War Spending Escapes Cuts In Debt Plan, Obama Blocks Oversight Of Mercenary Army In Iraq, When Budget Cuts Aren't Really Cuts, Debt Deal Factsheet, Some Bankers Never Learn, From Wall St. To Washington And Back Again (Links)
Aug 1, 2011 at 2:02 AM
DailyBail in debt ceiling, links, links

War Spending Escapes Any Real Cuts In Debt Plan - Washington Post

Exclusive: U.S. Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq - Wired

Meet the 17 countries in the AAA debt club - CNN

Denninger On Budget Deal - When Cuts Aren't Really Cuts

FACTSHEET: The Debt Deal

The Truth About Chinese Threats To Dump US Debt

Rahm Emanuel: Chicago Finances Are Even Worse Than Everyone Thought

29 People Who Went From Wall Street To Washington To Wall Street

Gretchen Morgenson Is Right: Bankers Have No Shame - Dean Baker

Tea Partiers Oppose Cuts to Social Security and Medicare, NOT Just Democrats

Some Bankers Never Learn - Gretchen Morgenson

OECD to Obama: Propagandize U.S. Citizens into Supporting Global Aid Projects

Charts: Weak GDP and even weaker consumption

Ding Dong: Government Calling - Karl Denninger

In Secret, Senate Panel May Re-Up Vast Surveillance Dragnet - Wired

WAKE UP AMERICA! - The Real U.S. Budget Problem: Defense & War Spending Equal 94% Of All Federal Income Tax Revenues

Goldman Sachs: US Faces AAA Downgrade if it Counts End of War as Deficit Reduction





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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