece of maggot #@#!..."


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