War Spending Escapes Cuts In Debt Plan, Obama Blocks Oversight Of Mercenary Army In Iraq, When Budget Cuts Aren't Really Cuts, Debt Deal Factsheet, Some Bankers Never Learn, From Wall St. To Washington And Back Again (Links)
War Spending Escapes Any Real Cuts In Debt Plan - Washington Post
Exclusive: U.S. Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq - Wired
Meet the 17 countries in the AAA debt club - CNN
Denninger On Budget Deal - When Cuts Aren't Really Cuts
The Truth About Chinese Threats To Dump US Debt
Rahm Emanuel: Chicago Finances Are Even Worse Than Everyone Thought
29 People Who Went From Wall Street To Washington To Wall Street
Gretchen Morgenson Is Right: Bankers Have No Shame - Dean Baker
Tea Partiers Oppose Cuts to Social Security and Medicare, NOT Just Democrats
Some Bankers Never Learn - Gretchen Morgenson
OECD to Obama: Propagandize U.S. Citizens into Supporting Global Aid Projects
Charts: Weak GDP and even weaker consumption
Ding Dong: Government Calling - Karl Denninger
In Secret, Senate Panel May Re-Up Vast Surveillance Dragnet - Wired
Goldman Sachs: US Faces AAA Downgrade if it Counts End of War as Deficit Reduction
Reader Comments (21)
Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies ....
Similarly, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - often called the "central banks' central bank", as it coordinates transactions between central banks, and which is the entity determining the level of reserves banks are required to keep worldwide - is itself owned by the central banks of the world.
Video - Ratigan with Darrell Issa, Chairman of House Oversight, discussing his first committee subpoena: Countrywide's VIP loan program for friends of CEO Angelo Mozilo - Feb. 17, 2011
Full story from the Washington Post inside. According to Issa, besides Senators Chris Dodd, Kent Conrad and likely others still unnamed, more than 150 fannie, freddie employees got sweetheart loans.
Very frightening read...tons of detail...
So it seems it was done in order to bring soldiers home and hide the fact that money is still being flooded to pay these army's for hire. I would say that it is strange but nothing surprises me anymore. I wonder how many don't really know this is going on or why?
Now for the Bombshell.....
Bombshell: High and rising price for carbon pollution emerges as credible deficit reduction strategy
It was only a week ago that S&P said anything under $4 trillion in deficit cuts would be an automatic downgrade for the US. So according to the CBO's just released score of the bipartisan budget, the S&P will have to cut its rating of the US in half, since the total budget cuts will be just over 50% of what S&P demanded previously. And here's the funny part: of the $917 billion in known cuts (the other $1.2 billion is factored but not even the CBO has any clue what it will look like), a whopping 2% in cuts will take places before the Obama election. 2%! This whole charade is there only to make sure the president is reelected. Oh, and of course to make sure S&P does not downgrade the US. Which is where we get back to the fun. THE FUN. Because as it turns out, that whole $4 trillion thing.... S&P was only kidding. "It appears that the perception Standard & Poor's seemed to harbour, that the U.S. needed to find a $4trn sized package in order to keep its triple A rating, is unfounded.
Note: They were bullshitting us again!
As I have mentioned in previous posts, the carbon tax in all likelihood be implemented between now or after the 2012 elections for the purpose of balancing budgets. When Markley Waxman failed about a year ago I had a feeling that it will come back in spades. Waxman is now pushing climate change education and we all know that any carbon tax will be used for other purposes but sold to the public as a feel good environmental thing....
Second the committee could choose to eliminate or change tax expenditures without touching marginal rates and brackets, as long as they were tax expenditures that would otherwise have been permanent fixtures of the tax code. The mortgage interest deduction is one example; the exemption of employer-sponsored health insurance is another.
Third, the committee could come up with a brand new tax added-on to the current tax system. A carbon tax or a VAT would both fit this description.
So there’s actually plenty of accounting room for higher revenues under a current law baseline.
Robert S. Finnegan, USMC (1976-1984)
The Free Peoples Of The United States In Exile
Jakarta, Indonesia