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MUST READ: Activist Sunny Sheu Killed After Reporting Death Threat From NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia

Updated on Jun 23, 2011 at 3:22 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Updated on Jun 23, 2011 at 11:52 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Updated on Jun 24, 2011 at 1:43 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Updated on Jun 28, 2011 at 2:52 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Updated on Aug 2, 2011 at 10:12 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Newest update posted inside.

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Attention Gold Bugs: The Greatest Gold Chart & History Infographic We've Ever Seen

Huge infographic inside - for readers who missed it the first time around.

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S&P Global Debt Chief David Beers With Larry Kudlow On U.S. AAA Downgrade (VIDEO)

GLOBAL FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON - If U.S. Is Downgraded By Any Ratings Agency, A Technical Default Occurs And Possibly TRILLIONS In U.S. Sovereign CDS Must Be Honored And Paid - DERIVATIVES NIGHTMARE SCENARIO

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Donald Trump With Joe Kernen On The Debt Ceiling Deal: "The Cuts Are A Joke And Obama Is Incompetent"

Video - Donald Trump on Squawk Box - Aug. 1, 2011

Quotes transcribed inside.

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THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEBT DEAL: It's Pretty Much Meaningless - Only 2% Of Total Cuts To Take Place Before Obama Reelection, Manufacturing Index Falls To 2-Year Low, Iceland Should Be The Euro Debt Model (Links)

15 links are inside to save space on the front page.


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Lies, More Lies & Richard Fuld: Lehman's Fraudulent Dick

Today is the 3-year anniversary of Lehman's failure.

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The Grand Budget Compromise Cuts A Measly $21B From Next Year's Budget Of $3.7 TRILLION - Congress Creates A Rube Goldberg Doomsday Machine

By Randy Wray, Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and Senior Scholar at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College.

Don’t you feel relieved? After weeks of threats, hostage-taking, and other forms of deficit terrorism, our two political parties have finally “compromised” on what was always a foregone conclusion.

Superficially, the spending cuts don’t look like much. The grand compromise cuts $21 billion next year from a budget of $3.7 trillion—sort of like foregoing one Big Mac from your annual food budget. In spite of all the talk about needing to take the medicine now, rather than kicking the “deficit crisis” down the road, Congress adopted a plan to kick that can right down the interstate.

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Song: Brother, Can You Spare Some F.R.A.U.D. - The Federal Reserve's Accounting Unit - The Dollar

Watch this.  Zappa would be proud.  Bernanke prints a trillion by day.

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Zombie Bank: The Obama-Geithner-Bernanke Love Song

In honor of Halloween, and it's much better than you think.  2nd song inside.

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End The Fed - Original Song From James Cobb 


You Want Proof That Congress Is Owned By Corporations? Check Out What They Did Right Before Going On Break

CBS News Video - June 29, 2011 - Runs 2 minutes

The K-Street lobbying whores are at it again, right on schedule.

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War Spending Escapes Cuts In Debt Plan, Obama Blocks Oversight Of Mercenary Army In Iraq, When Budget Cuts Aren't Really Cuts, Debt Deal Factsheet, Some Bankers Never Learn, From Wall St. To Washington And Back Again (Links)


Ronald Reagan - The Death Of Our Nation

Given tonight's GOP debate at the Reagan Library, we are bringing back a few of our previously published clips.

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Reagan Tells Soviet Jokes (VIDEO)